

Ash, the former hero, has emerged victorious. The rare evil that once threatened to consume everything is now vanquished, leaving behind a world basking in the warm light of peace. As the dust settles and cheers of victory fade, Ash finds himself navigating a different kind of challenge...one that takes place from within.

SenpaiDaoist · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


The scene unfolded before Ash and Thane, the child's struggle for survival etched in painful clarity. Ash watched his younger self, his tiny form wracked with agony and despair as he clawed his way through life.

Thane, too, was gripped by the intensity of the memories. He couldn't fathom how someone so young had endured such isolation and suffering. It was a testament to Ash's resilience that he had survived at all.

As the memories continued to play out, Ash's past was laid bare. He remembered how, in a moment of desperation, he had inadvertently tapped into the array's power. It had surged into him, filling him with newfound vitality and power, but at a cost—the array had been drained of its function.

It was a painful transformation, one that had left Ash gasping for breath, his body wracked with strange sensations. He had been reborn in that moment, his connection to mana forever altered. But he had also been left with countless questions and a lingering sense of abandonment. His gaunt face looking past the the fences into the dense woods

Thane watched this transformation with a mixture of awe and concern. Ash's mana signature was unique, unlike anything he had encountered before. It was a puzzle waiting to be unraveled, a conundrum that begged for an answer. He had sustained himself through absorption, but now nothing was guarding the cottage anymore.

"Ash, this is a crucial discovery, you first connection to mana allows me to match signatures within the Federation database " Thane said softly. "Your experience with the array may hold the key to understanding your extraordinary connection to mana. But it also raises more questions. Why were you left alone? Who were your parents, and why did they possess such a powerful array?"

Ash's eyes, still clouded with the memories of his childhood, met Thane's gaze. The weight of unanswered questions hung heavy in the air.

"I wish I had answers," Ash whispered, his voice barely audible. "But the memories are fragmented, and I can't recall their faces or names. All I remember is the pendant they left behind and the array that sustained me."

Thane nodded in understanding. "Indeed, the fragment of your memory is enough for me to identify you. For now, we should return you to the waking world. This journey has taken a toll on you."

With a gentle wave of his hand, Thane began the process of guiding Ash back from the depths of his subconscious mind. The memories slowly faded, and the dimly lit chamber reasserted itself back to reality.

Ash blinked, the transition from one world to another disorienting. He found himself once again strapped to the ornate wooden chair, the candle's flame had been blown out, leaving darkness to roam free.

Thane stood before him, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

" Your past is a complex puzzle, and I wish I could help, but my primary objective is to confirm your identity and bring you back to the Federation."

Ash nodded, still feeling the weight of his childhood memories. The journey into his past had left him emotionally drained, but he knew that uncovering the truth was essential.

As Thane signaled for the guards to release him from the chair, Ash couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden within his mind. The pendant and the array were pieces of a larger puzzle, and he was determined to find the missing ones, no matter how dark the waters became.

"Tell me more about the skull," Thane urged. "I've been informed that it must come back with us to the Federation."

Ash recounted his experiences—the skull's companionship wasn't lost on him. He had a mission himself to bring it back, but now he couldn't see the skull, he somewhat missed it..

He got up from the chair, rubbed his wrists, he glanced over to Thane, "Well, I'm not sure what I can tell just yet, if you haven't been informed of what the skull is, then its best that I don't reveal anything too early. I'm sure the Holder of the Sanct has an inkling."

Thane didn't reply, he stared at Ash, his thoughts hidden.

"Well yes, I wasn't informed, but I need to understand the threat it poses to carry of a safe extraction.."

"Don't worry, the skull won't be a threat, I'll ensure that it gets transported safely to the Federation when I'm released. Speaking of, when is that going to happen?"

Thane snapped his fingers, illuminating the room. Ash has to squint his eyes before adjusting to the light. Thane had put his robe back on and headed to the door.

"Just a few more days, I'll see to it that Draymond release you- the initial connection to mana is all I need for my analysis and once confirmed, we'll leave in no time."

As Thane was about to open the door, it was abruptly swung open from the outside, revealing the imposing figure of Guardian Helena entered, her expression a mix of curiosity and determination. She and Thane exchanged a knowing look, leaving Ash confused.

"Care to tell me what's happening here?" Ash had recognized the woman who had incapacitated him on the beach by the Silent Sea.

Thane offered a somewhat playful smile as he explained, "Ah, well Ash, while you were resting, Helena here had come to visit you quite a few times. Frustrated by how peaceful you looked, she requested a duel with you...with the King's permission of course."

Helena's eyebrows twitched when she heard Thane's 'simple' explanation, of course watching the stranger sleep did irk her. She didn't enjoy how Thane had missed no opportunity to tease her for her frequent visits to the stranger.

Ash stood there bewildered.. 'How does someone request a duel with me without my actual consent?'

Looking at the both of them Ash could only shake his head and sigh. He was in Anatolia, duels being the most common form of entertainment, but also of communication and resolution.

Ash could only go along reluctantly, feeling slightly guilty for frightening the King's children and taking down the woman in front of him, he could understand the need to restore her pride and honor of her name.

As the trio left the chamber, a thought had dawned on Ash

'Wait.. Helena? As in Helena of Thrax?'

He looked over at the blonde figure walking ahead of him, realizing that he might not get out of this duel as easily as he had hoped. It seemed that his unexpected encounter with Guardian Helena was about to lead to a unique showdown in the heart of Anatolia...