

Knocking on the door, Gohru in his Go-Ru disguise waited as a woman's voice rang from behind the door.


The door opens to reveal a woman in her late 30s with short brown hair and a round face.

"Ah, Go-Ru-san. Here for my boy, aren't you?"

"Yes, ma'am. We're going out to train for the entrance exam in a few days."

"Yes, yes. Well, I'll call him, he and Ochako are still asleep. DENJI!"

She yells before looking at him with an embarrassed face.

"Sorry, they both have a habit of sleeping late."

Smiling, he just waved nonchalantly as he replied.

"No problem, ma'am. I understand."

"Please wait for a moment. DENJI! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE! WAKE UP!"

She yelled as she closes the door to wake Denji up, causing Gohru to look at his phone messages. In their group chat, he could see Dabi, Buba, and Toga together in a photo next to her new college with a caption saying, "Miss You!".

He had tasked the two older brothers to watch over her, sending both of them to help Toga with anything. It was also an excuse to bring them out of Japan since it's about to get hectic in this country once the plot starts.

After watching a video of a cat doing a flip, the door opened once more as Denji holding a backpack grinned at him.


"You're late."

"Sorry, was grinding League. Grandmaster, baby!"

"Bitch, our instincts are literally faster than a normal player. You're just trolling with Bard AD Top."

He apologized without actually apologizing before slinging his backpack. After a thank you to Denji's mother, Gohru and Denji headed off to his place to use the Gravity Chamber via taxi.

"So... About staying at your house..."


"Mom said that if you'd take Ochako, then only I can stay at your house."

"... No offence, but I really don't want that."

"None taken, dude. That just sucks."

"Meh, it's alright. We can still train together."

"Anyways, how're you gonna reveal Gohru to Jiro?"

"Ugh... Don't remind me."

He muttered as he palmed his face. He had forgotten to tell Jiro that he was a multi-millionaire, champ of the World Martial Arts Tournament, and face of Japan's martial arts scene.

He should have honestly told her a while ago, but he just kept on forgetting about it!

"I don't know, I'll think about it."

"Hey, I'm sure that it'll be all fine."

"Ugh, changing topics. What do you think of using the item gacha tickets?"

Denji hummed in thought after hearing the question before snapping his fingers.

"I guess maybe during important scenarios when the plot diverges? Since we're gonna fuck up the plot, might as well have a safety net just in case anything bad happens."

"True. Alright then, keep it on you everywhere, Denji. Who knows how the plot's gonna change because of us."

"You mean, you only. Not us."

"Oh, fuck off. The moment you came into contact with me, everything's weird now."


Clearing his throat, Gohru tapped on the mic one last time to check if it was on. He was wearing a suit that he bought a few months ago, and was in a conference room with a lot of media in front of him, flashing their cameras live.

It was time.

"Now, most of you are probably aware, but I'm turning 15 this year. And the question that everyone here should be asking. Am I targeting to be a hero? The answer to that is yes, I am. So, the next question is, what school am I aiming for? Well, I think it's obvious. I'm trying out for the UA's entrance exam that's in a month's time."

The cameras started to stutter as the reporters started to mummer in excitement.

"I feel that my abilities as a martial artist would be better used to help people instead, that was the main reason for my choice to be a Hero. To help and save as many people as I humanly could. Therefore, I will stop all tournament appearances as I need the time to be a student."

Looking at the camera, he bowed.

"I will not take the recommended entrance test as I feel that it is not fair for me and the others who are doing the exam the fair way, so I will be taking the normal entrance exam to prove my worth. To UA, I will be disguised as a normal person for the entrance exam, so if you realize who I am in my disguise, please don't be biased and grade me like any other participant. That is all, thank you for your time."


"Ditching your sister?"

"You know that I need to."

It was currently 6.21 a.m. The entrance exam was at 9.00, so Denji and Gohru decided to stake it out outside UA.

Why did they go out so early? The reason was because Midoriya had to meet up with Ochako, who was planning to reach there at 7.30.

The two had to meet up so that Midoriya would have the motivation to save her and get into 1-A. That doesn't mean that Denji liked it. After all, his sister would be in danger, and he was risking it for the main character's character development.

"But god damn, this place is fucking huge."

Denji muttered as they entered the school through the gates, flashing their temporary UA ID tag for access before walking into the school.

The school had two tests for its entrance exam. Academics, and Practical. They had already done their academics exam last month, so they were doing their Practical test today.

So, with the help of a map given by the guard at the gate, they successfully navigated themselves to the auditorium where Present Mic would explain the Practical Exam.

Entering the auditorium, he could see some people in their school uniforms which was quite interesting since it was so early, but he digressed as they sat in the middle row.

With nothing to do, Gohru told Denji to wake him up, before putting his noise-cancelling earbuds on and started playing slow, soft music from his universe.

And within minutes, he passed out with Denji grinning at his sleeping body once he was out cold.


The next thing that Gohru felt was shaking. A lot of shaking.

Groaning slightly, he started to wake up to more shaking and now yelling. Once he was awake, he groaned as he sees who was yelling at him.

"It is highly disrespectful to sleep in such a prestigious school! Especially before such an important event that is about to unfold!"

Yelling at him was a boy with short dark blue hair and rectangle glasses that had the aura of "DISCIPLINE". Iida Tenya, the future Turbo Hero: Ingenium.

"Sorry, I thought my friend would wake me up— "

Looking at the empty spot to his left, he just sighed as with a quick scan of the whole place, he sees Denji talking with his sister who had a blush on her face.

"Ugh. Anyways, I apologize."

"You are forgiven! But please refrain from such action as we are in such an esteemed academy and such acts cannot be tolerated!"

He said with a robotic movement of his arms before sitting next to him on his right, making Gohru twitch his eye in annoyance.

'Out of everyone here, I get seated with him? Ugh...'

His luck sucked when it had to clutch up.


He had mostly tuned out the whole explanation of Present Mic with his earbuds on his ears, but he got the picture of the whole exam.

Basically, there are 4 robots that give points depending on their size and number on them, from 0 points to 4 points. And then, they were going to be tossed to a fake city where it tests their spacial awareness, decision-making, and combat prowess.

They had a total of 20 minutes to get as many points as possible and to make it harder, there were only a limited amount of robots, meaning points were going to be scarce the longer the exam goes on.

Once Present Mic finished with his speech, he separated everyone with their respective Battle Arenas from Ground A to G.

Looking at his ID tag, he sees the Battle Arena that he was assigned to.


Name: Dan Go-Ru

ID: 1920

Battle Arena: E


E, huh? If he recalled, Denji was in D.

'Heh, Deez Nuts.'

With a chuckle, he started to walk to his designated bus to the Battle Arena, nodding at Denji gave him a thumbs up.


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