
BLUE LOVE : Love of Eve and Alec

Alec seeing an Rutilant like like,it lead him to what his everything.that light give him oxygen to live .the blue is it become everything to him.

Neelima_Neeli · LGBT+
34 Chs

I Can't Let You Go

Anna said Eve that she will drive him to the apartment. Alec driven the to a lost place and he was screaming in the silence of night.

he can't hold back his angery and his heart was aching like something is stabbed in his heart's deep .

Alec can't accept that Eve trying to do something like this to him. but he not thinking that he doing all this to protect him from this mess. Eve not also happy to do this thing it's all pain full to him either.

Alec was thinking that Eve is doing it's all because of his mom said to him to do so.

Anna and Eve come to the apartment and Eve goes to up quickly to check Alec ,he don't even wait for Anna ,Anna was observing all this .in the apartment Eve looked Alec everywhere.he can't find him anywhere. Anna come to apartment slow and asked Eve that where is Alec ?

Eve sat on the chair and said in an sad he not here.

Anna : he will by midnight,so you go to bed.

Eve: Anna go back to home, it's late.

Anna : no problem,I will stay here.

Eve : no , you back I will wait for Alec .you don't have to act like this no more .it's only in the public.

Anna was disturbed by that saying.

she said then ok I am going back.

Eve didn't go to send off at the garbage.she just on the chair like a statue.

after so many time Eve think that he has phone.he called Alec but he didn't attend it.

Eve tried for so many times then last he turned his phone off. Eve was looking him to come and say the truth about all ,but he didn't even answering hi phone.

Eve was tried of looking for him.he can't hold his sleep he fell asleep at the table. it's around 3' clock Alec come the apartment.when he come inside he seen Eve was sleep on chair .

it's time Eve tried to turn around like in the bed he is going to fall down, suddenly Alec ran towards him and pulled him up.he carried him to the bed.

Alec anger all fade away when he seen Eve's face. in the sleep Eve was talking about him.

he was saying that."it's all for you that I am doing,it's just an act towards public.why are you so stubborn and anger towards me?

I didn't did anything wrong I just wanted to protect you from this mess.

why don't you understand that ?"

"it's also not acceptable for but we have to do so to protect your career."

Alec was melt down by that words by Eve .

he is feeling like he wants to kiss him with Love.

Alec saying Eve that I understand that but I can't accept that fact , I am also feeling like you .if this all were for my career but I can't imagine you are saying all to you are my sister's boyfriend.

Alec wrapped his arms around Eve and pulled him close to him and tightly he hugged him and kissed him in his forehead.

he hugged him like he can't breathe,he was afraid of losing him.he can't let him go ....

he realized that .

in the middle of sleep Eve wakened and opened his eyes and looked Alec was tightly Holded him in his arms . Eve was very happy that he come to home and sleeping with him .he was holding him in his arms.

Eve hugged him back and moved closer to his chest rubbed his head on chest.they sleeper happily.

next morning, Alec and Eve was sleeping , Alec's Mom , Clair and Anna come to home and the bell was rang but Alec and Eve was sleeping both hands tightly they can't wake from their sleep. Anna saying them that I will call the manager and ask the password for door . Anna calling him and asked the password. he said Alec said don't tell anyone to the password.

Anna : Alec and Eve didn't opening the door.we don't know happened to them.they fight against last night.so please tell me the password.

manager : it's the birthday date of Alec .

Anna : ohh ok.

Anna come to door and unlock the door and they entered in the apartment. Anna and Clair come Alec's room and Anna go to the another.but she opened the door and she is seeing in that there is no one lives.its all filled with old stuff,she thinks that then where is Eve was sleeping.

Clair was opened the door of Alec's room .she can't move from where she was standing.

Anna come to the room and asking Clair that what happened to you ?

where is Alec and Eve?

Clair : go look in the room.

Anna was going to the room and she was surprised to see that Alec was sleeping with another person.he let Eve to sleep on his bed.

Alec's Mom was sitting in the chair and she asked what are you guys doing there?

where is Alec ?

from all the noise Alec and Eve wakened from the sleep and looked at Anna and Clair.

Alec and Eve has no surprise in their look but the girls are in shock.

Alec said them go out we will come to living room.then he spread out the sheet on Eve . Anna and Clair was looking at them.

Alec shouted and said to get out.

Alec and Eve come to living room after freshen up. Clair and Anna was the shock of seeing them on the same bed.they don't anything to Alec's Mom.

Mom said Alec and Eve that we have talk about something.akec and Eve sat on the chair it's time Anna said that she was going to bathroom and she goes to Alec's room and she looked into all there was in couple type.all arranged like couples. Anna was shock and confused about all that.

she come with an fake smile on her face sat at the corner of the living room.

Alec's Mom ,I am going to talk that what Anna talk to you in home.

Alec : huh?!

Alec's Mom : the another day there was party to announce Eve's and Anna's engagement.

Alec and Eve was shock by hearing that.they looked both each other pathetically. Anna was happy to hear that Clair either.

But Alec and Eve was in a situation that they can't say "No...."

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