
Practical Exam: Fumikage and Tsuyu VS Ectoplasm

"Team Fumikage and Tsuyu, practical exam." The monotone voice announced. "Ready? Go!"

Now it's Fumikage and Tsuyu's turn. They're up against Ectoplasm. His Quirk gives him the ability to produce streams of ectoplasm from his mouth and transform it into clones of himself.

"If we want to escape, that means we have to leave through the designated gate, right?" Tsuyu confirmed. "That means the teacher will probably be waiting for us there."

As soon as the bell sound went off, clones of Extoplasm started to appear. "I forgot to tell you. We teachers are also trying to crush you with everything we've got. Prepare your determination and resolve!" The clones started to charge toward them, ready to attack.

"Go, Dark Shadow!" Fumikage yelled as Dark Shadow came out and grabbed Tsuyu. "Tsu-chan! I'm throwing you!"

"Fu-kun!" Tsuyu exclaimed and grabbed Fumikage with her tongue, and pulled him up to the second story up.

Wait…when did they get so chummy with nicknames and shit?

"Whoa, an escape only those two can pull off!" Izuku exclaimed in excitement.

"Communication skills." Recovery Girl said as she sat in chair. "In this society, it's a simple but important skill for heroes to have. More then being able to pull off the perfect team play with a specific sidekick, it's better to achieve a certain standard with anyone."

"Uh, even though this is an exam," Izuku said. "Each student is being made to deal with their weakness on purpose, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I wonder what Tsu-chan and Fumikage-san will have to work on. I can't imagine Mr. Ectoplasm's Quirk being a bad match-up for theirs…"

"Aren't you overestimating them a bit?" I asked. "It's bad for Fumikage-san."

"Huh? Why's that?"

"Just watch."

More clones started to appear in front of them. Fumikage started to attack with Dark Shadow, trying to keep his distance from the clones. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to use his Quirk in close combat. It's like fight against people who have longer legs. They prefer to use that to their advantage and keep their opponent away. One of clones almost caught him off guard. The only reason he wasn't subdued was because Tsuyu was there, walking the clones away with her tongue. Then she grabbed Fumikage again and threw him up to the next floor level, following right after.

"Fumikage-san's strength is his quick attack and range that lets him keep his distance." I explained for these dense and irritable human beings. "But looking at it another way, there's a very, very small chance he'll survive a close combat fight."

"So that's why he was matched up with Ectoplasm sensei…" Izuku muttered. "With all his clones appearing at unexpected times, it'll make things difficult for him."

"On the other hand, Tsuyu-chan. She's a lot better and more observant then the rest of you. She has no clear weaknesses. Therefore, she must provide to her ally, who as you said, is powerful and has a few weaknesses. Her ability to keep calm can provide emotional support to others in a crisis."

"How observant!" Recovery Girl raised a finger. "You're very perceptive."

Yeah, no kidding grandma.

Tsuyu and Fumikage kept pushing through each clone, pushing them out of the way it tripping them over before they disappeared from the attack.

"That's the 28th one," Fumikage said as the clone behind them disappeared in a flurry of smoke.

"Fu-kun," Tsuyu said as they reached the end of the hallway. "I can see the goal…and that's probably his real body down there."

There he was, standing right in front of the goal to escape. Ectoplasm looked prepared for the fight that the team may put up for him.

"Congratulations on getting past the others," he said. "But tell me, what will you do against this?"

The teacher started spewing out a stream of ectoplasm from his mouth. There was so much, I bet it could have created a pond. The pool of ectoplasm started to build up, creating a figure that started to take the shape of Ectoplasm, himself. And that's just what he wanted.

"Giant Bite Detention!" Ectoplasm roared. "I can't create anymore clones, but as long as I can see you, this one will be enough."

The giant Ectoplasm opened his mouth and roared while slamming into the platform that Tsuyu and Fumikage stood in. Dust from the crash and debris floated about. Once it all cleared, Tsuyu and Fumikage were visible, they were stuck within the giant clone.

"Only I can release my clone," Ectoplasm stated. "Now, what will you do?"

"What an all-powerful Quirk." Fumikage struggled.

"I'm the same!" Dark Shadow pointed at himself.

"Dark Shadow, all you have to do is get through the gate!"

"Got it!"

Dark Shadow zoomed toward the gate of which Ectoplasm still stood in front of. He kicked up high and sent Dark Shadow sliding back, causing him to scrape the ground so he wouldn't be thrown back too far.

"Bastard!" Dark Shadow yelled as he kept on trying to push forward, but with no luck.

"He can't get through against a pro head on, huh?" Fumikage mumbled in a sort of disappointment.

"But if he can reach, then we have a chance." Tsuyu reassured. "Call Dark Shadow back, Fu-kun."


"Don't look…too closely." Tsuyu sounded like she was going to barf. "The teacher will notice. Plus, it's," she gagged a bit. "Really gross…to see me do this."

Fumikage's eyes widened a bit as he started to understand what Tsuyu was trying to do. She was definitely planning something.

"Can you keep this up until time runs out?" Ectoplasm asked as he kept kicking Dark Shadow away. "What I want is the shine of heroes who can do away with adversity."

"Dark Shadow!" Fumikage called.

As soon as the purplish bird came back, he grabbed something from Tsuyu's hand before rushing back out.

"Calm down. It's fine." She said with confidence and a little bit of exhaustion. "Because Fu-kun and Dark Shadow are strong!"

Dark Shadow charged at Ectoplasm, he used the same method as before. Ectoplasm only stared as the bird came zooming toward him, watching as he got closer and closer. Finally, he jumped up and kicked Dark Shadow away from the goal once more.

"What's this?" Ectoplasm asked in surprise. He landed back in the ground, looking at his foot.

"If we became unable to move then this would be the only way to win," Tsuyu explained. "So I swallowed the cuffs right away. My Quirk allows me to take things in and out of my stomach."

"Wow, they legcuffed him!" Izuku cheered. "Dark Shadow and Frog! They were able to use both Quirk really well together!"

"They passed!" Ochaco pumped her fist.

That's was definitely clever. Leg cuffing Ectoplasm was a smart and interesting move. I won't critique, there was something pretty cool with the way Tsu did all that, I admit it myself.

"Ohh, heya, Toga-chan, Hanta-kun!" Ochaco waved as the door opened. "You guys were awesome during your exam!"

"Arigato(thank you), Ochaco-chan!" Toga nodded. "Yuno-kun, when can I watch your exam?"

"What?" I asked as Toga jumped onto my back and nibbled on my ear. "Why do you wanna watch my exam?"

"Cause you're so cool! And you'll pass in a snap!"

She thinks I'll pass just like that? With Yurei around, it'll be a more difficult then that. I felt my thoughts scramble around and become unclear as I pulled Toga off of my back. I held her shoulders, stared at her, then shook my head and let her go.

"Yuno-kuuun!" She complained. "Huh me baaack! I want your attention!"

"Good god, please be quiet for a few minutes." I responded with a tone that made her flinch. "Sorry. I'll be right back."

I left the room and leaned against the wall. What was happening? All my thoughts were jumbled up. Sliding down the wall, I ruffled my hair and pulled in the tie around my neck, giving myself a chance to breath.

"Again with this?" Shoto asked as Denki poked his head out from behind him. "Y'know, the more you think about that, the more comcerning things get."

"Ohh," I lifted my head to look at the blonde and the heterchromic, smiling in response. "Doiu imi(what do you mean)?"

"Ehh," Denki made a check mark with his hand and put it under his chin. "Nani ni tsuitedesu ka(what are you on about)?"

"Why can't I get any prace these days?" I stood up and dusted off my pants, smiling in relief that Shoto was there to distract me. "Ever since I helped you two, all I've ever gotten is a truckload of disasters. First the putting Endeavor in Tarturus, then Electricks and Kenji and the Stain incident."

"I'm pretty sure you're the one who put that all into yourself." Denki shrugged. I deadpanned at his reaction and response. I guess it was my own fault…? I think.

"I'm pretty sure you just wanted to help." Shoto said. "You just hide under a mask, that's all. I've seen the one behind the mask and I'm not sure I like it,"

"Hm," I chuckled. "Well, thanks for the enthusiastic courage suggestion, but I'm fine."

Shoto and Denki gave me looks that made me want to slap them. I rolled my eyes, smiled and walked off to a bathroom nearby.

Was I really "fine?"

It feels like these chapter are taking longer to come out each time I post one…

What am I going to do? These Chapters keep getting shorter and shorter. Ughhhhhh…

it’s already been almost two weeks…I PROMISE I WILL GET BACK I TO THE HABIT OF WRITING. Instead of trying to continue posting daily, I am going to do maybe once or twice a week. It’ll make things so much easier. I’m sorry!!

BakuNoNiicreators' thoughts