

Niranjan enter the bar at morning now the time is 9 pm. In the nearest table of Niranjan, an old man talking something alone by drinking a lot of Alcohol. In this how many people looking like this Niranjan thought. But that old man not like that people. Niranjan call the supplier and ask " Do you know him" . He answered that " He is a kadhak artist ( Kerala traditional art form) he monthly got pension from kadhak artist association and he use that money here. After leave from the bar Niranjan still watching that man. He is trying to look auto's and taxi's. Niranjan stop his bike nearest to him and asked " where you want to go" . He replied that " I want to go my home". Niranjan asked that " Where is your house". He replied that " Trivandrum" ( place from Kerala). Niranjan dropped him in his house. But that man is too fit .After dropped him Niranjan go to his own house and think that tomorrow morning I am come here to meet that man.