
Bonded By Trauma

After facing an embarrassing public rejection, Skye Heath had to pick up the pieces of what was left of her life without having to depend on her ruthless ex for survival. She was fueled by revenge and the burning desire to find out the truth about her parent's mysterious death. In the fortunate turn of events, she finds comfort in the arms of Ash Walter, her ex's boss who was willing to help her get revenge for the emotional damage she was put through all in an attempt to win her over, but Skye was hellbent on not falling in love again after the heartbreak she went through. With the law on their side and power in their hands, the two set out on a journey that not only brought them closer, but also ignited a spark between them, a spark strong enough to melt the walls around Skye's heart.

Kieolar · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs

Party 3

Skye just looked at Theo, unsure of what to say. She had been so caught up in the moment with Ash that she forgot about their plan entirely.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Theo broke the awkward silence.

Skye was stunned at how polite Theo was while speaking but she didn't let herself get fooled by his facade.

"Yes, I was invited here by a friend. Congrats on your promotion by the way." She said sarcastically.

"Thanks...uh, can we step outside for a while."

"Sure thing." Skye reluctantly dropped her fruit plate but she was still happy that things were going as planned.

They were standing outside with Theo's back facing a freezing Skye. Just then, Theo turned round and stared at her with a crazy look in his eyes.

"Why were you with him?" He yelled.

Skye wasn't fazed by his outburst, she expected it, after all, a leopard doesn't change its spots.

"With whom?" She acted innocent.

"Don't act dumb with me, you know who I'm talking about. Why were you with him? Let me guess, you slept your way here, didn't you? No wonder you were so confident when you came to me before." He stared at her mockingly.

It took a great amount of self-control and her ancestors holding her back to stop Skye from landing a slap on Theo's smug face but for the sake of the plan, she held back.

"I didn't have to sleep with him for him to see my worth, something you didn't." She calmly replied, fueling Theo's anger even more.

"What worth?" Theo laughed, "The only thing he sees is your body and once he has it, you'll be tossed away like trash. I can still forgive you, just come back to me and save yourself the humiliation of getting rejected by Ash Walter."

Skye scoffed at him, not even bothered by his comments, "You sure have a lot of guts to say that, what will you do if I tell him about our history, huh?"

"And you think he'll believe you, he adores me you know. After the promotion and celebration party, he threw for me, I'm already in his good books so I'm practically untouchable."

Skye laughed out loud, Theo was too naive to believe he was untouchable, he fell right into their trap and still believed he had the upper hand.

"How amusing," She said, crossing her hands over her chest, "You do have some guts bragging about your promotion yet you're a so-called lawyer who beats people up and-"

"Shut up!"Theo yelled once more.

"Oh my, I'm scared." Skye mockingly said before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Ahh, I remember that one time you did a hit-and-run and paid someone to take the fall for you, the lady died, didn't she?" Skye was now pushing his buttons and forcing him to confess.

As they left the hall earlier, she saw one of Ash's men follow her so she secretly activated the recorder hidden in her dress, she was ready to trap Theo.

"What? Do you want to blackmail me that? No one would believe you anyway, there's no proof you bitch." 

"There's no way I'll blackmail you but I must say, Theo, you are a hypocrite, making the world believe you're a lawyer who cares for them when in reality you're nothing more than a snake." She looked at him in disgust.

"So what! It's not my fault they are gullible enough to believe me. And as for that accident, the bitch was just unfortunate enough to cross the road blindly while I drove by. 

Yes, I paid someone to take the fall but don't we all make mistakes? Besides, I gave the girl's parents compensation out of the goodness of my heart."

"The goodness of your heart?" Skye was now getting angry, "You took her life and future away from her and you're not even brave enough to take responsibility for it. Just how devious are you, Theo?"

An angry Theo raised his hand to slap Skye but she stopped him just in time.

"Ah ah ah, don't you think it'll be bad for your reputation if you hit me here, at your party, with everyone present." She smirked at him.

Knowing she was right, Theo angrily kept his hand down and stared at her with sheer hatred.

"So you think you're special just because Ash danced with you? You're nothing more than a toy to him, his plaything." 

"And why does that annoy you so much? Don't you have your own life and girlfriend to worry about? Wasn't her name, Kayla-" 

"Don't say her name!" Theo hissed.

"Why is that? Did you two break up? Already? Oh, you poor thing." Skye taunted him.

Theo laughed menacingly, "Sorry to disappoint but we didn't break up she's inside there, waiting for me. I have a wonderful girlfriend, a job promotion, and a great friendship with Ash, while you have NOTHING!"

"How funny, you think you and Ash are close, huh?" Skye couldn't help but tease Theo in that situation.

"We certainly are close, if not, he wouldn't have thrown this celebration party for me being the ruthless man he is and all." Theo boasted, unaware of what was to come next.

"You're more stupid than I remembered." She kept pushing his buttons.

"Stupid? Me? I've gotten away with so much all because of how wise I am in covering things up, no one stupid could do that."

Skye was glad with where the conversation was headed, the alcohol Theo had consumed, and the anger he felt made him loosen up and expose all his secrets which she happily recorded.

Knowing how much hated to be undermined, Skye went even further with her words, "So much? The only thing you did was kill someone and cover it up. That's nothing."

Seeing how Skye insulted and laughed at him, Theo got filled with rage and stupidly started slipping up.

"I killed someone, stole funds from the company, forged evidence to win a case, and so on, with all I've done and the number of times I've escaped, I'm UNTOUCHABLE. Not even the president can come against me."

Theo stared laughing like a maniac with a crazed look on his face. In that moment he didn't look like someone mentally sane, especially with how easily he exposed his secrets with no fear of being caught.

His behavior was alarming for Skye, he looked like he needed to be locked up in a mental asylum, not even jail.

"Celebrate now, Theo, but remember this, I'll make you pay, for EVERY SINGLE THING you've done."

With that, Skye walked off confidently, happy that she managed to gather the evidence needed with little to no stress involved throughout the confrontation.


"You fucking bitch!..."

"I'll kill you...I'll kill all of you!"

"You're gonna pay for this!"

Theo kept on cursing at her as she walked away but Skye just ignored it and got back inside.

Wasting no time, she went straight to the table and served herself something to eat and also got some drinks. The whole conversation with Theo made her more hungry than she was earlier.

After filling her stomach to the brim, she went back to her table and started drinking glass after glass of alcohol. Ash was still busy with clients and Jack was outside so feeling lonely, she drank her sorrows away until she was as drunk as a boiled owl.

As much as she tried yo hide it, she was indeed bothered by her confrontation with Theo, especially by the look in his eyes and the threats he gave her.