
Meridith's POV

The chauffeur occasionally glanced at me through the rear mirror with a pity full expression on his face. When the make up artist was through, I couldn't recognize myself through the mirror .

" Ma'am , were here" I was told that we would host the wedding at his house but where the chauffeur stopped us was at a big mansion. It was a blue grey mansion. I was spacing out so I didn't know when we entered the compound. The mansion looked like an ancient empire .This wasn't somebody's house but some body's kingdom and it was also beautifully breath taking and magnificently large . Two Lions holding a bow and arrow with water gushing from their mouths and the arrow heads took my breath away. The statue of an Angel with wings spread apart was very beautiful and every glance around brought a whole new surprise for me.

"Ma'am,we are getting late, Sir might be getting impatient, Maa ".I snapped out of my daze after I heard the chauffeur and following him I reached the door. He opened the door and stepped inside, motioning me to enter. Every where was decorated with light in the vast living room. It looked like an ancient wedding hall, and a few chairs were arranged . I'm pretty sure that this wedding was so suddenly arranged that they didn't have time to invite family members. Apart from my mum,my dad, Kate, Freddy and Harry, I didn't invite any other person to my wedding. They were only twelve chairs , so am guessing the remaining guest are from my future husband's side . A Butler came and startled me when he said "ma'am, your parents and guests are here .The priest will arrive shortly ,Sir is upstairs and getting ready to come down, his father will soon arrive with the remaining guests . You are expected to loop Sir Alan's arm and walk to the altar.It will be a quick wedding, not more than five minutes, after wards every body leaves but you and your husband. Your parents and friends can only visit twice a week. You are not to visit them. But not to worry, you can speak to them at any time. Personally ma'am I shall warn you , Sir can be cruel at times , harmful and heartless too, try not to hurt his ego because he will stoop to the lowest level to prove you wrong"