

For those of you that don't know Bone. it is a book that was created by Jeff smith, the begging start with the three bones, phonicble p. phoney, smiley bone, and fone bone getting run out of Bonneville because of phoney ideas of being a mayor. thats when the story begins

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Justin a normal everyday person died. After his death he came across god, who me gave him a wheel to sipn. click, click, click, click click, click, click, click, click... click. it landed on... BONE yay yay yay yay lucky you for not being in a dangerous world, congrats god says and he 3 wish, choose wisely.

"ok..... my first wish give me true immortality and that I was born when the world was new.

"hmmm ok why not"

"what powers do you recommend i get god?"

"well to make it fun for you why not time manipulation"

"ok my second wish is for time manipulation"

"done, now your last wish"






third wish I want a godly system"

"hmmmm, ok done"

"now off you goooooo!!!!! "...."


as he said that I went, light out