

"Jack is a person with a strong desire to protect his family. From a young age, he showed extraordinary talent, whether in combat skills or in terms of strength. Jack participated in the bodyguard assessment of Emperor Group, including arm wrestling and actual combat tests, demonstrating his strength and combat skills.Jack was eventually selected to be Lucy's personal bodyguard, receiving a high salary. His job is to ensure Lucy's safety. During this period, many thrilling and interesting stories happened. Let us walk into the legendary story of Jack together."

goodpoy · สมัยใหม่
78 Chs

Chapter 6: The Clothing Store!

She had already guessed the result.

Anita knew who these ten men were. They were elite members of the mistress' bodyguard team, specially trained by Mo Bo, Lucy's personal bodyguard, or hand-picked experts from various places.

Lucy's status was unique, so she always had a significant number of bodyguards dispersed around her during each outing.

How strong could ten elite men chosen from such a bodyguard team be?

She guessed the outcome would be Jack getting thoroughly thrashed.

There had been experts in the previous exams, but they either failed the second round or were defeated within a minute of the third round.

However, when this boy appeared from the combat room, other than his slightly rushed breathing, there was no notable change.

"This boy is not simple!" Anita determined.

Thinking this, Anita stood up, gave Jack a bright smile, and said, "Congratulations on passing the exam! Jack, please follow me!"

Anita's way of addressing Jack had changed.

Jack was also in a good mood and followed Anita, asking, "You mentioned the monthly pay is thirty thousand dollars, is that true?"

"Of course, it's true!" Anita giggled.

As the two talked, they rode the elevator together.

"Can I get an advance payment?" Jack thought for a while, then finally asked.

Anita found it amusing, she gave Jack a glance with her sparkling eyes, and said, "Jack, you must meet Miss Lucy once. Only she can decide whether you will be officially hired. As for your request for an advance salary…"

"Have you ever seen anyone getting an advance payment before being officially hired?"

"Alright!" Jack touched his nose, then asked, "Alright, I have been getting all these exams, but who exactly would I be a bodyguard for?"

"Miss Lucy!" Anita replied.

Jack asked, "What is your Miss like?"

"What kind of person?" Anita thought for a while, leaving some mystery, "What kind of person she is, you will find out yourself!"

Soon, they arrived on the third floor of Qiu Yan Tai.

The third floor was a luxuriously decorated hall, but, unfortunately, it was empty.

Anita led Jack into a room.

There were two people in the room.

A young woman and an elderly man.

"Miss, I've brought the man," Anita said to the young woman.

This young woman was Lucy.

As soon as Jack entered, he got a clear look at Lucy's appearance and his breath hitched.


Any man entering this room for the first time would be drawn to this woman.

Blinking his eyes.

This woman...

She was simply too beautiful!

Her skin was as clear as water, her face as lovely as the moon, her fingers were slender, her legs long, leaving anyone who saw her in a daze as if they were lost in a dream.

How could this woman be so beautiful?

Even more beautiful than her sister.

The only pity was that this woman had an expressionless face, even the feeling of someone entering the room didn't change her expression.

Jack was wondering what this woman would look like when she smiled.

He had heard of an ice queen.

That was a term to describe a beauty with a cold demeanor, that only allows one to admire from afar.

Although this lady had an immovable expression, she did not emit a cold aura, not an ice queen, instead seemed like a woman without emotions.

An ice queen would have a cold face.

But Lucy didn't have a cold face, she had no expression at all.

Lucy was looking at a file in her hands. What Jack didn't know was that the file had his name on it, Jack. And, this file recorded his family background, even all the bad things he had done from his childhood were clearly written.

Fortunately, Jack hadn't done anything bad.

Two to three seconds later, without lifting her head, Lucy said, "You haven't worked as a bodyguard before?"

Jack nodded, "No."

"Anita!" Lucy called out lightly.

"Miss!" Anita responded respectfully.

"Go prepare a set of guidelines on being a bodyguard and his uniform!"


Anita knew in her heart that Jack had been successfully hired.

"Wait!" Jack suddenly exclaimed, then said, "Can I get an advance on my salary?"

Mo Bo looked at Jack in surprise. He thought highly of Jack, but now he wondered if Jack had a problem in his head. Where in the world did people just hired, without knowing who that person was, ask for an advance paycheck?

"How much in advance?" Lucy's beautiful face remained unchanged.

Jack thought for a moment, "Ten thousand!"

"Also prepare a bank card with a deposit of ten thousand for him!" Lucy said calmly, looking at the document in her hand.

"Yes!" Anita was already accustomed to these scenes, turned around and left the room.

"This…Miss, you really are a Bodhisattva reincarnated, with a Bodhisattva's heart..." Jack quickly spoke up, preparing to flatter.

TV shows were like this, and so were the scripts.

After the leader rewards the subordinates, the subordinates should definitely say a few nice words to flatter the leader.


"Your salary will be deducted by five thousand during the probation period!" Lucy said this as though it was a small matter.


Jack was stunned on the spot.

Stunned beyond belief.

Jack had just learned one thing in the few seconds after being hired, and that is never ever to talk too much!

"Alright!" Mo Bo laughed and shook his head, "Miss Lucy has a negotiation in the market tomorrow. You will officially start work tomorrow! Go home and prepare today."

Jack agreed and turned to leave.

He had to leave this place of trouble immediately!

After Jack left, Mo Bo asked, "Miss, is this man sent by them?"

"No!" Lucy responded quietly, staring at the file in her hands intently.

After a while, there was a slight movement in Lucy's eyes.

She parting her red lips and murmured, "At eight years old, he had a kitchen knife..."


Jack had just stepped out of Lucy's room when he saw Anita, holding a book and dressed in a suit, walking towards him.

Anita had a devilish figure that made all normal men fantasize. Even just walking in a normal pose, it was thrilling and rousing.

What a charming woman.

Although she was not as beautiful as Lucy, she was sexy in a professional outfit!

"How come you're out!" Anita laughed, without entering Lucy's room, she beckoned him, "Sit down!"

Jack sat down on the sofa in the hall, smiling bitterly, "What kind of person is your Miss, exactly?"

"What kind of person?" Anita smiled lightly. This was the second time Jack had asked her this question. Looking at Jack's expression, she knew that Jack must have taken a blow just now.


Anita thought carefully, and really didn't know how to describe Lucy, she put the book she was holding on the glass table, after pondering for a while, she said, "Actually, although Miss Lucy seems like a robot, but after a long time together, you'll find that she is actually quite cute!"


No matter how Jack thought, he could not imagine the word 'cute' having anything to do with Lucy.

Maybe because his salary was deducted as soon as he arrived, Jack didn't have a good feeling towards Lucy.

Anita knew Jack didn't believe her, she said, "Anyway, we're going to be colleagues from now on!"

"Yes, colleagues!" Jack glanced at Anita.

Who wouldn't want to be colleagues with such a beauty?

Seeing Jack looking at her again, Anita changed the subject, "To be good at this job, the premise is that you must understand the industry of bodyguards. You haven't been a bodyguard before, so even though you have the physical skills, you may not do well!"

"Here is a book about bodyguarding. You go back and read it, remember these things in your head!"

While speaking, Anita handed Jack a book that was neither thick nor thin.

Jack reached out and took it.

"This is your uniform and your advance salary bank card! The password is five 1's."

When Jack received the bank card with ten thousand dollars, his gloomy mood cleared instantly. He decided to withdraw the ten thousand dollars in cash later, and then give it to Mary, helping to relieve some burden for his sister.

He was doing these things because he didn't want his sister to work too hard.

Taking care of the shop during the day, and cooking and doing laundry for him at night.

Jack took a deep breath, no matter what, it was worth it!


The Baiye Clothing Store was a small clothing store, located in the most bustling area of the city. Because there were too many clothing stores and competition was fierce, despite the large numbers of customers in the store every day, the sales volume was not high.

This was the clothing store of Jack's sister, Mary.

"Your clothes from the Baiye Clothing Store are definitely fake. I spent more than five hundred buying a set of clothes, and they tore in just two days after I wore them! Even if they're fake, there is definitely something wrong with the quality of your clothes!"

Just then, a loud yell broke the silence of the selection process!

The crowd of people choosing clothes also stopped to look in the direction of the shouting.

"Sir, there are absolutely no problems with the clothes in our store!" A female employee quickly explained.

The troublemaker was a young man, well-dressed and with a kindly aura that made people feel at first glance that he couldn't do anything terribly wrong.

"So, what you're saying is, I tore the clothes myself!" The man said coldly.

"No! Sir, I didn't mean that!" The female employee looked wronged.

It was her fifth day on the job, she had been very alert. How did she encounter such a situation?

"That's right! I refuse to believe that I have no place to seek justice!" The man held up the tattered clothes and shouted: "Everyone, come and see! The Baiye Clothing Store sells fake clothes. I wore these clothes for two days and they ended up tearing a large hole! "

In the blink of an eye, the crowd became crowded.

Many people pointed and waved at the female employee, and many others watched the drama with schadenfreude.

It's hard for a store to build a reputation.

But it's easy to ruin one.

A store's reputation will definitely be damaged if it gets into trouble. One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel, the people are mostly blind and choose to believe their own eyes, which have deceived them countless times.

People are skeptical about good things, but choose to readily believe the bad ones.

"What's happening?"

At this moment, two young women pushed their way through the crowd!

Upon seeing the two young women, the female employee immediately brightened up, and she said like as if she had seen a saviour: "Boss, Sister Ling!"

The people who came were Mary and her best friend who had fought through the hardships together, Zhou Ling.

Zhou Ling was tall and graceful, with beautiful long hair. At this moment, she laughed and glanced at the trouble-making man, then said, "I understand!"

How crude, the man's trick had been used many times, could he not come up with something more sophisticated?

The female employee immediately stepped aside and handed over the situation to Mary and Zhou Ling.

Mary didn't say a word, leaving the matter to Zhou Ling. Zhou Ling's personality was easier for handling these sorts of situations.

Zhou Ling smiled and said, "Sir, can I help you?"

"Look at these clothes. I wore them for just two days and they tore. How do you explain that? I'm telling you, I wore them and went for a run today and they tore a large hole. I spent more than 500, and you gave me a knockoff?" The man was aggressive and imposing.

Zhou Ling was not afraid at all, she smiled and said, "Sir, could you please hand me the clothes?"

"You want to look at the clothes?" The man thought for a moment, feeling that his trick had been well disguised, and Zhou Ling surely wouldn't be able to tell. He then said, "Fine, I'll give them to you!"

Zhou Ling picked up the pants and looked at them for a while, then said, "I'm sorry, sir, this pair of pants is not from our store!"

"What did you say!" The man exclaimed, "I bought these pants from your store!"

Zhou Ling said, "Sir, we can have the manufacturer identify them. All the clothes from our Baiye Clothing Store are purchased through standard manufacturer channels and there are purchasing standards and proofs. As for whether this pair of clothes is from our store, we can consult the manufacturer!"

"You're consulting the manufacturer, huh, I've seen too many like