
Blue Lock: 13 Steps

This kid's only way out of poverty is football. Follow the journey of Kamagasaki's very own football star. "The day his ego blooms is the day you fight for second." This is my first time writing a story so please be harsh. I'm trying to improve so be critical and tell me my wrong doings. discord: amo#5850

ZetsurinKyo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

What Did You Just Say?

???: " I could tell from the way you look, and even the way you smell, you've had it rough. I've never had to live like that so I was curious about how you view your problems, and to answer your first question I'm Yoruichi Shihoin and I'm from Suruga Ward in Shizuoka.

Several weeks went by from their first conversation and since then they have talked every other day. All the while practicing dribbling, shooting, and going over formations. Sometimes even Ryuu would stop by to learn a few things. As the days went by, Sho's clothes tore and soon were in tatters so Yoruichi gave him some clothes and purchased a motel room for him for a week and a half.

Sho is currently getting up out of his bed after sleeping for 8 hours. Looking around he wondered how lucky he was to run into Yoruichi. There's a cabinet filled with different types of foods, running water, and a shower. He couldn't ask for anything else. Touching his hair, he felt how greasy it was so he settled on taking a nice hot shower. After the shower he put some sports clothes on and made his way down into the lobby and out of the motel. Sho was walking down one of the main roads and smelt piss, looking around he saw a vacant park filled with homeless people and tents. He's never been on this side of the slums but he wasn't all that surprised.

Entering the concrete field he used to call home, he saw Yoruichi. She was juggling the ball with her right leg, even occasionally hitting the ball with her knee. Sho was slowly approaching her getting ready to ask her a question but was interrupted by Yoruichi.

Yoruichi: "I'm leaving here in a week so I'll give you one option, and one option only. Leave Kamagasaki with me to Yamanashi, I've known you for several weeks and you've never mentioned any type of parental figure so I thought I might be able to fill that role."

He was so overwhelmed with the question so he quickly and kindly asked for more time before he gave Yoruichi a definite answer to which she kindly agreed too. A few days after that conversation we can see Sho and Ryuu sitting up against a wall on the sidewalk talking with each other.

Sho: "Yoruichi said I could move to Shizuoka with her. I can get out of the slums and pursue my dream of playing football. I know I won't be able to see you as much but as long as we play football we are bound to see each other. I might even come back to check up on you."

Ryuu stared into Sho's heterochromatic eyes and saw a definite resolve in them so he put up a happy face and convincingly said

Ryuu: "Of course we will, we're the two best players in Kamagasaki. Whether we meet in high school, or even playing for the national team, I know we will play together again."

As soon as Ryuu said those words to Sho, Sho pulled Ryuu into a hug and thanked him. Sho got up and ran towards the motel he was staying at to gather his belongings. If he hadn't ran so fast towards the motel he would have seen Ryuu's crying face quietly saying

Ryuu:"Don't go"

Sho ran all the way towards the motel he was staying at and finally arrived at his room number. He opened the door and he faintly heard water running in the other room. Sho got spooked and instinctively looked towards the bed and saw women's clothing sprawled out on the bed. Sho immediately knew who it was and calmly and quickly grabbed all of his belongings and waited outside in the hallway.

Roughly 15 minutes later Yoruichi walked out of the room in street clothes with damp hair and saw Sho holding his things. He looked directly into her eyes and said

Sho:" If you're still willing to have me I would really like to come live with you in Shizuoka. You've done more things for me these past few weeks than anyone ever has my entire life."

Yoruichi grabbed Sho by his shoulders and embraced him into a tight hug. After they embraced for a good 5 minutes Yoruichi got on the phone with her little brother and told him the news, all the while walking side by side with Sho down the hallway into the lobby. Yoruichi talked to the receptionist and cancelled the rest of Sho's stay.

They can both be seen walking out of the motel to the closest train station. Yoruichi and Sho were sitting down on a bench, looking up at a screen showing the schedules for the trains and realized it was gonna take an hour before their train was gonna get them here to Suruga Ward in Shizuoka.

By the time the train came Sho was asleep, so Yoruichi lightly nudged him awake. Sho slowly opened his eyes and got up letting Yoruichi guide him into a train seat and let him sleep the rest of the ride to Shizuoka.

a little shorter than the previous chapters but whatever.

i feel like I might have rushed it but I wanted to get closer to blue lock. hopefully it doesn't feel rushed. if it sucks let me know. <3

ZetsurinKyocreators' thoughts