

Ash, the former hero, has emerged victorious. The rare evil that once threatened to consume everything is now vanquished, leaving behind a world basking in the warm light of peace. As the dust settles and cheers of victory fade, Ash finds himself navigating a different kind of challenge...one that takes place from within.

SenpaiDaoist · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


Here I am.

Standing on the Everglade cliffs. Beautiful place, breathtaking really. Looks over huge forests of green. Nice skies, never a dull view to look at, a violet backdrop, two suns settings with just a tinge of a cool breeze passing by. I hear its a great tourist spot. Lovers propose and all that stuff...

Me? Noooo.

I'm not visiting the huge forests of green. I don't even have a dog, let alone a someone to spend the rest of my life with.

I would love to say 'me, myself & I'. Completely in one with the world, with the bountiful trees of Mother Cerra.

Spiritually. You know, like the Monks of Sabba.

But right now, I'm facing the Demon lord. The actual Demon lord. Stray mana bombs and energy blasts have created patches of nothing in the Everglades isn't pretty to look at... almost balding?

Never heard its name. The Demon lord I mean. Do they have names that they go by...? I've never really bothered to listen if it was mentioned. I mean.. why? Its a bit ambiguous no? Even I have a name. Have I even heard the thing speak...

"Demon lord"




"You're the only one here. Why are you ignoring me"

Speaking in-between heavy breaths, I look more closely to see the tall figure tense up.

"Oi, why're you hesitating?? I can see you hesitating"

The Demon lord stood for a while, an orb of mana formed in its hand and launched it. Right towards me.

Having no time to gather my strength, I duck down, rolling forward- sword in hand I blast mana right back, clipping the Demon lord's shoulder. The blast wasn't enough, I can see the pure mana coalescing- another energy orb ready to be let loose. Cursing under my breath, I charge forward. We've been here for too long now, I can't remember how long its been- the smell of burnt trees and flesh permeating in the air.

I'm dripping with sweat- hair sticking to my face. Everything aches, I've nearly drawn out my mana, I reassess the situation. Terrible armor, just a dinged up sword- no companions... I mean, this is what I get for being the 'countryside hero'. I started to curse my life as I lift both my arms in the air. There isn't any going a back now.


The Demon lord weirdly complies. The now formed energy ball ready to incinerate my existence.

"I have one thing to say to you oh lord of Demons"

What am I even doing right now...

"You have terrorized the people long enough- taking away innocent lives for your own pleasure."

Right now, I'm at my wits end- I'm reciting some shitty play I watched 2 nights ago, drinking Elven ale. I should get help. Without thinking on my health too much, I'm working on my final spell. This is it- both of us are exhausted, me more so. I stare at the Demon lord, analyzing its movements- slow & sluggish, it's trying to absorb energy. I can see it. My only chance.

I just need to buy time...

I place one hand down, to point at the Demon Lord- staring deep into the gaping holes of the helmet its wearing.

"Thou hath stolen souls that do not belong to thou. Foul beast- thy reign of terror shall soon be perished upon my will"

I would die out of embarrassment if I didn't die from this spell. Dear god, please make this go easy. The Demon lord standing a few hundred meters away, I can see its armor heaving slightly, tired as well- its black armor absorbing the light, a dark grey cloak swaying gently against the wind. Its helmet, simple design- just holes where eyes should be, replaced by pure darkness. The sword the Demon lord is holding, still looks sharp- even after our long battle. I gulp a little...

The Demon lord, just stared at me. I've no idea why though. Shouldn't any man be desperate for his life??

Clad in dark energy took, it took a step forward. Threw the energy orb that's been slowly accumulating the whole time I was doing my act.

F.u.c.k. How did I not notice??

I swing my other arm down, sword in hand. Piercing the ground. The mana imbued into the sword pulses out. Cracks form in the ground around the sword and soon the cliff rumbles. A thunderous boom can be heard soon after.

The sudden collapse of the ground shifts both of us; the energy orb misses its mark- flies past my face- a searing burn past my temple. I ignore the burning sensation, focusing on the Demon lord falling down with me who's temporarily confused, I strike.

I use the falling pieces of land as a foothold, I rush towards the Demon lord. Feeling the last ebbs of mana almost drain away for my last spell. It senses my approach and weaponizes the mana surrounding us- rushing towards each other, I activate the spell.


I can see whats happening. I've reached the Demon lord,

My sword, emblazoned with the final spell, it pierces through the Demon lord's heart.

Time is moving too slowly.

The demonic energy flows into the sword. What's happening?

The armor from the Demon Lord was completely made of mana? Whatever it was, I can see it.

What I missed was the Demon lord piercing my heart as well.


My heart was destroyed with the shear amount of demonic energy flooding into my system.

The darkness...seeping into my very being. My holy sword being slowly corrupted, as well as my mind.


A girlfriend would've been nice, I'm not even married yet- I'm nearly in my 30s, why did it have to be me.

The energy consumed the both of us, still falling down. I couldn't hear much, maybe my imagination- but choir singing could be heard. The Saintess' voice too.


I knew it.

I'm going to the other side. I'll be the first one.

Let me born into a rich family.

A filthy rich family.

I'd like to have a girlfriend...