
Bonded To A Witch

[Mature Content] What if she was destined to kill him? What if nothing can stop her from killing him? Not even herself. ______________ Raziel Crayon- a young, lazy, and beautiful witch who is unable to cast spells made tragedy compound upon itself when she experimented with death and unknowingly tried to kill herself, resulting in the downfall of her family and them, sent to the heart of the forest. She was known for her free spirit with modest desires of being a princess and living an easy life, without having to learn how to cast spells as she believes it was a waste of momentum and vigor. Valhoon Cross- The vampire king of Daxtan. He was the cold-hearted king, ruthless, and a monster who lurks in the shadows. A King considered like a ghost by the inhabitants of the country. After getting betrayed by his uncle, and losing half of the country's staff, he resolved in finding the mastermind and getting back the other half. He accidentally met her in an unfortunate incident where she saved his life but ended up in deep trouble herself. In this journey, will he fulfill Raziel's both desires or both would be left unfulfilled? The problem? She was fated to kill him and he was destined to marry her. Will she be able to stop herself from killing him? or would her fate change? ......... "I never knew you read these kinds of books. I only read the middle page and I’m thrilled." "H…how did you get it?" She gulped. He chuckled. "Come and get it, sweet. I don’t bite." Raziel narrowed her eyes. He was trying to trick her into opening the window. "It’s not that hard. Come on, I’ll give you your erotica," he assured, drawing on the last word. "It’s not erotica. You’re horrible at reassuring people." "And you’re a pro at hurting my ego." "Seriously?" "No." She glared at him and he smirked. Seems like she was no longer scared of his blazing golden eyes. Such a huge achievement. "I won’t hurt you, sweet, sweet, Raziel," he spoke out as he used his hands to tell her to come forward. Noticing the reluctance and doubt in her eyes, he shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, I’ll grant your request and leave," he said as he sauntered towards the railing of her balcony. He heard her panicked voice and her loud footsteps as she quickly tossed the blanket off her body and hurried to the window. Just as he saw her opening the balcony window, he smirked at her and leaped off the balcony. She released a horrified shout as expected. It was a five-floor drop after all. "C…come back!" She slightly whispered, dreading to wake her family or alert the guards. He turned a deaf ear to her. A hand was tucked into his pocket as he walked down the mansion with ease. His free hand swung the book as he walked. He kept walking and just as he had predicted, she uttered the word. Raziel panicked. She sprinted out of her bedroom, barefoot and with just her thin nightgown. The book wasn’t hers, it was May’s and she would fight with her if she found out that her book was missing and that she took it. She doesn’t want any quarrel with May and she has to take the book from him to avoid May’s wrath. Raziel ran outside and was welcomed by the chilly cold and the bright light of the moon. She sighted him walking away and she racked her brain for something to say. Yes, she now knew his name. She had seen it at the royal grandmother’s birthday party. She had forgotten his name until it was forced out of her. "Valhoon, please!"

suxyki · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Post In The Council

Raziel stared at the man with her mouth agape. She thought he had left, so did he overhear their conversation? This is bad.

"Your majesty," she heard her parents call as they sprang up to their feet and bowed their heads, followed by her sisters who did the same.

"You? You're still here?" She asked loudly.

"You shouldn't greet the king like that Raziel, show some respect, now," Rachel ordered and Raziel hesitantly bow her head. So he was truly the king. Why else would her parents call him the king if he's not?

"To what do we owe this honor, your majesty?" Maxwell asked with his head down, not daring to look into the king's eyes.

"Hmm, I was just passing by and decided to stop and say hello," Valhoon lied.

"I heard you despise vampires even though Vampires and witches are on good terms, Mrs. Crayon," he continued, causing the woman to stare at Raziel. This has just confirmed her suspicion. It was obvious the king was lying about passing by and decided to say hello, and it was also clear that he came here with Raziel with how beautiful her clothes is. She wondered how.

"N-no, your majesty, that's not true," she denied.

"You know you shouldn't lie to me Mrs. Crayon."

"I'm sorry my Lord, Raziel did not explain properly to you. I only hate vampires they sent us here," Rachel explained.

"I see, but I never said lady Raziel told me anything, did I?" He asked smirking. "Forget it, this is not why I'm here."

"Your majesty, can we get you something? I...I can ask my daughter to get you something," Maxwell volunteered and Valhoon chuckled.

"I doubt you have warm blood here or do you?" He asked and their eyes widen.

"Ah, forget it, I don't have all day. I'll tell you what I came here for and then leave. You know, your daughter here had challenged me. She should be beheaded right? After all, she dares challenge her superior."

"W...what? Raziel did that?" Maxwell asked in fear as he turned to look at his daughter. It was a crime to dare challenge the king or put him to a test.

"No father, that's not true, I only made a request," Raziel denied.

"Then does that mean I'm lying?"

"No your majesty, please forgive my daughter's insolence," her father pleaded with his hands joined together and his head bowed.

"I will, but this is not why I'm here right? I'll send someone to pack your belongings back to Daxtan and I'll give you back your mansion," Valhoon said and all their mouths fell open in disbelief.

"Your majesty do you mean it?" Maxwell asked.

"I will take my leave now and one more thing, Mr. Crayon, your post in the council is still empty," Valhoon informed, showing them his back and strolling out of the cabin.

The crayon family stood still in their position in shock. They were still trying to access all that the king just said.

"Mommm we're going to be rich again," Jaria screamed, jumping into the hands of their mother and hugging her tightly. They were all smiles as they embrace each other. May pulled Raziel into a tight embrace and they jumped together in excitement. It was funny seeing the two sisters who just had a war in a tight embrace as if their lives depends on each other. They were always like this, fighting and throwing curses at each other and in the next moment, hugging as if nothing happened.

May pulled off from the hug and turn to their mother.

"Mom, we should start packing and throwing our old clothes away. Finally, I'll be able to wear good clothes and eat good food again," she said, smiling widely and Raziel wondered why her sister's cheek have not started hurting yet.

"Yes dear, we should start packing. I can't wait to be back in our mansion again," Rachel answered.

"The king is so cool, I doubt he was just passing by," Jaria said.

"I doubt so too, who passes by a forest I don't think this forest leads to anywhere else from Daxtan. Father, did you hear him? He said your position in the council is still available, that means you'll start work again," May added.

"Mom, dad, I'll go start packing," Raziel volunteered and she excused herself to walk towards the room. She slumped on the wooden bed and it made that creaking sound. Her lips curved into a smile. Finally, they would leave this place. Thank goodness her family didn't question her about all of these because she doesn't know how to answer them and she didn't find it necessary to tell her family that this was her reward from the king.

She still couldn't believe the purple man was the king and that he even gave back her father's position in the council. Raziel got up from the bed and started gathering her family's valuable belongings.


Valhoon walked into the dungeons with Gaspher trailing behind and the guards bowing their heads in respect. He walked in dangerously slow steps with his hands buried in his pockets. He examines the cells and nods his head in satisfaction. His prisoners were perfectly suffering the way he wanted them to. As he moved past the cells, the prisoners kept pleading for forgiveness and begging him to kill them instead of torturing them. But what will he gain if he kills them? Nothing right? Seeing them like this gives him massive satisfaction.

The stench of blood filled the dungeon and instead of feeling drawn to it, he was feeling disgusted.

"Your majesty, please forgive your servant and kill me," one of the prisoners yelled. He was chained and naked. His manhood has several cut marks on it and both his feet were cut off. Valhoon stopped and stared at the man. He was a vampire and both his fangs and nails were gone. For a vampire, the fangs and nails are their greatest strength and now that his fangs and nails were gone, he was utterly powerless.

"How long have you been here?" He asked. He could still remember the man's crime and how he got here. This man dares steal valuables and gold from him for years without his knowledge.

"D..decades, your majesty. Please spare your servant this torture and kill me," the man answered.

"Hmm, decades. It's not up to a century yet," Valhoon said. "I'll give you that satisfaction only after a century. You, cut off one of his ears," he ordered the guard standing outside the man's cell.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Gaspher, show me the way to her cell," he ordered, wandering deeper into the dungeons and ignoring the man's screams.

"It's this way," Gaspher answered, pointing at the left-hand side.