
bokugo depressed x reader

Jalia_Thompson · วัยรุ่น
17 Chs

super hour pt:1

(the next day)

.... (yawns) okay (hopes up takes a shower, does hair and face routine, and puts on her hero outfit) (black and purple and gold spots high top Nike's, a black crop top, if you click your heal twice a blade will come out, a head seat that can turn into a shelter, a helmet, and a face computer, black shorts with a rope on your utility belt along with some other things, a piece of gray fabric, if you spin fast enough you can turn into a blade(somewhat like from blade blades Burts evolution), finger less gloves, wolverine type claws can come out(and yes you did make your out fit yourself to save money which came out very professional like so good to you)

... god that was good sleep(streches).... (walks out of dorm)..... oh yeah bokugo said he was coming(knocks on his door) bokugo you up if your coming bring ya ass

bokugo:(mufules) leave me the hell alone (turns over)

bruh are you coming or not

bokugo:.... it's too damn early

it's fucking 11 man

bokugo:(looks at phone)..... fine wait a minute(opens door) (yawns)

(walks in and sits on his bed)

bokugo;let me take a shower


bokugo:heh I'm not the only tired one

naw but I have to get up..... you don't have to if don't have to I was just saying at the time but if you want to go back to be-

bokugo:naw I'm coming(goes in bathroom)

(30 mins later)

bokugo:(walks out with no shirt on)

(looks blushes lightly then quickly looks


bokugo:you good? you like you seen a ghost or some shit?

no it was nothing

bokugo:you sure?


bokugo:(shrugs shoulders) okay whatever fucker what now

I don't know about you but im gonna make a smoothie and toast

bokugo:guess I make one too(walks down stairs)

Mina:morning sleep heads!

ahh morning

jirou:more like close to afternoon

yeah yeah

uaraka:hey bokugo where are you going

with me for hero work just cause


bokugo:(making toast) what the hell is with that dumb ass face you have for

Mina:ohhhh nothing(still smirking)

.... what is it

jirou:..... Mina no

you know what is it

jirou:her ship

.... of who.....

jirou:you and b-

Mina:(covers her mouth) nothing like I said

..... why am I getting shipped with bokugo for(raises a eye brow)

Mina:dang it!

bokugo:(bumps into Mina on purpose and rolled his eyes)


bokugo:(Obiovously didn't give a fucking damn)

answers the question

jirou:cause you get alone with him so well


jirou:I mean we already know the other ships for other people so we should just go ahead and tell them

Mina:(crosses her arms) yeah but still

really so what if I get along with mineta does that mean I like him


Mina:no but also maybe

bokugo:oh mother fucking got damn no!

I'm done I'm just dead ass done that's doesn't mean anything if you get along with someone Kiri gets along with him you gonna ship them two

Mina:weeeeell if they were gay then maybe


Mina:j-just sayin

bokugo:(clearly pissed off)

..... well were out (grabs smoothie and toast)

bokugo:(already at the door) glad we got away from them

..... I still don't get it if you hangout out with someone that you get alone with your shipped with them... that bullshit to me(bites toast)

bokugo:it is bullshit I don't even know what runs through her head sometimes

yeah i-(starts running)

bokugo:(runs behind you)

(runs faster) HEY STOP


OH YEAH LET'S SEE ABOUT THAT(makes two hover boards appear)

bokugo:wow you got real hover boards

yep now get on(gets on)

bokugo:(gets on) (in his head) if this is how it starts of then how is it going to end then



villain:(running and slides under moving truck

(jumps over the truck but the board goes under)

bokugo:(goes under the truck) STOP FUCKING RUNNING (shoots a exploitation)

villain:HA YA MISS KID

Bokugo:ehhhhhhhh(shoots one after another)

villain:(starting to get blinded by the smoke)


Bokugo:(still shooting)

villain:(coughing) damn I can't see

AHHHHH(kicks him dead in the face)

villain:(fall to the ground)

quickly puts hand black thick and cuffs on him) GOT HIM

Bokugo:(runs over as the smoke clears) (puts hand over his face)

villain:(coughs) you really think I'm scared of some damn kids

.... (looks dead at him with glory eyes) you better be or else I'll blast ya ass to the mother fucking sun bitch and if your in the sun your ass is dead then I'm part demon so I'll see you again and I make it while your down there even more misable then ever so you can go rot in heal for all I care for

bokugo:(smiles) damn and I thought I was bad

naw... or you can become one of my slaves and I make you suffer forever and make you feel ever single type of pain that comes to you

bokugo:or I can blast ya ass into so many mother fucking pieces theyd be piecing you back together for fucking weeks

okay thats enough where's the police station

bokugo:like three blocks away

(puts villain in a purple bubble)

(if you put some one in a purple bubble you can take away any air that's in there to make them losses oxygen to stop breathing but if you put someone or your self into a pink bubble then you are healing yourself or others with in the bubble but the bigger the bubble the less of the affect will work and can fit as many people as you want to put in a bubble and these bubbles are hard to destroy so if Goku were to hit this like a hundred times it will only crack a little bit hardly damged but someone like him could be able to break it but just takes a lot of hits..... but wrong anime bak to my hero)

{at the police station)

Hawks:(walks in)

officer:so Hawks where is he

Hawks:I couldn't catch him and looked all over

officer:well we will get another call for him aga-

Hawks:(raise his brows)

bokugo:why the hell did he(walks in)

I don't know he just did (walks in behind him with the villain in the bubble still)

bokugo:why would someone want to date there family

like I said don't ask me.... and I have some family members like that

bokugo:fucking geez so people can date there family now?

I don't know but like had a cousin that liked me for some got damn reason when I was like 7

bokugo:u had cousin that always fucking following me around and shit

I think everyone has one like that of just copy what your doing one(don't we all)

umm hi officer I'm here to turn in this villain along with my frie-.... partner

bokugo:(raise a eyebrow)

officer:you caught the villain that was going around stealing the money of the rich people

... yes we did

bokugo:... hey Hawks

Hawks:... hey.... um how did you get him even find him. .. and who is she

bokugo:first we just fucking ran after him and-

Hawks:but how his quirks is running fast and run up to 200mph

bokugo:... well were running... then in a hover board maybe that's fucking how

Hawks:how fast were y'all going

bokugo:I don't fucking know ask the one who made them appear

officer:thank you miss dngel for bringing him in and for integrateing him also

oh no problem at all

officer:I think you gonna be a big help to this city

thank you! okay where ya wanna go now bokugo

bokugo:how fast were we going on those hover boards

... like 160mph why.... oh you must be the hero Hawks right

Hawks:yes ... wait..... your the one who took my title of being the youngest hero..... impressed

thank you

Hawks:about how fast was he running

uhh like 175mph why

Hawks;... okay really impressed And how did y'all take him down


Hawks:.... nice work kid

thank you again... it's nice talking to the number two hero

Hawks:nice talking to a number one hero

yeah just not here

Hawks;yet well i-

(loud crashes)

bokugo:what the hell was that


okay then WERE COMING

hey guys just asking pick a someone and who ever get the most votes on them will ... can't say yet but just choose plzzzzz


2.best boyfriend

3.long lost brother

thank ya byeeeeeee! UwU