
He is Real

It's 7pm and there are so many missed calls and messages from friends and parents.

"If I slept whole day that means I missed my class today. I am starving for a whole day. Does that make sense? Talking of starving I am hungry."

"Should I cook for you?"

Ayesha hears a familiar voice.

"Who?" Ayesha shouts.

"Isn't this voice of that young man?"Ayesha says to herself.

"Isn't it too soon to forget my voice?" The young man enters Ayesha's room.

"You are real?" Ayesha's whole body starts shaking.

Now Ayesha looks at the handsome face with fear.

"I don't think we had any kind of relationship or I knew you. What are you doing in my room?"

Ayesha hears main door opening sound.

"Ayesha, are you okay? Why are you not picking up my calls? Why didn't you go to university today? Ayesha "

Ayesha's roommate Yumi's voice.

"Oops. I can't cook for you right now.See you later. Wait for me. Handle your situation. Fighting!" The young man smiles.

"Hey sorry I forgot your name. Your name again please." Ayesha says.

He comes closer to my face and whisper "K-I-T-A-N"

Than he runs towards the window and disappears.

Yumi enters Ayesha's room," Did you wake up right now?Why are looking at the window? OMG! You are looking so pale. Did you get fever or what?"