
Dinner with friends

"You saw that?" I grimaced--that wasn't my finest moment.

"Everybody saw it." He grinned "It was pretty hot."

"Calm down!"

"I'm kidding. Jaxson got the message and he was not happy about it." He said shaking his head.

"Figured as much as I saw him storm out of the café." I said.

"Let's go back to my room. Ally is probably making dinner." He said.

"Is it that time already?" I asked looking up at the clock on the wall as it read 6:45pm "Hm, it is that time."

We talked and joked as we walked to our room. Liam was a cool guy. I learned a few things about him on our trek back to the dorms. He too was 17 and a senior. He had twin brothers the same age as Matthew--Cain and Dean. A little sister who is 4--Lia. His father was the Alphas best friend just like he and Jaxson are; that's why he is going to be Jaxson's Beta. He hasn't found his mate yet, and didn't find sleeping around much to his liking. He wasn't a virgin though. He was really into sports and played everything the school offered. It's amazing how you can find so much about a person in the five minutes it took us to get to the dorm. We were laughing as we walked in, but that stopped the moment I saw who was sitting in the living room--Jaxson and Sarah; she was all over him.

"Don't either of you have your own dorm room to do that in?" I questioned.

Sarah removed her lips enough to look up at me and speak "Oh, it's just you." She sneered as she went back to sucking face with Jaxson. Though he didn't look into it anymore.

My aggravation as dwindled into nothing after my session at the gym and little talk with Liam. Now? It was back full force. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly. It didn't matter. They didn't matter.

"Hey, you guys are back!" Ally chirped bouncing into the room, almost tripping over her own feet when she took in the sight before her. "Ew, what is she doing her?" Looks like I'm not the only one that doesn't like her.

"She's with me." Jaxson said.

"Yeah, well you do know I don't like her. If you want her company, do it elsewhere I rather not have unwanted guests in my dorm. Especially when this is our first dinner with a new roommate." Ally said.

"Don't even worry about it Ally. I'm just going to jump into the shower and then go see what my friends are up too." I said walking up to my room. "Hey, Liam?"


"You wanna come with? My friends haven't met you yet."

"Uh, yeah sure." He nodded shooting Jaxson a sidelong look, unlike me who didn't spare him a glance.

I took a few more calming breaths before I hopped into the shower. The hot water pelted against my skin, getting rid of the tension. I scrubbed off all the sweat and washed my hair. I jumped out and wrapped a towel around my body before stepping in my room. I nearly jumped when I saw Jaxson sitting on my bed after drying my hair. Did he have no manners? You do not, just walk into someone's bedroom without them knowing; especially when they're taking a shower.

"What do you want?" I asked walking over to my drawer to take some underwear out. "Shouldn't you be outside entertaining a certain somebody."

"I just wanted to talk." He said.

"I don't want to talk. I already know what I need to." I said walking over to my closest for some clothes.

I headed back to the bathroom to change and brush my hair. When I walked out he was still sitting there.

"What did Liam tell you?" He asked.

"He told me why you are the way you are and why you rejected me." I said leaning against the door frame.


"Pretty much." I nodded. "You don't want to go through the pain of loosing your mate, just like your dad." He nodded but didn't say anything; didn't even look at me. "Look, I get it, okay. So just...stop. Stop trying to talk to me it will only make things worse for our wolves--mine anyway--and I...just stop." I said and walked out of my room.

Liam was standing in the kitchen showered and ready. He gave me a small smile when he saw me walking to him and I gave him one as well. I said a quick goodbye to Ally and Austin and noticed Jaxson off to the side with his head down and his hands stuffed in his pockets. It didn't hurt this time when I walked away from him and I'm glad about that. In that moment I realized that I was going to be alone and oddly I was okay with that. Sometimes it's better to be alone, no one can hurt you that way. With one last look at him I turned around and walked out.

"So..." Liam said slowly; drawing my attention from the empty hallway to him.


He cleared his throat. "What did you and Jaxson talk about?" He asked.

"I talked he just sat there." I shrugged "Then again, I didn't really give him a chance to say anything."

"I've never seen him so out of it." He said.

"He seems like he's doing just fine to me. He has Sarah as a distraction."

"I guess." He shrugged "So why did you ask me to join you?"

"You haven't met my friends yet. They're the best." I replied as we came to a stop in front of their dorm. I opened the door and pulled Liam in with me. "Honey I'm home!"

"You're such an idiot." Ava said laughing.

"I'm a lovable idiot." I grinned.

"Yeah, whatever!" She scoffed "Who's your new friend?"

"Ava this is Liam, my other roommate. Liam this is one of my best friends Avery." I said introducing them.

"It's nice to meet you, Liam." She smiled.

"Likewise." He nodded

"Everyone else is in the living room; except Lee. I have no idea what she's doing, she locked herself in her room." Ava said.

"She's skyping!" Kayden shouted from the living room.

"Hey guys!" I said walking into the living room with Liam. "This is my roommate Liam." I said when they all looked up. "Liam this is the guys, Nolan, Max and Kayden."

"Sup!" They all said in unison.

"Hey." Liam said.

"DONE!" Kylee exclaimed running out of her room. "God can my mother talk! I swear I couldn't get a word in between her and my dad."

"Liam this is Kylee, Kylee this is my roommate Liam." I said.