

As usuall he wore a jubba and mundu, weighed a bag and left the house. In his bag were the novels he had written earlier, and a few pens and pappers. He walked away by thinking otherthings. Niranjan later recalled that his bike is at the workshop. He walked and reached the junction. He got an autorickshaw from the junction and reached the women's weekly office. Women's Weekly Chief Editor Mohan Kumar approached Niranjan as soon as he saw him.

Mohan Kumar asked Niranjan "Why don't you pick up the phone?"

"Did you call?"

"Yes. When the LAN line was not available,

it was called on mobile too".

"I didn't listen. I was drinking a lot yesterday".

"Where are the Chapters to Publish this Week".

Niranjan Chapters were handed over to Mohan Kumar and he took the money from Mohan Kumar and left the place.

After buying the money, he went to the bar. This is his 20th novel in Women's Weekly.

All his novels were writtens for the sake of money, and without honesty. The population of the magazine was increased due to Niranjan. Niranjan accepted this profession for money. It was from this job he built a new home. My Father never lived in the house I built. He wouid occasionally come and go that day. My Father wouid never stay away from my Mother's sleeping soil.

I have to go to my village to see my father next week. Niranjan thought at the bar.