
Bonded Trap

Melina Dwight was a free spirit. She didn't want to be tied to anyone. But fate was playing games with her when she got thrown into the mystical world of Night Creatures. And she's also found out that she's fated to a werewolf! What kind of twisted fate is that?

AtlasWorld · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Melina Dwight 001

This was a bad idea. In fact, I shouldn't be here, standing in front of the Scarlet Castle, alone, without a single backup plan in mind to escape. But here I am. Doing the stupidest thing a person shouldn't do... and that is to seek an audience with the one who rules the night creatures, the Night King, a title passed down since the beginning of time. Or so I've heard.

By doing this, I'm definitely asking for my death. But I'm actually not scared of dying. I died once before, and my death changed everything for me.

Approximately 2 weeks ago, before I woke up to this place- I was a different person.

I was a human, an honorable student of a humble community college.

But now...

I'm in a new world, where demons and night creatures terrorize the lands of men. The moment I realize that, the entirety of my situation didn't shock me. Like seriously, not even a little. When I found out I woke up in a magical world inspired by a dark fantasy novel, I got so excited I was like: Cool! Vampires, werewolves, Demons and magic are now real. Great!

Unfortunately, I woke up as a vampire. A monster who craves blood more than anybody else. And when I realize I was one now, I despaired for an hour. Only an hour because first of all, I didn't want this! Being a vampire and everything is cool, but I didn't want to hurt people. I also didn't choose to be in this world!

When I woke up, I was in an abandoned church, alone and changed, and the reality of not being human anymore hit me like a lightning bolt. The impact more powerful than when I realized I got isekaid.

Yeah, like literally isekaid.

I didn't know who I was. The girl I reincarnated into had her memories wiped out. I wasn't able to get any information about her or how she came to be a vampire. Or who turned her.

Lucky for me, I was quick to adapt to my situation, and I didn't panic. Only on the inside. On the outside, I steeled myself and took a brave step outside the church where I was 'born' aka woke and, and from there I started my own journey.

Which led me here.

Anyway. Someone turned me into a night creature without giving me a choice. I was sad that I wasn't human anymore; I can't walk into the sunlight which is something I took for granted when I was human. I also crave blood once in a while, which was painful, especially if I ignore my urges. And when hungry, I hunt humans and immediately let go of my victims. Which has become my feeding habit since I respect my food aka the humans, and I didn't want to abuse my appetite. I only take a little blood from their veins to survive for a week or two. After that, I let them go.

Of course, I avoided any human contact after that. Just in case. And the lack of human companionship didn't make me lonely since I'm used to ostracizing myself anyway. And it wasn't something new.

In fact, peace and silence are two things I like to always have in my life ever since I was little. Because even before I got reincarnated, I don't enjoy going out much, either. I was the type of person who didn't care about what others think about me. And I guess it has always been my nature to ignore them, saving me from heartbreak and disappointment.

The town's people wouldn't welcome me, obviously, since I'm a night creature. I had to accept that I was different. And that what happened to me was irreversible now and I have to make do with what I have.

Obviously, being a vampire has its perks. Aside from craving human blood, I am incredibly strong. I can also see clearly in the dark. And traveling on foot doesn't bother me. In fact, I don't get tired at all, especially after I've fed. And on my days of traveling, I learned and discovered a lot of things about the kind of world I'm currently living in.

Based on the self-made speculations from the things I've heard and observed, I concluded that I'm living in the 14th or 15th century aka the medieval ages. A dark age where purges and witch hunts are quite normal for the common folks, especially in my world's history.

In this era, the church has a widespread influence on the people. And they spearhead the hunt against all devil worshippers and night creatures just like me purging them of their so called sins.

The church burns witches at the stake to prove their point. For them it's their absolute right to purge the world of the wicked. And it's their mission to wipe out all night creatures from the face of the earth.

As a new born vampire, I obviously had nowhere to go during these purges. And my kind- the night creatures were the only ones on the planet who weren't hellbent on killing me. That is why after wandering around without a destination for days, I finally heard of a rumor about the night king and his castle.

According to the town's folk, the castle never left its spot after the blood wars ended.

The night king's castle could travel anywhere in the world like a teleportation device. And the castle was staying nearby the village. People said it has been months and the castle had stayed in place after the night king died.

And now, his son- the night prince- who no one knows about is the one who owns the castle now. He took his father's title. Became the new night king, and so far he wasn't making any moves like terrorizing innocents, killing humans, and causing pain and suffering across the globe just like his father once did.

In fact, the new night king sounded like he was lying low, which was odd. But I don't care about that. There is no valid reason from the rumors that explains why the new night king wasn't acting like his predecessor. However, I dwelt little on the reasons since it didn't concern me, anyway.

What's important is my survival.

Now that I remember. I have this saying I used to tell myself in my past life. Every time I doubt myself of my decisions, I ask myself... How would I know if I succeed if I don't try, right?

And looking at my situation, I know I needed some place to live. Someplace I can live the rest of my life in peace.

I may be a vampire now. But I had no interest in enslaving the human kind. Like I said, I was a human once myself. And I only wanted to live my life peacefully. Just like I used to in my past life...

If seeking shelter at the night king's castle is one way to achieve that peaceful life that I want, I think I may just hit the 'fuck it' button and see if this plan of mine would actually work. If not, I'll die. Simple as that.

But if I survive, I'll look somewhere else to live. Vampires aren't as fragile as humans, so I think the eternal snowy mountains in the north will be my second choice for a permanent home.


I knocked my fists on the large metal doors of the castle. The sound of my knock echoed like a gong across the dead forest as I waited.

I look at the castle again. It looked huge and eerie unlike anything I've ever seen.

The castle emits a dark aura around it, telling people that it's haunted and that you'll get cursed if you go in. Blood and death must have stained its walls. I can feel it.


I waited for a reaction from the other side of the door, but nothing happened. I knocked again, louder this time, and still nothing happened. The huge double doors didn't budge, and I couldn't force it with my strength.

I tried, but the door is sealed tight, pretty impossible for me, a mere vampire, to open by my strength alone since the door was freakin heavy!

"So, this is it..." I look behind me and sighed. I noticed the sky was brightening and the sun will rise soon. If I don't get inside the castle after my next knocking attempt, I think I might just have to retreat and try again tomorrow.

Breathing in and breathing out, I knocked again. After that, I closed my eyes and started praying.

Please, open up. Please, open up. Please, open up...

To my surprise, the gigantic doors of the crimson castle creaked open- just a little, but was enough for me to get inside.

Seeing the sun was about to rise behind me, I didn't hesitate. I step inside the castle, and the doors behind me immediately shut close.

Gosh. I never thought my prayers were actually effective. Good thing I wasn't praying to any God or else I'll catch on fire. And die. Since the night creatures are weak against holy objects.

I look behind me. The doors really closed itself because the small opening was now gone. I shiver a bit. Now I have no where to escape to.

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