


Priscilla Cason

I sighed looking at my medical school expenses and can't help but to take a break. After walking to the office and asking for a break, I walked out from the building and walked towards the garden. I sat down on the bench and looked up to the sky.

/"God, I need a job. Please.. I really really need a job. Just give me a job so I can continue and be a doctor./"

/"Hey Cilla./" I turned to see Stella and smiled at her.

/"You okay?/" She asked.

/"Yeah, I'm fine./" Stella Veros or people know her as Axel Cesborn's girlfriend, she's my senior. She's nice and we met in a medicine class.

/"You sure? You know you can tell me if there's something wrong./"

/"Nah, I'm okay./" She's nice but I'm an introverted person so I don't tell people about my life a lot. I keep it for myself.

/"Well.. I'll see you next semester then.. I wish we can get into-/"

/"I'm going to take a break./" I cut her and she looked at me raising her eyebrows.


/"I just need a break./" I said looking down to the ground.

/"You know.. you can always tell me if you need something. I will gladly help you./" She said as she patted my back and I turned to her.

/"Thanks, Stella./"

/"I guess I'll see you next next semester?/"

/"Yeah.. I guess./"

/"Good.. Let's meet up outside sometimes. I'll miss you, you know./" She smiled and I nodded.

/"Will do.. and I'll miss you too./" I said and she hugged me. She's warm and kind person. No wonder boys still chasing her even though Axel Cesborn already make it clear about their relationship.

After Stella left, I walked back home and threw my ass to the chair.

/"What's with the face, Cilla?/" My aunt asked and I sighed big time.

/"I need a job.. a real job./"

/"Why? You already have one./"

/"That's a part time job, I need a real job./" I said and my uncle walked in.

/"You okay?/" He asked the same thing and I gestured to my aunt to explain about the situation to her husband.

/"She needs a real job./"

/"Real job? But you got school./" He turned to me and I shook my head.

/"I took a break, I can't afford to pay it so I need to get a lot of money to get back./"

/"My friend just told me that there's a job but as a secretary.. do you want it?/" He asked and my eyes widened. I nodded.

/"Well.. I can take you there../" He said and I got up as quickly as possible. I ran to my bedroom to take my CV and ran out quickly.

/"Let's go./"

/"Are you sure? Being a secretary is a really big job./" My aunt warned and I nodded.

/"I'm so sure, I can do it and don't worry about it./" I said trying to be optimistic.

/"Let's go then../" My uncle said.

If you are wondering, my parents have already passed away. My dad was a soldier and he died in a war. My mom passed away 5 years ago because of cancer. It was hard living alone but I'm so blessed to have my dad's brother who's willing to bring me into his family. He only has a son and he's in the UK currently living his life as a famous photographer there. He worked his ass off too there and I can't help but so proud of him.

/"You know.. I can lend you my savings, Cilla./" My uncle said as we got into his car. I shook my head not agreeing.

/"No, you already helped me enough. I need to work my butt off right now./"

/"Cilla, you know.. You need to enjoy life a little bit. You keep working and working. I've never seen you enjoying yourself./" He said as he started his car.

/"I want to be a doctor, I will enjoy it after I'm successful./"

/"You're still young.. go have a date.. have fun../"

/"I don't have time for love or have fun, uncle. I just want to be a doctor./" I said and he nodded weakly. He drove out from the area and I turned on the radio.

/"You know.. Your dad still has savings for you./"

/"That's for a real emergency./" I answered it quickly. It's still painful when someone brings up my parents. They're not here again and that really broke my heart.

/"We're here./" He said and I turned my head to the left side. My jaw fell when I see the building.

/"This is Lemiere Office./" I said.

/"Yeah, my friend works in the managing team so he knew a few slots of job here. He told me about the secretary slot here./"


/"Goodluck. You can get the job and tell them that Roger was the one who told you./" He patted my head and I nodded weakly. I got out from the car and walked inside the building.

/"What can I help you, miss?/" The front desk employee asked.

/"I'm here to get a job, as a secretary./"

/"Who told you th-/"


/"Excuse me for a second./" She smiled and walked into a room behind her. She called someone and talked to the manager.. I think. She came out from the room.

/"Sorry, Miss. We nee-/"

/"Priscilla Cason. Is that you?/" I sighed and I don't need to turn my head to know who called me.

/"Mr. Lemiere./" The employee greeted him.

/"What are you doing here?/" He asked and I turned my body not bother to see his face. He caught my wrist holding me to go away.

/"Why is she here?/"

/"She's asking about the secretary interview, sir./" The employee answered and I rolled my eyes.

/"Well.. well.. well.. lucky you, I'm the boss./"

/"I'm not interested in this job anymore./" I said coldly trying to pull my hand from his grip.

/"Come on, let's do the interview./" He said as he pulled me towards the lift. Oh great.. just great..