
I Just Want Some Of Your Sweet Blood

Heroes? They found this place? Underground? That is spectacular…great. I hate my life sometimes. Knowing that heroes would always be on my tail. And here they are now, arresting all the villains they could find and capture. I wouldn't let that happen to me. And neither would Yuno.

"This is disgusting." I heard a woman's voice. My old teacher, Midnight. "Villains, makes my want to gag." She said as she cracked her whip at a villains neck, yanking him toward her.

Hero- Midnight

Quirk- Somnambulist

Her skin releases a pink colored aroma that puts those who inhale the aroma to sleep.

"YEAH!!!" Present Mic yelled with a boost from his Quirk, knocking out the villains around with his loud voice. "Let's just get these it's under control!"

"How did we only now find this place?" I heard Mr. Aizawa's voice as he caught a villain with his capture weapon.

Yuno and I looked out from under a table, listening to their conversation. They kept going on about how many villains there were within this underground arena. I mean, did they not catch on yet? The place was filled with a bunch of villains.

"I'm sick of this." Yuno said while exiting from under the table.

"Oh, dear." Midnight said as she came across the remaining bits of Sludged. "Poor fellow, he's dead. Who would do such a thing?"

"I did." Yuno said while walking through the piles of goop.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my ask and hood up. I got out from under the desk and sneak behind the heroes to hide closer to them.

The heroes stood in a threatening stance. They studied Yuno up and down. He was more on the skinnier side and was always mistaken as a middle schooler.

"What is a teenager as young as you doing in a place like this?" Present Mic said, lowering his threatening stance.

"I hate it when heroes do this." Yuno said as a mechanical arm came out of his backpack that sling over one shoulder. "Assuming how old a villain may be by their looks. Its annoying."

While Yuno was talking to the heroes, I tiptoed over quietly, as quietly as possible. I wrapped my arm around Aizawa and covered his mouth with a cloth, suffocating him and causing him to knockout. I took his scarf and tied him up with rope, along with blindfolding him so he couldn't use his Quirk on me or Yuno.

"How did you become a villain, kid?" Midnight asked, putting her whip away. "Why don't you come with us? That way we can sort this out the easy way."

"Mm, I'm no little kid." Yuno said as he pulled out a gun. "Besides, I don't think you'd enjoy my company anyway." He aimed the hun at Midnight, telling her to back off.

"Kid, just put the gun down and we can help you." Present Mic said, while going back into his more threatening stance.

"Fun. But I'll keep my life the way it is." Yuno pulled the trigger. A dart came rushing at Present Mic. That was it, Yuno found Present Mic the most threatening so he got rid of him first. I don't literally mean get rid of him as in killing. I mean just knocking him out. The dart had a drug that Yuno made. It was meant to put people to sleep for a few hours.

Midnight reached for her whip, but it was already too late. Yuno pulled the trigger and the needle of the dart dug into her skin. She fell to the ground, unconscious.

"And the winner is Technician." I wave my hands around theatrically. "Give a round of applause."

"Shut up. We need to get out of here before more heroes find us."

"You two! Stop right there!" Someone said while entering the arena with more heroes.

"Or we could fight all these dumb cops and heroes."

We were surrounded by heroes and cops. His was gonna be a great night. Yuno groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Just when my life was going great." Yuno said while the mechanical arm held out a notebook for him. "I don't like you sometimes."

"Drop any weapon you have and surrender. You're completely surrounded!" A chief of police demanded.

All I did was flip them off, sticking my middle finger up at them while tapping Yuno. "Buddy, we could really use those inventions to get out of here."

"I'm busy," Yuno seared my hand away while hitting down notes. "Just let me do something. I don't care what you do with the heroes and stuff."

Another mechanical arm pulled out a laptop and started typing rapidly. I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing.

Suddenly, an explosion came from the wall, creating a hole. Small red eyes could be seen on the other side. Oh, great. He was bringing THOSE things in.

Wasps started to invade the area. These weapons of Yuno's are entirely dangerous. When they stung, they send an electric shock throughout the entire body. It's never killed someone, but there's always been that risk it could kill.

The wasps started to sting the cops and heroes around us. Listening to the screams and yells, it made feel weird. Just weird. That's it. And then Yuno. There was just something about Yuno that was weird as well. Don't make me explain the physics of this, it just felt weird.

"Can I go home now?" Yuno said while stretching as the mechanical arms went back into his backpack. "I'm done."

Yuno stepped pass the unconscious heroes and cops, acting like nothing happened. The wasps flew into his sleeves, which made me wonder what that felt like.

POV Yuno

Walking home was peaceful, mostly. I could overhear everyone around me. The few people in the area kept talking about selling and marketing. My kind of talk. I decided not to talk about it though. I was already tailed by the heroes. I didn't need that in my life at the moment.

I heard giggling in an alleyway and rolled my eyes. The small mechanical wasps buzzed in my sleeves, showing a sign of caution. I walked into the alleyway and sighed. A girl, about 17 years old, my age. She had blonde hair down to her shoulder and bloodshot eyes.

"Ooh~ hello." She said, holding a knife in her hands.

"Don't patronize me." I reached into my backpack and threw a bento box at her, one that Kisu and recently made for me. She looked hungry. And the route I was taking home, well, people were always hungry here. "Just eat and get on with your life."

Instead of eating the bento box, she lunged at me. She thrusted her knife at me. I dodged to the side and grabbed her wrist. I elbowed her in the face and then threw her over my shoulder. Taking out my gun, I aimed it at her. However, this was a different gun, unlike the darts that sent an electric shock.

I could tell she had a thirst for blood. She shook her head, then looked up at me with shock.

"Wow, you know how to fight really well~" she said.

"I won't hesitate to pull the trigger. It won't kill you, but it will no doubt hurt you. Like I said before, don't patronize me. What could possibly cause you to attack me when I offered you food?" I put my finger on the trigger, threatening to shoot.

Apparently, she thought it was none of my business. She lunged at me again. I wasn't kidding, so I pulled my trigger. The bullet made a thud on her skin, then it sank in. It was no longer visible on her skin. I held a remote in my hand, then pointed it at her.

"What I just shot you with is dangerous to you. Make one wrong move and it's bye bye world. Once I press this button, a poison will be released into your system. And trust me, I tested the poison on myself, it doesn't feel good."

The blond girl backed off. She clearly valued her life. She let go of the knife she had reached for and took the bento box. She ate the food with a smile on her face. I noticed she was wearing a uniform. Not of UA, a different school of which I didn't know of.

"You're so good at fighting and your kind in a way." She said. "If I tell you my name, will you tell me yours?" She had a mouthful of food and a cheeky smile on her face.

"Yuno Tsumuyuki." I sigh and squatted down to the blond teen girl's level.

"I'm Toga, Toga Himiko!" She said while pointing the handle of her knife at herself. "I like this food, but could I get a taste of your blood?"

I took the knife from her hands and slit the palm of my own hand. Blood dripped into the empty bento box. Toga lifted the bento box, pouring the blood into her mouth. Her eyes sparkled, I guess she was enjoying it.

"Keep the box." I said as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. "Get on with your life."

I finally got the hell out of that alleyway. So did someone else, Toga. The damned vampire followed me all the way back home. This creep…all I had to do was release the poison and be done with it. But if I did that out in the open, then people would have to listen to her agonizing screams as she would die slowly and painfully. That sounds terrible of me, I know, but I don't care about anyone or anything except myself, Kisu, my video games and my studies.

"What else do want with my life?" I said as a rested my hand in the doorknob.

"I want more of your blood~" Toga said cheekily. "It tastes so sweet! I just want a little more!" Toga lunged at me with another knife. Where does she get these knives from?!

I sighed and moved out of her path. Her knife ended up stabbing the door, now it was stuck. I pulled out the remote from my pocket and pulled my hood down.

"You can die a slow death if you keep this up," I say, hovering my finger over the button on the remote.

"Isn't there a way I can get more of my sweet Yuno-Chan's blood?" Toga asked while blushing and licking her lips.

"I don't even know your story. Although, my theory is you were dumped out by your parents because of this bloodthirsty personality you have. And I'm rarely ever wrong."

"Oh, Yuno-Chan. You're right! That's exactly what happened!"

This woman was getting on my nerves. I could've just killed her. Wasting so much time on someone like her, it's just too easy to be carried away like I was with that damned slime villain. Sludged or whatever his name was.

Letting this homeless vampire stay with me wouldn't cause me any problems. There was no risk of letting her stay with me. The problem is her annoying personality. Someone as cheeky as this girl would cause irritations. I could handle irritations, I just didn't want her roaming my house. As long as I can keep her in one place, it would be no problem. And I have my ways of keeping her in one place.

"Get inside." I said while opening the door, giving an entry way for Toga.

"Aw, your so sweet, Yuno-Chan." Toga skipped inside and bounced in my couch. This son of a gun was already being a douche on my property. Good thing Kisu cleaned up the place before school started.

"Stay there and don't touch anything." I demanded. I had to entertain her somehow. And the only way to do that was to get rid of her thirst for blood. "Test me, and it's off the hell with you."

"Hehe, I promise I'll stay out, Yuno-Chan."

It was annoying, having to throw something together at the last moment. Making things takes time, too much time. I find ways to speed things up when making my little "toys." I had to make something that had the ability to suck out blood. Needles. I had to connect them to tubes, that way the blood would be held in a small compartment. There, a small portable backpack that she could carry anywhere. I didn't care about style as much as I did about getting her to leave me alone.

I came back out with the small backpack. Nothing much, but enough to entertain Toga. The needles were attached to the side of the backpack, still accessible. The tubes were curled in circles, that way they wouldn't get in the way of anything. This would make things so much easier for me, now that this vampire would be around.

"Ooh, what's that, Yuno-Chan?" Toga pointed at the backpack in my hands.

"Shut up, get away from me." I said as I pushed her face away, then threw the backpack at her. I then tossed a bottle of blood at her. My blood. She caught the bottle, then looked at me with those bloodshot eyes. "That's my blood. You said you craved it, now you've got it."

"Aw, you're so sweet! A lot sweeter than I thought you were." Toga opened the bottle and threw the cap away. She started gulping down the blood. Finally, she was satisfied. "What's this for?" She held the backpack in front of her, studying it.

"When you want more blood, you can use this. My blood will only be a treat you will occasionally get. You want blood, get it yourself."

I sat down on the couch, pulling out my phone. Toga scooted closer to me and put a finger to her chin. This horny ass son of a gun was in my personal space.

"You're very stubborn~" she said with that stupid, cheeky tone of hers. "I like stubborn."

That's it. I'm done. I held the remote and pushed the button. Toga started to panic, she dug at her skin, the area where the bullet had sank in.

"Agh!" Toga yelled, an electric shock going through her body. She was surprised she was dead, but nonetheless, she definitely felt pain. "I'm not dead?"

"Of course not." I said while crossing my legs and resting my head in my fist. "Why would I kill when it's just a waste of time? I have better things to do."

I could tell Toga was entirely shocked. Who wouldn't be? I had been telling her that she would die if she pissed me off. It wasn't a poison. It was just something that would warn her if she's being an irritation. Just like a dog in training.

Toga looked up from the ground. The shock had surprised her, causing her to fall into her hands and knees. I stood up and looked down at her, smiling.

"Why don't you just stay down for a bit? I'm irritated and you don't want to piss me off any further."

Toga is the best. I love her. Toga and I would love it if you support the story and vote for it!

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