

"Jack is a person with a strong desire to protect his family. From a young age, he showed extraordinary talent, whether in combat skills or in terms of strength. Jack participated in the bodyguard assessment of Emperor Group, including arm wrestling and actual combat tests, demonstrating his strength and combat skills.Jack was eventually selected to be Lucy's personal bodyguard, receiving a high salary. His job is to ensure Lucy's safety. During this period, many thrilling and interesting stories happened. Let us walk into the legendary story of Jack together."

goodpoy · สมัยใหม่
78 Chs

Chapter 66: Deadly Encounter!

These people intended to kill and silence someone in the darkness of the night.

The moment Jack wrapped his arms around Diana's waist, he leaped over the railing with a high jump. Without caring what the woman might think, he picked her up horizontally and immediately took off running into the distance. As he completed these actions, the spot where he had just been had already been peppered with no fewer than six bullets.

The bullets scattered on the ground, and in the dark night, there was only a lack of the embellishment of fresh blood.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Jack kept sprinting – how could he dare to stop?

These people were truly crazy!

It seemed they were intent on taking Diana's life.

He hadn't provoked anyone; the people coming after them must be after Diana.


The nearby people heard the gunshots and instantly screamed, running away into the distance. Many cars approaching the area quickly turned around.

The black car intent on killing didn't target the crowd; it turned around heading for Jack and Diana. At the same time, three men jumped off the speeding car. One man held a gun and the other two had their faces covered with black masks, exposing only their eyes and mouths.

"Bang, bang!"

Two more gunshots rang out.

By this time, the area had erupted into chaos.

No one would foolishly approach this place now.

"You two go after them!" the driver of the black car commanded coldly. "We have to kill that woman today! Failure is not an option!"

"But that guy earlier reacted so fast!"

"That must be Diana's bodyguard. But the information is wrong; doesn't Diana have seven or eight bodyguards?"

"None of those seven or eight are as good as this one!" The man wearing a black hat was the driver. He took a deep breath and said, "That man has excellent situational awareness, quick reflexes, and speed. I've rarely seen anyone capable of moving so quickly. No wonder Diana dares to go out alone; she's accompanied by an expert!"

"No matter what, we must take this rare chance to kill them!" the man in the black hat said coldly. "You two chase them. Number four, take the shot when you see the opportunity. I'll drive after them. If that guy is smart, he'll definitely run towards alleys and remote places. He won't dare to go into open spaces!"


The four men's discussion wasn't through dialogue.

Each had a tiny communicator at the corner of their mouth.

They used these small communicators to discuss their plans.

It was clear that they were well-prepared for murder and undoubtedly professional.

Four people, one driving, one with the gun ready to fire, and the other two in pursuit of Jack.

The two chasing Jack were numbers two and three of the group.

Their speed was also remarkable, dashing faster than rabbits, their eyes bright in the darkness. Whether it was their shoes or pants, everything was conducive to chasing and killing. They eyed the far-off Jack, who was carrying Diana away at breakneck speed, out of the shooting range of their guns.

"How can he run so fast!" Number two gritted his teeth.

As professional hitmen, they were proficient with guns.

"To run that fast while carrying a woman!"

They were fast, but Jack was faster. Holding Diana, his speed didn't decrease in the least as he dashed away, heading straight into the secluded alleys. Wherever there was an alley, that's where he ran. He knew if he ran into an open area, he'd surely be killed.

Only in the alleys—

However skilled he was, he couldn't outrun bullets!

His brow furrowed in concern.

From the black car's initial attempt to run them down to the subsequent attempts on their lives, it wasn't hard to see that these assassins had been plotting for a long time. Otherwise, they couldn't have achieved such precision. If it had been anyone else, Diana would have already been dead.

Soon, he shook off the two pursuing him.

But he knew the danger wasn't over.

If it were just him, escaping would be a breeze, and killing these four men wouldn't be impossible. However, the situation was far from simple; he was still holding a woman who couldn't fight back.

The woman, still being carried by Jack, was making a phone call: "Hello, Old Dong, send help quickly, as many as possible. I'm in danger!"

"Miss Diana, what happened to you?"

"I don't have time to explain, you can already hear the gunshots!" After saying that, Diana quickly hung up the phone.

She was a smart woman and knew that talking too much at this moment would be foolish.

Because sound was the biggest killer at this very moment.

Jack hurried into the secluded alley with Diana. Now, they were trapped, as there was a wall in front of them over four meters high.

"How are we going to get over this?" Diana, still in Jack's arms, scrutinized the wall and complained, "Who built this and why? They have no vision!"

Jack was speechless.

How could this woman be making jokes at a time like this?

"Hold on tight!" Jack commanded with a tight frown.

With that, he leaped up, his foot hitting the wall, using it as leverage. One arm grasped the top of the wall while the other kept a tight hold on Diana. With a roll, they managed to scale the wall over four meters high to land on the other side.

Carrying someone over a four-meter-high wall was a high-difficulty maneuver for him.

Jack took a deep breath. It was still an alley where they landed. He set Diana down and looked around.

The chilly night breeze whistled through, offering little sense of security.

"I wouldn't have guessed, you look so delicate, yet you're quite agile, aren't you? Oh, and how did it feel to hold sister here?" Diana playfully looked at Jack, her eyes lacking any seriousness, as if she were some sort of hooligan or lecher.

Jack was at a loss for words with this woman.

"Our situation is pretty bad right now!" Jack said.

"I know, ah, it's really cold tonight, I should've worn more clothes when I went out!" Diana said.

Jack really wanted this woman to understand just how serious the situation was, but Diana—

"At a time like this, you're not even panicking?" Jack emphasized with frustration.

Normally, in such a situation, most women would be screaming, shouting for help, or lying on the ground immobilized by fear, not knowing anything until... no, there would be no 'waking up' to speak of. And yet this woman even had the mind to joke.

"Hmph, it's not the first time!" Diana pouted.

"It's not the first time you've gone out without bodyguards!" Jack was quite annoyed. "Your bodyguards are not just for show!"

Diana gave Jack a big-eyed stare and said, "Why do I need those bodyguards when I have you?"

Jack was puzzled. In Diana's eyes, was he really that capable? She really trusted him.

"Who exactly have you annoyed? Don't tell me that every time someone wants to kill you, they are all this formidable," Jack said.

"It's not like that!" Diana's brow furrowed as she said firmly, "This time is the most dangerous I've ever encountered. From that car initially trying to hit me to everything after, there were no signs that someone was out to kill me. A bit of relaxation and I would've been dead. Besides, these people daring to kill so openly at this time shows that they are professional hitmen. Whoever wants me dead has hired some ruthless characters!"

"Our situation isn't very optimistic right now," Jack said. "Even though we're in a secluded alley, it won't take them long to find us. They have guns, I don't; and they have a car, I can't outrun them."

"So, what should we do?" Diana, being an intelligent woman, decided to listen to Jack's opinion this time.

"We split up!" Jack rubbed his hair, as unenthusiastic about thinking now as he had always been.

"We must split up. I'll go out and draw them away while you stay here quietly. They won't be able to find you in a short time. Remember, no more unnecessary talk; it's the best plan!" Jack insisted.

He feared that the woman would desperately retort with something like 'if you die, I die too,' and if that was the case, a situation that wasn't a problem could become one because of her drama—such nonsense as seen on TV shows.

But he underestimated Diana's intelligence.

"Hmph, don't be like those characters in TV shows who pretend to act selflessly but actually just run away, leading others here instead," Diana said playfully.

"I'm going!" Jack didn't waste words. He stood up and walked out of the alley.

"Stay here and behave!" "I know!" Diana responded.

Jack frowned and walked towards the exit of the alley.


Just then, Diana suddenly called out.

Jack paused.

"Don't you die on me!" Diana said, her lips pouting.

Jack sighed helplessly.

This woman, really...

Thinking this, he walked out of the alley and glanced around.

This dark night was not peaceful at all.

Even the cats' meows were so provocative.

"I'm actually a bit scared with that man gone," Diana leaned against the wall, patting the two large lumps on her chest.

About thirty seconds passed.

Number two and number three had been searching for Jack, even getting closer and closer to the spot where Jack and Diana had initially been. Just at that moment, the two suddenly stopped.

"There's a noise over there!"

"Let's go!"