

"Jack is a person with a strong desire to protect his family. From a young age, he showed extraordinary talent, whether in combat skills or in terms of strength. Jack participated in the bodyguard assessment of Emperor Group, including arm wrestling and actual combat tests, demonstrating his strength and combat skills.Jack was eventually selected to be Lucy's personal bodyguard, receiving a high salary. His job is to ensure Lucy's safety. During this period, many thrilling and interesting stories happened. Let us walk into the legendary story of Jack together."

goodpoy · สมัยใหม่
78 Chs

Chapter 58 :That's More Like It!

He was never one to instigate trouble.

Those who enjoy sarcasm, who stir up trouble, how insecure must they be to feel the need to lift themselves up by putting others down?

To put it simply.

He wasn't insecure.

"Alvin!" Adolf watched Jack's retreating figure and spoke with a heavy voice.

"Young Master!" Alvin replied slowly.

Adolf tempered his voice, "You shouldn't have held back!"

"I didn't!" Alvin's voice was like thunder, his words crisp and to the point. This habit of speaking little and his temperament were shaped during his time as a special forces soldier, enduring grueling training. For him, talking too much was a disadvantage, offering no benefit.

"You didn't hold back? That's impossible, how could that kid be a match for you!" Adolf couldn't help but erupt in anger.

When had he ever been in a situation where he couldn't bully someone? If word of this got out, he'd be the laughing stock among all the Houston high-society young masters.

"I didn't hold back!" Alvin reiterated. "He's a skilled fighter, I can't beat him, and besides, the boss told me, if I think there's someone the Young Master shouldn't mess with, I have to let him know. You should check this guy out. No ordinary person has those moves."

He was telling the truth.

If the fight had continued, he would definitely not be Jack's opponent.

Whether it was strength, agility, or reflexes.

He was no match for Jack.

In the initial exchanges, he had been put at a significant disadvantage twice. If Jack had chosen to attack, it wouldn't have just been a mere disadvantage. When he was knocked to the ground, Jack could have easily stepped on him and attacked rapidly. Even just one more follow-up punch and standing up would not be as easy as it was before.

"What, do I just have to swallow my pride?" Adolf clenched his fists tightly.


With that, he bit his teeth and said, "Let's go. I understand what to do!"

There was no one Adolf couldn't bully.

Alvin didn't say another word.

Adolf's choices were none of his business.

He was paid to do a job. How others decided to proceed after that was their concern, not his.

The night in Houston was still as radiant as ever, the city lights brilliant, outshining the day. It looked like a beautifully dressed young girl. If Houston's daytime was a naturally beautiful woman, the evening was like a prettied-up new bride, waiting to be prized.

No one knows which is a woman's most beautiful day.

But it surely includes the day she gets married.

Because that is the day she pays most attention to detail.

If a woman decides to be thoughtful about her appearance, she will surely be beautiful.

The streets were bustling with vehicles, especially on Nanwan Road where the traffic was heavier than usual. The lights here were dazzling, and every tall building and skyscraper was lit up.

Qing Shi Jewelry might not be the tallest building, but it surely had the most beautiful lighting.

"Master, stop here, please!" Jack said.

"Alright!" the taxi driver responded with a smile.

Jack got out of the taxi, took a quick glance at Qing Shi Jewelry, inhaled deeply, and entered.



Two young women at the reception said in unison, their voices sweet and pleasing to the ear.

Jack nodded his head.

At this time, Diana's assistant came running over as if she had been waiting for Jack for a while and said, "Jack is here. Miss Diana is upstairs. I'll take Jack to her."

"Thank you!" Jack nodded.

Soon, he arrived at Diana's office, which was less of an office and more like Diana's small home because it had a TV, a sofa, and even a bed. It had a restroom, a shower, and a place to do laundry. It was nothing like a normal office.

A bed again?

Jack walked into Diana's small home and saw Diana sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, lazily eating a bright red apple while watching TV.

And upon seeing Diana, Jack involuntarily swallowed hard.

She wore a short red professional skirt that hugged her shapely behind closely. Her upper body was clad in a short-sleeved red blouse, the neckline loosened generously to reveal an expanse of fair skin and an enticing cleavage nestled between two lofty peaks.

Soft and fair, quivering slightly under the fabric like peeled jelly, they seemed to promise an excellent tactility.


That would surely be the first thought upon laying eyes on her, the first sight you'd want to see.

This woman always dressed so daringly, flirting with exposure, irresistibly provocative.

Especially her stockings wrapped around her legs—

Jack swallowed once more.

If this woman desired, countless men would get cleaned up and obediently head to her bed.

"Have you seen enough!" Diana turned down the volume of the Korean drama on the TV and took another bite of her apple, her beautiful eyes smiling at Jack.

"------" Jack didn't speak.

Surely, a young man is defenseless against such temptation.

He wondered, do all smart women like to eat apples?

"Do you want to take another look?" Diana asked.

Jack couldn't help swallowing again, thinking he might have drunk too much water today. He wanted to agree but shook his head immediately.

"Seriously now, don't you want to see something more exciting?" Diana seductively licked her lips.

"No!" Jack said.

"This is what you said you didn't want, huh!" Diana teased with a laugh.

"------" Jack hesitated.

Could this woman really mean it?

What if she actually lets him see?

Seeing Jack's silence and hesitation, Diana became even bolder. As she spoke, she slightly parted her legs clad in black stockings, revealing a dark space.

Jack glanced over instinctively.

But as soon as he glanced, he realized he'd been tricked; the gap between those beautiful legs snapped shut swiftly.

"Giggle, little brother, you're not as pure as I thought!" Diana said, laughing and holding her stomach.

Jack felt it might be better to be not so pure.

"Spill it then, what brings you here today? You wouldn't tell me over the phone what it was about. Have you made up your mind to clean up nice and plump, ready to be kept by me? Sister promises to fatten you up and in a certain happiness, make you even happier." Diana slapped the glass table, then leaned back on the sofa like a cat in heat.

This woman was always like this, every move and smile igniting irresistible desire.

"Come over here!" Diana said.

"Go over?" Jack looked at the woman warily.

Was she determined to devour him?

"What are you afraid of, that I'll eat you up?" Diana asked.

Jack shivered all over.

Seeing this, Diana couldn't help but burst into laughter; "Little brother, can you not be so adorable?"

"Come over," Diana repeated her command.

Jack thought for a moment and walked over.

"Sit down!" Diana pointed to the sofa.

Jack bit his lip, refusing to believe this woman could really do anything to him.

So, he sat on the specially ordered red sofa, although he kept a cautious distance from Diana. The sofa was soft, making him wonder if it felt the same as Diana's chest since every time she dressed so revealingly, it led Jack to subconsciously wonder if she wore a bra.

And today at home, she was even more audacious.

It seemed she didn't regard Jack as a virile man at all.

"What are you sitting so far away for?"


"Sit closer!" Diana beckoned, her gesture like a female predator teasing a naive boy.

Jack's body trembled, but he didn't move closer.

"If you don't sit closer, forget about getting that necklace," Diana said with a stern face.

Jack feared threats the most. Hearing this, he quickly scooted closer to her.

The red sofa shifted, causing Diana's apparently slipping bosom to sway.

Jack watched, heart-thumping.

"Move in a bit more!" Diana instructed.

So, Jack moved closer again.

"That's better!" Diana said with a smile, and she looped her arm through Jack's.

Jack tried to pull away from her, but she grabbed his arm even tighter.

Diana chastised with a laugh, "I holding your arm looks more intimate, doesn't it? What, you think you can just hit it and quit it? Watch some TV with me. I mean, the guy in this drama is so dumb. If I were him, I would drug the other guy just to get him. Men these days are so stupid!"

Jack startled.

Since when did he become a 'baby daddy'?

Thinking this, he tried to pull away from her grasp again.

But she was holding on tight.

After several failed attempts to resist, Jack stopped struggling.

Truthfully he didn't intend to put up a severe fight.

If Diana wanted to take him down, he might hesitate, make a bit of a struggle, and then submit respectfully.

"But you're a woman!" Jack continued.

"If I were the woman in this drama, I'd chop that stupid man's thing off with a knife!" Diana bit into the apple, looking irresistibly seductive.

Jack shuddered again.

How could he not fear, when this woman, while holding his arm, spoke such words?

What if she decided to chop off his precious manhood?

Seeing the fear in Jack, Diana looked at him for a while before saying seriously, "Don't worry, I won't chop yours!"

Jack sighed in relief, but then heard her follow-up and realized things were not so simple.

"However, you never know. If one day I'm unhappy and can't find anything else to grab, I might just chop it off on a whim." Diana laughed, putting the apple down on the table.

"You just said you wouldn't chop mine off, didn't you?" Jack said.

"Pfft, you believe what women say?"