

Ash, the former hero, has emerged victorious. The rare evil that once threatened to consume everything is now vanquished, leaving behind a world basking in the warm light of peace. As the dust settles and cheers of victory fade, Ash finds himself navigating a different kind of challenge...one that takes place from within.

SenpaiDaoist · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


A lone figure could be seen standing in front of a massive fortress like structure...

Deep in the heart of a dense forest, nestled among the ruins of a forgotten city, lay the Mausoleum of Brovos, within lay the tomb of the legendary King Arion of Brovos. The forgotten city of old.

This Mausoleum, a structure as grand as the floating palace of Stormhold itself, held secrets and treasures that had been hidden from the world for centuries. Its opulent facade, adorned with intricate carvings and towering columns, belied the wealth and power of the king who had been laid to rest within its depths.

For generations, tales of King Arion's riches had circulated among treasure hunters. The legends spoke of unimaginable wealth, priceless artifacts, and a curse that had befallen any who dared to desecrate the resting place of the ancient monarch.

If anyone could find it... those who happened to come across the so called resting place of the Arion were never to be seen again.

Of course this had instigated a surge of rumors and interests towards the search of the King and the city of past, Brovos had been mentioned in the books of history. Suggested that this city was long before anything that was remotely recorded, and yet everyone has heard rumors of King Arion and the ancient city.

The man has no notable achievements or victories, because whatever was inscribed had been destroyed from the face of history.

What anyone could assume... the man had to be powerful during that time to keep records of the city... and from where the lone figure stood, how the tomb had been constructed.

Among those who had heard these tales was a charismatic rogue named Lucius. This lone figure had his band consisted of skilled warriors, cunning thieves, and a few scholars who believed that the tomb held not only treasure but also invaluable historical knowledge. They had spent years researching the tomb's location and studying its defenses, determined to be the first to uncover its secrets.

Spending years traveling, thieving and auctioning off goods- Lucius and his team had managed to succeed, first getting lost in the maze of vines, trees and hidden beasts. By the time Lucius had reached the colossal building, the once confident team of ten, dwindled down to a meager three.


The Mausoleum was a massive, rectangular structure with a base measuring approximately seventy meters by thirty meters. The total footprint most likely covered over one thousand square meters.

It stood at an impressive height, with the central burial chamber and the roof reaching up to about sixty meters above the ground; adorned with various architectural elements that added to its overall height.

Lucius had entered the Mausoleum to realise that it was designed in several levels, each decorated with intricate friezes, sculptures, and ornate details. It featured a stepped pyramid-like base, a colonnade of 36 columns- nine on each side, and a pyramid-like superstructure on top.

With numerous sculptures and decorative elements, including statues of impressive looking beings, as well as depictions of mythological scenes and figures. Lucius couldn't help but be in awe of the might of Arion.

The friezes and reliefs on the structure showcased incredible craftsmanship and artistic skill. Everything was constructed using white Okin, an expensive material costing over thousands of Grade S mana stones- the rarity of finding Okin was unbelievable.

'They must've used the whole bloody lot to make this towering hunk of a gravesite'


"The Mausoleum of Brovos is just an architectural masterpiece of its time. It's combined elements of Lycian, and Tissea architecture, creating a unique and impressive structure." Rico, one of the remaining three said. He was now the only scholar left in the team, which so much lost, he decided to continue with the expedition and now didn't regret that decision.

"Over the centuries, the Mausoleum should have suffered damages from earthquakes and vegetation...but, its fine- I don't see any damage. At all."

Lucius wore a grim face, something was fueling the Mausoleum... as if it was alive...


The night was moonless, the sky shrouded in darkness as the adventurers crept through the ruins towards the looming silhouette of the tomb. Torches in hand, they moved in complete silence, their every step calculated to avoid detection.

Lucius halted the group before the massive stone doors of the tomb. The entrance was adorned with intricate reliefs depicting King Arion's life and achievements. It was said that only the true heirs of the king could open these doors, but Lucius had a different plan.

He turned to his companions, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Tonight, my friends, we become legends. We break the curse of King Arion and claim his treasures for ourselves. Are you with me?"

The adventurers nodded, their determination unwavering. They had risked everything to be here, and they were not about to turn back now.

Lucius produced a set of ancient scrolls, his key to unlocking the tomb's defenses. He had spent countless hours deciphering the texts and incantations needed to bypass the protective spells.

With utmost care, Lucius along with the other two began to chant the incantations, their mana resonating through the chamber like a haunting melody. The scrolls emitted a soft glow, and the adventurers watched in awe as the stone doors slowly creaked open, revealing the tomb's dark interior.

The air inside was stale and heavy with the scent of ancient decay. The adventurers lit their torches, revealing a vast chamber adorned with marble statues, glittering treasures, and the imposing sarcophagus of King Arion himself. The sight left them breathless.

Their eyes glistened with greed as they approached the sarcophagus. It was adorned with precious gems and intricate carvings, a testament to the king's grandeur even in death. Lucius stepped forward and, with trembling hands, pushed the heavy lid aside.

The sight that met their eyes was beyond their wildest dreams. King Arion's remains were adorned with a golden crown, his skeletal fingers clutching a scepter encrusted with jewels. Surrounding him were chests filled with gold coins, priceless gemstones, and ancient relics of immeasurable value.

The adventurers wasted no time in descending upon the treasure, their hands greedily scooping up the riches that had eluded them for so long. They laughed and celebrated their newfound wealth, oblivious to the shadows that began to flicker around them.


Unbeknownst to the Lucius and the others, they had not been too perceptive of their surroundings, King Arion's figure laid still, yet waves of mana were being absorbed by the skeleton. These ethereal waves, were actually coming from Lucius and the remaining group. In their jubilant glee, they had not come to realise that they were in fact getting weaker...

As Lucius and the others gathered up the jewels, Rico walked up to the deceased King and frowned.

"Guys, do you feel something..."

Lucius stopped and turned to the Rico, "Nothing, why?"

Rico turned to the third member. "Em, what about you?"

The third member also faced Rico, shaking her head to indicate she couldn't feel anything either.

"Guys, I... I can feel my mana being drained..."

Silence filled the chamber, no one bothered to take anything from the treasure.

Living beings are the only ones who are able to still absorb mana. The very nature of absorbing mana allows them to heal, and depending on one's ruthlessness- they can be drained off it, depending on the circumstances and situation.

The trio had come to a realization...

King Arion was slowly...

Coming back to life.


Panic set in as the adventurers realized the gravity of their situation. They had trespassed upon the tomb of a king whose curse was not to be trifled with. Their greed had awakened forces they could not hope to control.

A one-sided battle ensued.

A desperate struggle for survival.

The adventurers fraught with fear, their weapons harmless against the ethereal attacks. Spells and incantations were hurled in every direction, the tomb's interior becoming a chaotic battlefield of light and shadow. No matter what, nothing was damaged.

As the trio raged on, Lucius's voice rose above the chaos. He had not come ill-prepared and had brought with him a collection of ancient artifacts rumored to have the power to banish spirits.

With a final incantation and a burst of blinding light, Lucius unleashed the power of the artifacts. The tomb was filled with a deafening roar echoing through the chamber.

Breathing heavily, the adventurers surveyed the chamber. The treasures that had once tempted them now lay forgotten, their value dwarfed by the shear panic they had felt. Mana was present, as if the skeleton had stopped absorbing the mana.

Cautiously, Lucius closed the sarcophagus, sealing it once more.

"We came for wealth," Lucius said somberly, "but we'll leave with a reminder of the price of our greed."

The adventurers retreated, Rico and Em walked ahead- still shaken up from the ordeal, they hadn't noticed Lucius brandish his sword...

A dangerous fire was lit in Lucius' eyes.