
Flashback Part 1

The Extreme North

Deep North

"What are you doing?"

Fan Lin replied to the person who was just a centimetre from his face.

"uwaah, how are you awake? Weren't you sleeping?"

The Heavenly Snow Woman replied. She was the one who was staring at Fan Lin while he was asleep.

She was staring at his face. She was astonished by something and she was observing him.

This man doesn't have any spirit or soul power fluctuations?

It was as if Fan Lin was dead or a normal person.

He didn't radiate any soul power or any special attention from the world. It was like a common man. Nothing special about him.

It was different from the Fan Lin when he fought. He uses most of his strength causing his own soul power to clash against the surrounding barriers that were there to restrict him.

He was a weird man to Heavenly Snow Woman.

"Let's get ready. Time for today's restoration. At this rate, the restoration will be finished in 20 days at most."

Fan Lin's words snapped the Heavenly Snow Woman, Huo Yun, out of her stupor. She wanted to say something but chose not to say it.

Fan Lin's speech pattern had changed. Even he didn't know that. He thought it was normal because of his jumbled up memories.

He was talking to Heavenly Snow Woman like he used to talk with his friends. In a way, it was like he was ordering or stating something but it also had that weird feeling to it. It was like you have the habit of talking to someone in your own way be it your mother and friends or father and then you used that way on someone else unconsciously.

You were talking as if nothing is wrong and the person who you are talking to don't have the guts to say something to you. It was a weird feeling that most of the people become embarrassed later.

For example- calling your teacher mother or calling your girlfriend by the name of your another girlfriend. It can have infinite possibilities later on.

Fan Lin woke up and poured some water on himself. He can use his soul power to become mentally awake but he chose that way. He didn't feel anything. The water was cool but that was due to him from stopping it from freezing.

It felt like a weird sensation on his body. Like he was submerged for the first time in water even though he was inside a water body for the past year.

This can also be seen as being awake from a hangover or a change of environment. A refreshing feeling from doing day to day things. It is a sign of either taking drugs or a good mental health.

The Heavenly Snow Woman was looking lost seeing him do something that was unknown to her.

She decided to ignore him and called the other three heads.

Five minutes later.

"All of you guys ready. Let's do is faster. I need to complete it faster so I can borrow it faster and then I have to train."

""We will try our best Sir.""

All the heads said in unison. They started to take energy from him once again and then refined it to Ice energy.

7 hours later.

They were finished for the day. The Millennium Ice shards have been restored to around 17 percent. 5 percent yesterday, and five percent today. The rest was the status of the Millennium Ice shards before Fan Lin came.

He decided to walk around instead of sleeping that day. He would do it later.

Due to the clouds in the Extreme North. You can never guess the day or night in there. There was just a single atmosphere of pure white and it remained the same for the past thousands of years.

But it has begun to change. The weather was becoming warmer that before. If not for the Millennium Ice shards then it would have already been changed thousand year ago when they over exploited the environment to make the level 12 soul missiles.

Humans were becoming more and more greedy. Their new convenience and better lifestyle was making them think that it was normal to do so. To cut trees to make land for housing. To destroy ecosystems to grow crops and other things. For them, it has become normal.

They just have one thought process.


If we can't do it here then where should we do it? We also have our children. We need land for them. We are doing it for the better and convenient lifestyle of the masses. Can you not see the progress and prosperity that we created by doing this? Now every person can afford things that only the rich can afford before. They don't have to go anywhere for water, food is provided at their doorstep and we also have done things to entertain them. WE do everything for the masses, for the better living of the people. So what if we have to cut a few hundred trees for it? We can grow them again in the community park that we are going to create. You know we will have plants and trees in the sidewalks and other places.

Why are you interfering with our work? It's just a few animals. What we do will benefit more than 40,000 people. You illiterate forest officer won't be able to understand it anyway. Now remove the barricades and let us in.

Three days later, his body was hanging on a tree. Below him, the records of him selling the government property was placed neatly.

Many forest officers were looking at the scene in fear.

After that two more came and became the neighbours of that man. Just like before, their records were neatly placed below their feet.

After that, no one came. No one tried to sell it and no one brought it. The first buyers body was still not found, that's why.

[Flashback ends]

He was able to remember them. Looks like he need to record them in the memories of his new body.


That person sure screamed a lot. Nice memory to have.

Fan Lin was walking aimlessly while reminiscing his past life before he met them.

That was also a good time for him. The forest was still his home and he was still a forest officer. Regardless of the world he was in. He never resigned from his post in his last life.

So why does he have to resign in this one?

He was happy to be one. He liked the job and this time, he can be the only forest officer in the whole world. Maybe even a God of Forest Officers.

Sounds stupid but he likes it.