

Ash, the former hero, has emerged victorious. The rare evil that once threatened to consume everything is now vanquished, leaving behind a world basking in the warm light of peace. As the dust settles and cheers of victory fade, Ash finds himself navigating a different kind of challenge...one that takes place from within.

SenpaiDaoist · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


A lone figure could be seen preparing theirself for a duel; it had been years since they fought. Having spent their time on protection duty for the King. Anyone would've been excited to see The renowned Guardian Helena of Thrax dueling... against a nobody... alas, no one knew of the duel that was taking place within Anatolia Castle.

The clash of blades, magic, and wits was a spectacle that had drawn the attention of King Draymond and Dorset, who had traveled to the castle for this sole reason.

Ash stood at one end of the arena, dressed in a simple yet functional attire—a dark tunic and trousers designed for ease of movement. He had relinquished the worn leather armor he had worn during his journey and opted for something more suitable for combat.

On the opposite side of the arena, Guardian Helena awaited him, her presence exuding confidence and skill. She was clad in her traditional Guardian armor, a gleaming masterpiece of craftsmanship. Her slender yet muscular frame was a testament to years of rigorous training and combat experience.

King Draymond and Dorset watched from their elevated platform, their faces a mix of excitement and curiosity. The king had granted Helena's request for this duel, and he was eager to see how the mysterious stranger would fare against one of his kingdom's finest guardians.

As the duel was about to commence, Thane stood at the edge of the arena, observing the proceedings with keen interest. He had taken on the role of an official observer, not wanting to interfere in the duel itself. The Magistar was intrigued by Ash's abilities and wanted to see how they would unfold in a combat scenario.

Dorset took the role of the master of ceremonies, with a booming voice, he announced announced the duel with grandeur, detailing the combatants and their backgrounds. Mainly for theatrics, everyone except Helena cracked a smile; after which the tension in the air grew palpable.

Helena raised her slender, gleaming sword in salute to her opponent. "May this duel be a test of our skills and an honor to our King," she declared with a hint of formality.

Ash nodded in acknowledgment, his cobalt eyes focused on Helena. "May it be so," he replied, his voice carrying a calm yet resolute tone.

With the formalities observed, the duel began.

The clash of steel against steel echoed through the arena as Ash and Helena engaged in a graceful and deadly dance. Helena's elemental swordsmanship was exquisite, each strike precise and powerful. She moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, her movements flowing seamlessly from one attack to the next. Her major affinity being the wind element; she was very nimble on her feet whilst using basic spells to attack.

Ash, on the other hand, exhibited a unique combat style that combined his years of experience with his physical abilities. He deftly dispelled Helena' spells with his strikes, creating a dazzling display of attacks. Fireballs erupted from Helena's hand, and gusts of wind propelled her to evade Ash's swift sword art.

The very little crowd watched in awe as the duel unfolded. It was clear that Ash possessed extraordinary combat skills, and his unorthodox approach kept Helena on her toes. Yet, the Guardian remained a formidable opponent, countering Ash's strikes with her own magic and defensive spells- delivering precise blows that tested his agility and endurance.

As the duel continued, it became evident that Ash's connection to mana was non existent. Infuriating Helena, she considered this an insult to the duel..

"You really want to spar me without your life on the line?!", she roared, the idea of not fulfilling one's potential in combat had angered her to no end.

Ash didn't reply, instead he fought with finesse, using his speed, strength, and resilience. It was a mesmerizing display of physical combat that had rarely been seen in Anatolia.

The battle evolved into a mesmerizing dance of combat styles. Helena's elemental attacks was elegant and precise, her strikes aimed at Ash's vital points. Yet, Ash's movements allowed him to evade her attacks with fluid grace.

His swordplay was simply breathtaking. Nothing was conformed from the three major styles of sword dance, yet everyone who witnessed it would assume that there should be fours styles... if he ever chose to teach his style.

As he lunged forward, his blade crackled with the electric discharge from the Guardian's attack, he retaliated with a flurry of slashes. Helena expertly parried each strike, her sword ringing against his with a metallic resonance.


The battle raged on, neither combatant willing to yield. Ash's determination to prove himself, coupled with Helena's unwavering dedication to her duty, fueled their every move. The duel was not just a clash of blades but a test of character and resolve.

Amidst the cheers and gasps from the crowd, King Draymond watched with a keen eye. He had sensed something extraordinary in Ash when they had first met, and now that potential was on full display. The outcome of this duel would not only determine the victor but also shed light on the true nature of the mysterious stranger.


In the stands, Magistar Thane observed with equal fascination. The duel was a revelation of Ash's abilities, and it raised further questions about the source and extent of his mana connection. Thane knew that this battle was just the beginning of their journey to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within Ash.

As he watched, he recounted his time within Ash's mana stream...

Being one with nature, it flowed through the body; the Stream or Mana Stream, was the analogy used to call the body of mana one had. Years ago, it had been theorized that a mana sea or soul sea was what took place in the body, but the energy could never be spotted to describe such theory as a literal 'sea' of mana.

It flowed... through everything. Never stopping or gathering. It could neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. That was mana.

Having entered Ash's stream, Thane spent most of the duel watching Ash's flow of mana; Thane had his communication gem project a astral screen. Having looked through the Hero program records, Thane then called the Holder of the Sanct.

The gem glowed slightly when the connection was made, Sven's voice could be heard inside of Thane's mind, a more private telepathic conversation was taking place in the ongoing duel...

"Magistar Thane, have you been able to determine the identity of the unknown man in Anatolia Castle." Sven's voice remained calm, but to Thane, he could hear a tinge or excitement.

His lips twitched slightly, before he took a moment to compose himself.

"I can confirm the Stranger is indeed Hero Ash Devere... I've analysed his Mana stream, his earliest interactions with mana and with the records from the program; they're more or less a match.."

"More or less? Thane, we can't have uncertainties when it comes to someone of Hero status, please confirm"

Thane sighed, "Holder, I can confirm. It's just meeting Ash- his early signatures of mana definitely matches with what we have on record...its just, I haven't seen him use his mana. Not even once.

Right now, I'm watching him duel Helena of Thrax, and yet he's not even drawing out a single bit of it. Having spoken with both King Draymond and Helena, it was mentioned that when Helena first met Ash, he hadn't displayed anything when confronted.

If I hadn't proceeded with the Deep Dive procedure, I wouldn't be even think he had Hero status. It most certainly is Ash Devere... but not how we used to know him."

Sven remained silent, Thane could only watch the duel whilst Sven was ruminating on what he had just heard.

"If its been confirmed, bring him back. He can debrief us on his last expedition... I'll inform the King myself, make sure you take the skull back too." After Thane accepted Sven's decision, the light of the gem had faded. The connection had gone.

Moments later, Thane watched on the other side of the Hall, an attendant had appeared, making their way to Dorset, the attendant had passed a scroll to Dorest who in turn passed it towards the King. Draymond opened the scroll, Thane could see the King's eyebrow rise; he turned to Dorset discussing amongst themselves.

'They must've have heard already from Sven.' Thane smirked. Both Draymond and Dorset turned their heads towards the battle... more specifically Ash Devere.

All three watched as the duel was reaching its final stages.


As the duel reached its climax, the two combatants found themselves locked in a fierce exchange of blows. It was a battle of wills as much as a battle of skills. Ash's expert swordplay clashed with Helena's mana-infused strikes, creating a dazzling display of sparks and energy.

In that pivotal moment, Ash's cobalt eyes met Helena's determined gaze. They both understood that this duel was not just about victory or defeat but about the reason that had brought them together. The clash of blades and the surge of mana were the echoes of a larger narrative, one that neither of them fully comprehended.

With a final, powerful strike, Ash and Helena disengaged, creating a brief but intense standoff. The arena fell silent as both combatants caught their breath, their bodies bathed in sweat and their spirits aflame.

The master of ceremonies raised his voice once more, declaring the duel a draw—a fitting conclusion to a battle that had pushed both warriors to their limits.

The 'crowd' erupted into applause....

Draymond, Dorset and Thane clapped...

Recognizing the skill and valor displayed by both Ash and Helena.

King Draymond nodded in approval, satisfied with the outcome. The duel had revealed Ash's remarkable abilities, and the Stranger had earned the respect of Anatolia's finest Guardian.

As Ash and Helena exchanged a respectful nod, Thane approached the arena. He had seen enough to know that their journey was far from over. The mysteries surrounding Ash's mana connection had deepened, and the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty.

"An impressive display, both of you," Thane remarked, addressing Ash and Helena. "Ash, your connection to mana is unlike anything I've encountered. The Holder has requested your release, we've completed our Analysis."

Ash nodded, his gaze shifting to the pendant that hung around his neck—the pendant left behind by his parents, the pendant that held a tether to his past...

The enigmatic stranger and the Guardian of Thrax shared a moment of unspoken understanding. Their paths had crossed, and the journey had been long. Helena stared at Ash, after hearing of his release, she smiled- a tinge of admiration and regret lingered in her heart. She had wanted to spar a few more times...

Helena stuck her hand out. "Pardon for the late introductions, I'm Helena Constavos of House Contavos. Also known as the Guardian of Thrax... pleasure to have dueled against you."

Ash looked at Helena's hand before reciprocating, with a firm handshake, Ash smiled.

"Likewise Helena of Thrax... I'm Ash Devere of no bearings, but I'm more commonly known as the Countryside Hero."