

"Jack is a person with a strong desire to protect his family. From a young age, he showed extraordinary talent, whether in combat skills or in terms of strength. Jack participated in the bodyguard assessment of Emperor Group, including arm wrestling and actual combat tests, demonstrating his strength and combat skills.Jack was eventually selected to be Lucy's personal bodyguard, receiving a high salary. His job is to ensure Lucy's safety. During this period, many thrilling and interesting stories happened. Let us walk into the legendary story of Jack together."

goodpoy · สมัยใหม่
78 Chs

Chapter 47:Abner!

"So cool!"

A few girls exclaimed in awe.

Their reaction wasn't surprising in the least, given how satisfying the situation was.

"Well hit!"

A few boys couldn't help but clap and cheer.


"That blond kid got beaten up by Jack!"

Outside the classroom, not knowing where they got the news from, a crowd had gathered, and not a few were girls – this was due to the buzz created by Abner.

"That blond kid was bragging so much, I thought he had some real skill."

"He's no match for Jack."

"Jack's fighting posture just now was so cool!"

"He came for Jack, thinking he could use him as a stepping stone to fame at the University of Houston, but he didn't expect to become infamous instead!"

Indeed, should this story spread, Abner would be utterly disgraced at the University of Houston.

The whispers grew louder and more numerous.

And inside the classroom, the majority were clapping and cheering.

If it wasn't for the teacher maintaining their dignity, they might have also shouted in praise. That blond kid's mouth was like a knife, non-stop and each word cutting deep.

Not only that, but he had even dared to strike the female students, and who knows how many people wanted to give him a good beating.

But this blond kid, Abner, was tough – no ordinary person could beat him.

A few boys in the class couldn't resist the urge to take action but were laid flat on the ground by Abner. Noticing something was wrong, he quickly stopped those who still wanted to get involved, and only then did things calm down.

This sort of person needed to be handled by someone who could actually beat him; those who couldn't shouldn't recklessly engage.

It just so happened that Jack wasn't there today.

So, they reported the matter to Smith.

And then, Jack came.

Now, the result was Abner lying flat on the ground.

Abner hadn't passed out, his awareness was clear, but Jack's beating left him unable to stand, his body aching as if it were about to split.

"This man hits really hard!" Abner thought to himself grimly.

"Could a few boys come and carry him to the infirmary?" the teacher said slowly.

"Sure thing!"

A few boys carried Abner away.

When Abner had been assigned the task by the young master to scout out Lucy's personal bodyguard, he was eager to learn it was a youngster under twenty, with delicate skin. He quickly accepted the task, seeing it as a great opportunity to make a name for himself at the University of Houston!

Thus, before arriving at the Chinese Studies department, he made sure to spread the word far and wide.

He claimed he wanted to challenge someone from the first-year level of Chinese Studies.

Although the Chinese Studies first-year students were not considered experts, outside, everyone thought the department was teeming with masters. If he could beat up some of the Chinese Studies students, he would surely become famous at the University of Houston.

Now, practically the whole university knew he wanted to challenge someone from the Chinese Studies first year.

Everything happened as he had anticipated.

Smith indeed cared about face and didn't dare to handle it using official channels, and as far as Abner was concerned, the first-year Chinese Studies students were all wastes, none of them a match for him. But no one had expected Jack to be so formidable. With a few precise and ruthless moves and no complicated techniques, Abner was left unable to retaliate.

He clenched his teeth internally.

"This kid doesn't follow any techniques with his punches; it seems he only knows how to street fight. I was caught off guard this time and couldn't react. Next time, he'll see!" Abner vowed silently.

He thought, Jack just had more strength.

Apart from brawling, he lacked genuine combat experience.

Sooner or later, he would have his revenge.

This time, Jack had humiliated him to the core! Next time, he would make Jack wish he were dead – he played an adult's game.

Abner was carried into the infirmary.

"Who did this? It's really vicious!" a doctor in a white coat tsk-tsked: "These are clearly caused by fists. I've been at the University of Houston quite a while and haven't seen such a severe beatdown. It's not going to be easy for this student's face to recover to its original state anytime soon!"

Clearly straightforward, the doctor was an honest man, completely oblivious to the furious glance from Abner.

After the doctor had done a simple dressing of Abner's wounds, he left him all alone in the infirmary.

Not long after, creak, the door opened.

Two people came in from outside.

"Young master, Third Brother!" Abner saw the two people walking in from the door, hurriedly tried to get up, but just moving brought unbearable pain.

"Lie down!" The man called the young master covered his mouth with a white handkerchief, looking at Abner's condition with disgust, waving his hand, as the smell of blood emanated from Abner was unpleasant.

This young master, probably around twenty-one or twenty-two, was dressed in all white clothing, shoes, socks and the handkerchief covering his mouth was also white.

The man seemed like a perfectionist, even dust on his shoes had to be wiped off more than a dozen times.

He was a neat freak.

It was apparent from the first glance he had a compulsion for cleanliness.

Abner saw the look of disgust on the young master's face and couldn't help laughing bitterly; presumably, the smell of blood on him was causing disgust.

"Third brother..." Abner began with a bitter smile.

The man known as the young master impatiently said, "Tell me, how did things go?"

Abner replied, "I'm sorry, young master, I failed."

"How capable is this Jack?" Clark asked coldly.

"Not much!" Abner said fiercely: "Young master, it was completely my oversight this time. That kid is mostly a small-time thug, and I was caught off guard that's why he managed to get the upper hand!"

"Shut up!" Clark commanded: "You better smarten up. Whether strong or weak, anyone who defeats you is the stronger one. Don't judge others with the eyes of a failure. Alright, I'm disgusted just by seeing you now. Let's go, Third Brother."

"Young master, what about Jack?"

Clark squinted his eyes, gestured to someone nearby, and shortly after, a girl in a school uniform ran over to him willingly and was pulled into his embrace, "In a while, I'll personally deal with him. According to the news, Lucy is nearly forced into going to college by her family."

At that moment, the girl in the school uniform wriggled uncomfortably in Clark's arms.

"Be good, don't dirty my clothes!" Clark said.

"Yes, young master!" the girl carefully responded, hardly daring to breathe, fearing she might anger Clark.

She knew full well about Clark's severe obsession with cleanliness. If she were to dirty his clothes or step on his shoes while in his embrace, today might just become her nightmare. Although she might not be considered beautiful, her skills in serving were unparalleled.

Her clothes for the day were freshly washed.

"Hmph, Lucy, she'll be mine sooner or later. I won't pretend to be a noble gentleman like that guy!" Clark wiped his hands with sanitizing wipes, trying to eliminate the smell from the infirmary.

Even those with obsessions for cleanliness need women.

And Lucy, an unbelievably beautiful woman, naturally attracted the attention of many.

However, no one had ever got the better of that woman.

Because of Abner, Jack's fame at the University of Houston saw yet another boost.

It couldn't be helped. Before Abner came to the Chinese Studies department to cause trouble, he had already spread the word so extensively that he essentially made the whole University of Houston aware of his intentions, drawing other students from different departments who had no classes to spectate. And indeed, Abner managed to achieve that.

He fought many from the Chinese Studies department, getting more and more into it. Had Jack not appeared, Abner would have surely become famous.

And the Chinese Studies department would have been severely humiliated.