
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs


Linfel stepped back into the bustling Mission Hall, a hub of activity for Familiars and Maguses of all ranks. As a Rank C Independent Familiar, he knew he had a two-hour wait after a new mission was posted before he could apply. 'Ah, the options are expanding. I'm still limited to Two Stars Missions, but they're no longer just menial tasks.'

Going through the list, Linfel finally found an interesting one.

-Defensive Diagram Runes test help needed. The chosen Magus or Familiar will play a crucial role in charging the runes as our company puts their resistance to the test. But remember, signing an NDA is a must. We value our secrets as much as you do.-

'NDA?' Linfel had never heard that term before. He quickly took a look in his MCOM inside his Spatial Inventory and found. 'Oh! Non-Disclosure Agreement. I can't talk about the test after I finish the job. Well, I guess it is normal. Everyone has their secrets.'

-Location: Vaxwel Researching Facility...

Linfel quickly took the task and left. At the same time, he sent Alvin a message. 'I'm going to this Vaxwel Facility to complete a task. Let me know if you need something.' And so, Linfel left the Academy for the first time without Alvin.

"Still, this is truly a stark contrast to any city from back in my time...." Linfel murmured as he made his way through the streets. The Academy was located quite close to the city center, so Linfel wasn't far from the Vaxwel Facility either. 

Linfel looked around, curious at everything he was seeing. He would stop here and there to check a few things out of curiosity before continuing. It was then that he was stopped by another Familiar when passing by one of the shops. "Hey there, friend. Why don't you come to have a taste of our company's Magic Energy Gathering Diagram?"

"Hum?" Linfel looked in the Familiar's direction. "You mean the same ones you find in the Academy?"

"Oh!" The Familiar seemed happy to hear that. "So you are a Familiar from the Magus Academy. That's even better. Are you on an errand for your master? You could take a look and then tell him later. I'm sure he would be happy to acquire one of our products."

Linfel pondered a bit. He didn't need a Magic Energy Gathering Diagram to start with. Even if there was a need for one, he could use the Floating Blades Faction's ones for free. "Hum... I already have access to them in my Faction. Besides, I'm on my way to completing an academy task of my own. I'm an independent Familiar."

The Familiar was taken aback. "Independent?! That's quite rare. And the fact you were able to join one of the Academy's Faction is proof of your ability. In that case, you should definitely check it out for yourself. We even have portable devices that you can set up anywhere. It is not like you can take the Diagram Devices in your Faction away with you, right?"

Linfel had to admit the guy was right. "Well, that's true. Perhaps it might be of some use for Alvin. But... I don't have a single Universal Credit to my name."

"That's not a problem at all!" The Familiar was even happier he fished someone. "The Magus Academy influence is huge, so Academy Credits are also accepted outside the Academy."

"Is that so?" Linfel was happily surprised. "That's nice. Universal Credits aren't accepted in the academy, so it is good to see the opposite is possible."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The Familiar nodded. "Please, follow me. We have quite a few good products."

"Alright, lead the wa-" 

Yet, before Linfel could even finish his words, someone pulled him back. "He doesn't want anything. Let's go."

Linfel was taken aback, looking at the person who suddenly pulled him away. It just so happened to be Romario, the guy he met back in the Independent Familiar Test. "Oh! Romario! How you're doing?"

"Hey!" The familiar immediately tried to stop him. "Why are you getting the way of our business?"

Romario pushed Linfel to his back and snorted. "Business? That's good, then. Linfel, ask them to sign a clause of quality. That means the equipment they sell you have to last at least a year without breaking, or they will be forced to give your Academy Credits back."

Linfel could only nod. "Errr... sure. Can we sign the clause?"

The Familiar quickly stepped back, though. "Now that I think about it, I don't think we have anything here good enough for Academy Familiars and Maguses like sirs. Have a good day." Immediately, he turned back and went after another target, knowing this one was off.

"What was that?" Linfel was puzzled.

"A scam," Romario answered. "You must be careful. The Academy's Name holds a huge power, and that includes the Academy Credits. They are definitely worth a lot more than Universal Credits in the cities where you can find Magus Academies. That said, a lot of people want to earn a profit on you. To be honest, the devices in this store aren't that bad. It's just that they don't last long. I wouldn't say anything if you were planning to pay with Universal Credits. But using Academy Credits for them is truly a waste since you can only earn Academy Credits in the Academy itself."

Linfel understood. "So that's how it is. Seems like I need to pay more attention. This Clause you mentioned seems pretty good, too. I'll keep that in mind."

Romario nodded. "That's for the best. By the way, where are you going?"

"I could ask the same. As for me, the Vaxwel Research Facility. There is an Academy Task to be carried there," Linfel explained. 

"I see... I saw you in the rankings of the last Field Exam. Seems like you and Alvin even got a promotion to Rank C due to your performance," Romario said. "In that case, let's go to the Vaxwel Facility Together. I'm on my way there too."

Scams never disappear.

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