

Shirou Volume: Thomas Ogami is a social worker, mulling about life, all this changes however when things begin to change for him in many ways he did not expect. Michiru Volume: Michiru Kagemori finds herself in a very different world and a very different Shirou in an alternate world where something went very wrong.

Foxy_Skies · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Thomas Ogami

"Oh thank you, Mr. Ogami, you have no clue how much you have helped me!" A woman cried out, shaking a man's hand quite fast.

The man ,who's hand that she shook, smiled a little but was also quite overwhelmed as he tried to keep up with her fast paced shaking awkwardly. He was around six feet tall with tan-pale skin, shaggy light brown hair, and blue-grey eyes. Light bags sat under his eyes, something developed in his youth from staying up long into the night either reading or playing videogames. That or chatting it up through social media platforms back in the day, platforms such as Discord, Twitter, Facebook, or the other.

The man wore brown boots, dark grey pants with a brown belt holding them up through a shiny silver buckle, a black shirt, a beige trench coat, and a pair of black wool gloves. He wore the gloves as after all, it was winter time. He rather liked his hands nice and warm, not freezing and frost bitten. The Japanese snow was nice though.

The man's name was Thomas Ogami, citizen of Japan; Silver City. He had immigrated to the city twelve or so years ago in search of some work after getting tired of all the boringness that was his home state. He still retained his American Natural Born Citizenship though, Dual-Citizenship was a wondrous thing. He had a job back home as an Assistant to a no-name politician but he eventually quit, finding his original ambition of politics to just not be up to him. Seeing how backstabby they all seemed. It was in Japan he had found himself a much better workship that he became quickly fond of, Social Worker.

He had mused at the time ,and still does quite often on how well the title and his name just simply click. Social Worker Thomas Ogami, it had a rather nice ring to it. Senator or Representative or whatever else did too, but it did not quite feel right for Thomas. Rather, Tom for short, for those he formly aided or was friends with. He found it far more worth it to be a Social Worker.

"It is quite alright, Mrs. Tahamo, I am merely doing my duty in-" He was interrupted by Koya Tahamo finishing his words.

"Protecting all citizens of silver City. No need, I've heard it quite a bit from you! " She finished with a smile as she giggled and stopped shaking his hand.

"I uh yes, sorry for boring you…" He spoke, blinking dumbly.

"It is fine! Honestly, Mr. Ogami! You really need to lighten up a little more! Don't get too down or you'll start reminding me of that cute wolf from that show little Katti-roo watches!" She teased with a giggle.

"Shirou Ogami, right?" He asked, sounding unsure.

He had watched Brand New Animal with Koya's daughter, Katti. The little girl practically adored the show despite its more…gruesome elements. The mother had also joined in occasionally, fawning over a character here and there as well as making a few teasing comparisons between Shirou Ogami and himself. The show itself ,reluctantly, he had to admit was very good and rather well written if not very tough to grasp at least for him. Thousand years old wolves, crazy cultists, Insane Aryan Nation Guys, and a people that could turn into…Beastmen? He felt almost like snorting, anime were always weird but at least the kid in that one wasn't like that "Naruto" kid. If he ever was with that…

"Ooh! You do remember, you have such a better memory than me!" She laughed at her own joke.

"Tom." He spoke suddenly.

"Huh?" The woman stopped laughing.

"My former chargers call me Tom, that includes friends as well-" He spoke, only to stop when he felt a hand reach out and touch his shoulder.

"If It's alright with you, I would love for you to be my friend, Tom. Katti will be calling you Uncle Tom however." She said, smiling to him.

Tom stood, blinking before he too smiled and chuckled before he spoke. "It's a fair trade off."

"Your good man Thomas Ogami, thank you for everything you have done for me and Katti." The woman spoke to him.

"I would do anything for those in need." He said to her, smiling gently.

The woman smiled back and with a final goodbye, left him. The woman walking off into the city, leaving Thomas Ogami smiling as he stood proudly. Facing away from his workplace of Silver City Co-Op.




Thomas Ogami opened the door to his small apartment down in Silver City's East End. Clicking on the crappy light, it's shiny orb flickering on and off in the darkness as a train whizzed by outside, the apartment shaking from it. The apartment was a two roomer. One room held a bathroom with no hot water, the other basically everything else including a spring ridden bed. A window sat above the single covered bed, making it akin to a dog bed due to the lack of a pillow.

Sighing softly, Thomas Ogami shrugged off his trench coat and sat it on the rack that was attached to his door. He then took off his gloves and tossed them onto the bed along with a pair of shoes he took off. He then continued his nightly ritual by going over to his dresser. Upon which sat a black collar with a silver latch, the collar sat before a faded picture of a chipped tooth smiling boy who was hugging a husky dog with a big wide smile on his face.

Tom smiled sadly at it, "Hey there, Timmy, you miss me boy?"

No sound, no barks. Only the sound of the raging train outside. Thomas closed his eyes, barks echoing in thought only from memory.

"I miss you…it's been very hard out here. Land Lord says I won't be able to afford next month's rent." He said to the collar and picture.

No response met as he sighed again, about to go into his thoughts before his phone buzzed. The buzzing originating from his hung up trench coat. He walked over and pulled out his phone, a slick black IPhone 7. It was his first phone and he still kept it on him. While not new or featured ridden like the new ones, his always worked and that was what mattered to him. He clicked answer and put it to his ear.

"Ogami." He spoke out.

"Hmm, I had wondered if you were out there still.~ Oh well, one shouldn't be too hopeful." A sly voice answered him.

"Twenty-two times and your still surprised, Sylvasta?" Thomas said plainly, he never liked Sylvasta.

Alan Sylvasta was owner and CEO of Sylvasta Pharmaceuticals, a company specializing in medicine and hospitals. The man and he shared a somewhat disdain for one another since Thomas arrived in Silver City. The man always rubbed Tom the wrong way and left him wanting to strangle the man. Especially for his snide little comments he seemed to love to aim at him for no reason except to aggravate him.

"My my, is that anyway to treat a friend, Ogami? Tsk tsk, did you never learn any manners, it is almost as if you were raised in a den rather than a home." Alan spoke through the phone, his little comments already grating on Tom's nerves.

"What do you want Sylvasta?" Thomas asked, voice thin.

"Oh me? I merely wished to question my dear friend." He replied, sounding ever so conniving.

"You are no friend of mine, Sylvasta. Now talk!" Thomas growled out.

"Tsk tsk, patience, patience, little wolf. I merely wished to inquire on your feelings on this anime…this Brand New Animal." The little devil responded.

"Not interested in it, seemed way too paced and annoying in many ways." Tom said, annoyed by Alan's snips.

"Oh? Not even for the girl…Michiru was it? She seemed like such a sweet girl." Alan asked, feigning that he were upset.

"Not even her, goodbye Sylvasta." He ground out, practically slamming that end call button.

He then grunted and to himself as he prepared for bed. Unaware of what tomorrow may bring.