


Last chapter of the week! And the scheduling is back to 3 chapters a week now. I'll see you guys on the 30th, peace!


"The World's Martial Arts Tournament is in a month, so what're you still doing?"

Kenichi asks with a stern voice as he looks at the state of the living room. There was food everywhere from junk food like chips to instant ramen bowls on the floor and on the coffee table.

And on the couch were four people resting, three were slamming their controllers while another was resting on one's lap.

"Light Spirit 4 just came out, and we're trying to clear it, duh?" A sarcastic voice rang from the couch as the camera pans toward the owner of the voice.

The owner was a man around age 20, who had white hair with a faded haircut. There were multiple burn scars on his face, especially the area under his eyes and his jaw. The man wore baggy clothing, a loose t-shirt along with camo shorts, and was quite muscular with bandages all over his visible arms and legs.

This was Todoroki Toya, who shed his name a few years ago and now goes by the name "Dabi".


3 years ago, before meeting Toga Himiko...

"So did you find him, Giran?"

Gohru asks on the phone as an elderly voice snarks. This was Giran, one of Japan's most influential info brokers that you can find.

"Yeah, yeah. I found the fucking guy. Was so fucking hard to find him..."

"Good. I'll meet you later at 10?"

"Whatever kid. As long as you pay me."

The call cuts as Gohru leans on his couch in the living room, sighing.

'Still, I'm surprised Giran found him.'

He had little past life memories remaining due to them stagnating in his mind. He had already forgotten most of the faces and names of his previous friends and family, only remembering facts and fragments of his memories.

He didn't even really remember most of the plot of BNHA at all now. People may ask, 'why didn't you write it in a book or something?' That's because shit will go down the fan when someone finds out about it, especially All for One.

'What about putting it in your capsule then?' Same shit, they'll just steal the capsule, and when they learn how to open it, boom, I'm dead. Exactly the reason why I was going to burn the manuals in four years' time, just before the main plot begins.

Well, to be fair, it's been almost 9 years since I reincarnated in this world and All for One hasn't been seen at all, so maybe he should have written the plot down, but the past was already in the past. Paranoia was a bitch.

Right now, he only remembers about 60-70% of the plot. He could remember up to the start of the training arc with the Wild Pussy Cats, that was it.

Anyways, in one of the fragmented memories, he could recall a friend of his whose name and face were already forgotten talking about some spoilers of BNHA. That guy really loved spoiling stuff to him, from the Demon Slayer manga to the new chapters of One Piece.

"Dude, you know bout Dabi's backstory? Shit's fucked upppppp!"

He wasn't someone who loved listening to spoilers, but since it was Dabi and he was cool at the time, he entertained his friend as he explained the backstory of Todoroki Touya.

And fucked up indeed. Endeavor really fucked up there. And after reading the background check of Touya from Step 0, he grimaced.

'Shit actually happened the same way. And the fact that he's out right now tells me that he escaped All for One's orphanage already.'

He now had two choices, recruit him and persuade him to kill Endeavor only instead of both him and Shoto, or kill him now so that fewer people die from him.

He wasn't some moral hero that tries to save everyone, but even he has a moral compass to save innocents that weren't related to the fight.

The decision was supposed to be a quick one. Kill one to save 10, kill 10 to save 100. That was the most logical move, but after recalling about his past, he just couldn't pull the trigger.

So he decided to meet with the guy and have a talk with him first before he decides.

Reaching one of Giran's safehouses that he uses as a meeting place, he enters the hideout after going through multiple inspections, making sure that he wasn't armed with a weapon.

Upon opening the door, he was met with the old fucker Giran who was sitting at his usual spot along with a boy about 17 years of age with white hair and scars on his face standing behind the old coot's couch.

Gohru had to hold back his excitement and awe at his favorite Villain of BNHA.

"Been a while, Giran. Looks like your old ass is still kicking."

"Bah! Fuck off, kid."

They greeted each other kindly as he sits down opposite the two.

"Anyways, I found him, so pay up."

As cutthroat as ever. Placing the briefcase that he brought along on the coffee table between the two, Giran flips open the hatches before whistling upon opening the briefcase.

Notes of Yen were stacked perfectly inside the case, which equated to 100,000 Yen. Closing the case, he takes the case before standing up with his cane next to him.

"Alright, a deal was a deal. 10 minutes is all you have before I call the boys to fuck you off."

And with that, he limps away with the case, leaving him and Dabi alone in the living room.

"Sit, Dabi. I'd like to make a deal for you."

You know what they say... Keep your friends close...

And enemies closer.


Anyways, that was almost 3 years ago already. Sure, they almost killed each other a few times already, but he'd like to think that they were love taps from him. A story for another time.

"Yeah, Ken! I really want to play this! | No, I don't! The boss man was the one who dragged me here! Help me, Kenny-boy!"

Another person from the couch said the first sentence was in a happy cheerful tone while the second one was in an angry yelling one. The camera pans to him, revealing a man much older than Dabi.

He was around 27 years of age, with a blond stub on his chin. Half of his face however was covered with a mask that was white on the left and black on the right, the middle being separated by a light grey since he was shoving chips into his mouth.

This was Bubaigawara Jin, the Villain Double to many, and Buba to his friends.


2 months before meeting Dabi...

"Wassup, Giran! How's my favorite man going?"

"It's only been a month, kid. Anyways, I found the Double Quirk guy that you asked me to find. He's at XXX apartment, floor 3 on XXX street."

"Sweet! I knew you'd find him, Giran! My man!" Gohru said in his fake cheerful persona, to which Giran just scoffed.

"Get me my money, and then we'll be all buddy-buddy-like." He said with an annoyed tone before slamming the phone down and ending the call.

After taking a few seconds to find the location on Bubble Maps, he stood up from his dining room before putting on a hoodie and walking out of the house.


After an hour of walking in Gear Second, Gohru deactivates it when he reaches the street. And after a few more minutes of looking around, he finally stops at the entrance of his apartment door.

Knocking on his door, Gohru waits for a few seconds, hearing multiple voices of the same person clash slightly before the door opens, revealing a man with a mask on.

"What the hell do you want — "

Pushing him back into his apartment, Double falls to the ground a few feet from the door as Gohru closes the door and locks it shut.

"The fuck — ?"

"If I said that I can cure you of your disorder, would you believe me?"

His sentence gets interrupted as Gohru could see his eyes widen under the skintight mask.

Crouching down to meet the man eye to eye, he grins at the shocked face.

"Bubaigawara Jin, codename Double. Quirk: Double. By the way, very shit name for a Villain since you could easily get caught with that. Maybe change it up later."

"Hey! It's a nice name! | Yeah! Fuck you!"

"Moving on, you have a disorder after a 9-day conflict with yourself and your clones, yes? You're not sure if you're the real Jin, that's why you wear a mask, to avoid "splitting" into two."

He said as the man starts to hyperventilate, clutching his mask tightly as he pulls it down, to make sure that he doesn't "split" in two.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! P-Please! Don't! | F-Fuck you, bastard! You're reminding me of shit memories!"

Resting his head on his palm, he slowly explains.

"Your clones break after a certain amount of damage, yes? Well, I have a proposition for you."

Reaching out for the panting man, he grins widely as he becomes the devil.

"Now, Jin, Double, whatever you call yourself these days... I'd like to make you a deal."


Ahh, good times... Well, the times now were better since I have more friends now, but still, good times as the Devil.

"Hey! Hey! Boss man, you good? You need a drink or something? | Boss man's going crazy! Hurry, throw Toga at him as a distraction while we run!"

He said, half of his body waving his arm at my face while the other side of his body was grabbing Dabi and was about to sprint away.

"Fuck off, Buba! I'm in a boss fight!"

"Yeah, Buba! Throw me at him! I wanna have a go! "

Said a crazy but lustful voice, to which Gohru groaned at. Looking down at his thighs, he sees Himiko Toga tightly clutching his waist as if he was a lifeline in space, not letting go anytime soon.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Himiko Toga, his secretary/assistant/stalker/self-proclaimed girlfriend/bloodsucker.

Literally. A bloodsucker. She sucks almost one liter of blood from him every day, along with another liter after their daily spar to which she purposely stabs him in his arteries to get more blood.

"I'm not catching you, Toga." He says as Toga just grins like she was on cloud nine at the prospect of him catching her.

"Liar! He'll catch her, won't he Dabi? He's a simp! | Yessssss, let her fall, sigma male! Such a Giga Chad!"


He yells as he throws the controller on his arms to the ground, shattering the glass coffee table that was filled with food and drinks.

"... Your friend group's fucked up, Gohru."

"They're your friends too, Ken."

"... Oh, yeah. What the fuck happened to me?"

Fuck indeed. But a good fuck. A family fuck. Wait, that sounded wrong.

Step 1 of Fucking-the-Plot, complete. Now time for Fucking-the-Plot step 2, time to fuck the main canon. I can't wait!


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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