I heard the elderly voice again, but it was not in my head this time. It was coming from the creature before me.
The sudden voice of the creature was shocking as its body shook me to the very core. I always knew those voices had to be something more than just voices, but for it to be... this. It was surprising.
For all this time I had been dealing with these voices, they've been telling me to do things along with giving minor advice – and they've been this the entire time; whatever this was.
Although this was only the elderly voice. I didn't hear any other voices coming from it. So, where were the other voices? What did they look like? Did they all have overwhelming presences like this elderly one?
My head was flooded with questions. The confusion I had, turned down the fear that had climbed up my throat. I felt the need to replace the vials on my neck, perhaps the fear caused it to dilute faster.
Yet again though, what is this? My fear might have been slightly offset by my curiosity, but that didn't mean I wasn't still fearful of the thing.
After all, It stood there glowering down at me. It merely stared at me in silence, ticks after simply saying my name.
What did it want from me? It was waiting in silence for so, what for? Did it want me to answer the calling of my baptismal name? How strange... but it'd be better for me to follow its pace because honestly, I felt like I could die at any moment.
...I faltered on my words once more. Just being in this thing's mere presence caused me to revert to my normal self. The only thing I could be thankful for right now was that my legs had yet to give out.
I waited. It continued to stare at me in this prolonged silence of ours, only speaking up seconds later.
"Veltae. Finally here... We've been waiting. Come, follow us."
Saying this it turned around as it moved down the path we stood on. It didn't even bother waiting for me, only saying its piece and expecting me to follow.
I quickly tried to follow after it, I wasn't going to attempt to go against its wishes, it could move and stop my body with ease so there was no point in being rebellious. Not to mention that its words made me even more curious.
How strange, to be both scared and curious.
We? Is it referring to itself along with something, or someone; or is it referring to itself and the other voices, perhaps they move as a collective? Hivemind?
I needed to stop this. Curiosity kills the cat, and grandma told me I should tone it down in the first place. I won't do that at this moment though, it's not like it would help me escape from this situation.
"W-W-we? W-who's we? I-Is there someone w-waiting for me? W-who?"
I unloaded the creature with questions, I wasn't expecting it to answer me. It never answered any of my direct questions in the past – especially if it was questioned about itself and the others.
As I guessed it left all my questions and continued moving forward, I just followed with a nod o my head. Returning the area to silence.
Even though there was silence in our area, worrisome noises continued to enter my ears. They were twitching incessantly, the sound of strange creatures growling, along with low roars.
The sound was coming from all around the path we were moving on. I could feel threatening gazes, the gazes of predators painted on my figure. They were watching me as if they couldn't wait to pounce and gobble me up – it was a threatening and frightful feeling.
Not wanting to risk it, I ran forward and took place next to the somewhat dependable creature; well at least at this moment.
"They... Cannot. Harm. You."
It did what I could only assume was "reassuring" me. The creature might not be that bad. If only I could see its appearance clearly, all I could tell was that it was tall and lanky.
That much information wouldn't help identify its appearance, not minding its glowing yellow eyes.
Honestly, I think it's one of those Spectral Beast I've heard of before. I've never seen them because they can't enter the barrier around the town; but this was the Spectral Forest – what would dwell in this accursed place besides Spectral Beast?
Forgetting that, I continued following the creature in silence. ur surroundings were quickly changing, where there used to be red and blue trees in our surroundings, there was now a resolute surrounding filled with aged ruins. Buildings from a time past littered our surroundings.
I wondered what had happened to this place and what it was. There was a strange sense of connection I was having with this place, it felt similar to when I saw that red energy and when I first heard the voices.
It was a familiar, yet unfamiliar feeling. I always found it strange that when certain things appeared in my life; I would feel different out of nowhere.
They were uncontrollable and uncomfortable. I don't like feeling comfortable with something as creepy as ghastly, horrid, and eerie voices that echoed in my head. It wasn't pleasant.
These thoughts of mine stopped as the creature stopped.
Ahead of us was a temple, the temple was the only building in the area that didn't seem to be affected by time as it stood tall and strong. There was no feeling of decay coming from it. Though it certainly did give off the feeling of its age.
I had only seen a temple once in my entire life here and that was the temple of Soletti.
This temple was different from it though, this one held no symbol signifying Soletti, not even Yuletti. It held a symbol that didn't represent any of the two Lords I knew of.
On the front pillars of the temple, some flags held a symbol that was simply a ball of red and black with lightning wrapping around it.
"...Who's temple is this?"
I couldn't help but let my curiosities flow out of my lips. The creature had paused, so I had done so as well. It'd be boring waiting for him without asking anything.
I was once again left without an answer, so I was only able to play around to rid myself of boredom. As this place was home to ruins there laid rocks and stones all over the place.
So I kicked them. Trying to see how far I could kick them I gathered a bunch of the nearby ones and began kicking – avoiding the temple though, I didn't want to earn the wrath of some higher being.
I kicked pretty badly, every time I did it I would slightly hurt my toes every time; after all – I wasn't wearing shoes. I was wearing the thick socks I've been wearing since I was much younger.
Sure, it was cold, and it was a snowy region, but they were so comfortable! What was I supposed to do? Wear uncomfortable boots? Never. I would never wear shoes again in my life!
Making my conviction known to no one but myself I readjusted my coat, it was quite oversized, as they were the best things to wear.
Looking at the lanky creature stood in place, unmoving. I don't know why it was doing this, nor did I like it. It was unnatural and creepy whenever it acted like this, which happened a lot.
I was already perturbed when I only had to deal with its voice, but now I had to deal with its dreadful, physical..? form. When I first heard its voice I nearly had a heart attack.
It was a while after we came up North. When I walked past the marker tree Its voice suddenly popped out of nowhere saying: "Veltae."
It freaked me out at the sudden calling of my name, especially since the voice was rustic and ghastly. Not to mention the fact that it was echoing in my head for several moments.
I would've fallen face first into the ground if it were not for Karma catching me. I hated how I jumped and flinched at the slightest things.
It wasn't even my actual name it spoke, it was my baptismal name. A name that nobody except the temple would use. I was always curious about why they did so, after all, before I received the name – Veltae. They had never called me by Lulu or any other name.
It was a strange phenomenon, but I've gotten used to it – my life wasn't all that normal, to begin with anyway.
"Come. We enter. Under."
The creature muttered about going under something, and before I could continue my question it moved forward to the temple; ignoring me.
Once we arrived at the foot of the temple stairs, the creature turned to the side where there seemed to be a room that lead to an underground passage lit by torches aligning the walls of the winding stairs.
It paused at the entrance to the room, It couldn't fit into the room, nor did it look like it wanted to. Turning to me it made that thought more apparent.
"Go. You alone."
It wanted me to enter the room and descend the stairs by myself. Where was I even going in the first place? How was I supposed to know where it wants me to go if it doesn't tell me?
"Wait. Ugh, forget it."
I wanted to ask it those questions but I held myself back. I knew for a fact that even if I asked them I would not receive an answer, it never answered any of my questions before this so what would change now.
So, I went down the stairs, looking back at the creature multiple times before doing so.
Now that I was on the stairs it felt like I was in some sort of desolate, isolated space. As soon as I started descending the creatures I had been hearing since entering the forest had gone silent, no, I couldn't hear them anymore.
Although that was a relief for me, it made this whole experience much more surreal than before. I didn't like it.
What was I doing here? Even if I asked myself this question nothing would change, so why even bother asking myself that honestly. I could only focus on what was ahead of me, whatever that may be.
Stepping off the final step I found myself in the middle of a long hallway that went in two directions on both sides. I decided on taking the one to the right since it was the only one containing light, not to mention the bad feeling I got from the left side.
I felt like something was watching me.
Keeping that feeling at the back of my head, I walked down the right side. There were no doors on the walls, there were no rooms either. There were only torches lining the walls.
Every few torches had the symbol of the ball and lightning that was on the temple above me.
I paused. On one side of the walls was a painting, The painting was eerily similar to something I had painted in the past. No, it wasn't just similar, It was precisely the same.
A painting of a stormy sky with purple clouds, depictions of lightning and thunder, and an overall dreary atmosphere. It was something I had painted a while after getting my wheelchair.
"How is this– no, why is this her? It should be back at home, I remember hanging it up in my room... what is going on?"
I was struck by sudden confusion. What in the world could this mean? I wouldn't get any answers waiting here though. I threw the sight of my painting being here to the back of my mind as well, I would worry, but not focus on it.
Continuing forward I noticed the decrease in torches the further I went in until I was met with the end of the hall.
At the end of the hall was a large room. It was much darker as there were very few torches within it. Though from what I could see the toom was lined with many pillars that held the ceiling up.
There were shadows sprawled about all around the room giving me an even more eerie feeling that was multiplied when I saw the large coffin placed at the end of the room.
That was when it hit me. I felt an attractive feeling about the coffin, it was pulling me toward it. No. I was walking to it in a trance, what exactly was this feeling? Through all the things that felt familiar and comforting in this forest, this coffin felt the most so, which was a strange thought in the first place.
What was this coffin? Who's coffin was this? I had to find these answers myself... which was fairly simple.
Halting in front of the coffin, I paid no mind to my surroundings. The only thing that was on my mind was the coffin and who it belonged to. I did not need to crouch as the coffin was larger than two of me.
Dragging my fingers across the stone Coffin, I read the words that had been carved into its side.
"Resting place of our great and mighty Lord... Bringer of Night, Lady of the Nightveil, and mother of the ethereal Spectral Beast... Lord Tyvetta..."
After reading the words I was left in momentary silence. It was a shocking discovery by itself alone. I had been told about Lord Soletti and Lord Yuletti, but...
"Lord Tyvetta..."
Tyvetta was a lord?...
If that was the case what was all of this? Why did I never learn of this, no, why was I never taught about this. What was the reason for the way I was being treated if she was of the same status as Soletti and Yuletti?
I furrowed my brows. I wasn't angry nor sad at this revelation – I was merely confused.
Was there a reason Tyvetta was not properly taught about to the others? Was it the cult? The cult grandma told me about must have been involved in this, just based on the pure spite and hatred they had toward both me and Tyvetta.
If that was so, then what exactly was my connection with Tyvetta. The creature outside seemed to treat me with some form of kindness, was it because of my connection with Tyvetta?
"But why am I called a child of Tyvetta?"
The whole child of Tyvetta thing was weird and confusing. They would also mention I had her wretched blood, but that didn't make sense. My mother was my mother. It's not like I came out of Tyvetta's womb, right?
Ha! – That was a funny thought in general, I nearly burst out in laughter.
My focus was once more on the coffin. What was I even here for? After I asked myself this a sudden whisper-like voice reverberated throughout the room.
"Lulia... Veltae..."
The voice said spoke my name and at the same time, a red fog seeped out of the coffin as it shook.
"Veltae... Lulia..."
The voice spoke my name once, the coffin's shaking becoming even more violent as more fog began to seep out. Soon the floor was entirely shrouded by the fog.
"Veltae... Welcome"
It once more uttered my name but this time, it chuckled.
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♪That's a ticket to nowhere, for meeee!♪
♪That's a ticket to nowhere, for meeee!♪