
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 1: ᴛɪᴍᴇ

A red sun risen up from the east early this morning.

Samuel stood up from bed and started preparing for his daily routine. He walked out of his cold room and marched to where he is expected by his father.

The same cold stares greeted him as the doors of the throne room opened. He walked on the white and snowy carpet towards the King. He bowed his head as a sign of respect and moved to his rightful seat. Next to his Queen Mother.

And like every day of his cold and winter life. Samuel sat quietly on his seat. Listening and suggesting a few things to his father's subjects.

After the early appointments. The royal family left the Ice Castle and made it to the nearby farm that are being tilled by their winter farmers

Samuel sighed as he gazed down on the white and snowy ground. Watching his foot dugged on the snow, counting for the seconds to run out until their business there is finally over.

The day was exhausting despite it being boring and expected by Samuel.

He had seen what will happen since last night and he knew he will have to just wait and stand behind his King like a good son he is.

Samuel opened the chest on his bedside table. He pulled out his very own constructed hourglass and watches the sand runs out until it was time for him to take his evening bath.

He returned the hourglass back in the chest just as when the court ladies knocked on his frozen door.

As expected.

"My Prince... We have prepared your evening bath." He heard the voice loud and clear.

Samuel stood up and opened the doors. Heading to his grand bathroom where a warm bath awaits him.

Not anyone in their kingdom can really last the warm like him. It's only normal for them to hate heat because they are winter people.

Maybe that's one of the many reasons why many hates him and called him defected.

As much as Samuel founds himself weakens by the touch of heat. He finds it very relaxing and comforting for him.

He's always been different among his people. Unlike them, Samuel have the ability to last in heat atleast for as long as he sees he can handle it.

But what makes him very different among them. Is his gift of harnessing the power of time.

Only him and his parents knows of this ability. They didn't want other winter people to know, afraid that they'll take advantage of his powers and abuse him.

Ever since a boy. Samuel never left the castle. Only when he turned into man, strong enough to protect himself.

A reason to that is that he can not initiate himself to any skinship. Or else he will have to deal with seeing their life from their birth and to their death.

Everyday felt like a book for Samuel. He already knows everything that will happen beforehand.

Before he falls asleep in the middle of his bath, Samuel stares at the water as he started seeing images that will probably happen tomorrow.

He's the only one who can see this images so he does it almost everytime wherever he goes. If anyone notice him, they'll probably just think that he's zoning out.

But what Samuel did not expect to see that night was a sudden and unexpected fight.

He quickly stood up and covered himself with his silk robe. He ran to the doors to tell his father about the coming danger to their kingdom.

However, before he could open the doors.

There was a sudden new images flashed in his eyes.

His decision of telling his father about it would result their kingdom to  prepare and wait for it.

So that enemy who will make the attack will retreat to regroup with more allies that can outnumber them. It went on to the point where both kingdoms tried to enlarge armies and Samuel will end up exposing himself.

But if he just tell his father about it and they will do nothing. Pretend that they did not know. Something else is bound to happen that is much important than both kingdoms trying to enlarge each other's numbers of armies.

Samuel quickly went to his father's room and told him all that he's seen. His parents were both furious. There was fear that lingers around them both and Samuel can sense it.

Possible outcomes kept coming in Samuel's mind everytime they try to make a plan about it.

But only one outcome came into life.

"You should leave our kingdom at once, my son!" The King spoke to him in a stern manner.

"But father. What about the attack?" Samuel asked.

"Your father is right Samuel. Our kingdom will either survive or live as we face their armies. But you of all winter people must survive!" The Queen said to him.

It didn't took long for Samuel to see himself leaving the kingdom on horseback.

"There is a reason why the Gods had given you this kind of gift Samuel! If not us... you must learn to protect it by keeping yourself alive!" The King said.

Samuel couldn't argue more when the King had given his official order for him to leave the castle as soon as possible.

Samuel left by himself a few hours before dawn. Riding his horse which is his only companion for his journey ahead.

Before getting further from the Ice kingdom. Samuel turned around to give his home one last look...

"I know I'll be back here someday..."

"But when I do.... home will never be the same again..."

Samuel pulled the reigns and his horse began to ride haste...

Leaving his home and never see his family again.


Many years went by and Samuel had found peace by leaving alone in a small and quiet village. He never interacts with anyone unless needed.

And one festival night. Samuel decided to see how the folks celebrate such event.

He was amused by the various foods and delicacies prepared on every tables. Many were dancing to folksongs and many kids are also playing.

The entire village felt so warm and it made Samuel long for his home.

But like his old home. Every peace has its limits.

Samuel saw batallions of savages that will murder everyone in the village. He was there to help but someone will be taking him to goodness knows where.

Due to curiousity. Samuel waited until savages arrived indeed. He fought and even exposed himself as a winter warrior.

But in the middle of his attempt to save the village, someone suddenly grabbed him and he was pulled into an underground cave.

As much as Samuel wanted to go back and help the villagers, he couldn't leave in frustration of not being able to see any possible outcomes.

He couldn't tell which from the hooded person or the cave it is. But he knows that both person and place are different just like him.

"Your powers will not work in here! Unless you're one of the celestial hierarchy..." the person spoke in a voice of an old woman.

Samuel frowned upon hearing her statement.

"Angels?" Samuel's ears perked at his own words.

He have heard stories about angels before. But those stories only states them being the messengers and loving angels of God. He doesn't know if there's any angel that walks on their land.

"Uhm. May I know who you are?" Samuel asked as they continued going down the deepest part of the cave.

"And where are you taking me?" He asked again.

"Iam too old and too weak to carry on with them. I have spent the remaining of my powers to keep myself alive just so I can find another one who is worth to keep them safe." The old woman answered.

Samuel didn't understand much about what she said except for being old and weak.

Soon, the two arrived at their destination. There was a large ring of fire near a pond. In the center of ring of fire is a little scaly egg and a red-looking phoenix beside it.

"Your eyes does not fool you young man. That is a phoenix." The old woman said and let out a very tired and weak smile.

"What is that thing?" Samuel asked referring about the egg.

"That is the last of the dragons. The only egg that survived for billions of years ever since the extinction of their race." The old woman said and Samuel's eyes gleamed as he looked back at the egg.

It's scaly and tinted with dark blue. He looked at the phoenix and it was obviously protecting the egg.

"The phoenix will die soon... But she will be reborn like every phoenix does." The old woman said again and she slowly walked to sit on an old, ragged and dusty bed beside the ring of fire.

"They are yours now boy. And you must protect them with your life."

"They will remain the same until they find the rider and the real master of the phoenix."

Samuel turned to the old woman wearing a very confused expression.

"I don't understand! Why me? Why should I keep them? I couldn't even stay behind to protect my own family." He said as his voice broke at the last part.

But the old woman did not said anything and closed her eyes instead. Samuel sensed her final breathe and just like that... the old woman died and her body turned into ashes within seconds.

Before Samuel can even process hee death, the phoenix suddenly got blown up in fire.

Samuel panicked and tried to cross the ring of fire but some kind of magic threw him away.

The Ice Prince groaned in pain as he regains himself and stood up. But then something made his ears perked up and he immediately looked at where he last saw the phoenix.

There was a pile of ash beneath the wood where it was standing earlier. A few second later a head of a little phoenix poked out, letting out small whines.

Samuel cooed at the sight as he approach the ring of fire once more.

He stared at the fire then closed his eyes.

He tried to step inside the ring and he felt something warm touched his leg. Soon, he was able to enter and saw the fire turning into blue.

Samuel made his way to the egg and the little phoenix.

"I guess this is the official mission now."

I hope you liked the chapter.

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