
Blossom in the hills

Lilly Jones, a country girl who is invariably into the book world with her elegant pursuits is currently studying college. While studying at the prestigious college she has met a transferee his name is Austin. Austin appeared into her life and propel her life upside down. They fall in love and everything feels so right, at the birthday party, they both got drunk and sleep with each other but one day Lilly Jones found out her lover wasn't as simple as he looked. He was someone from a very outstanding background. She also found out her lover was already engaged to someone else. She also started getting threats to leave him. To add more chaos, she found out she's pregnant with a child, now what will she do?

Micheyy · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs

Chapter - 7

The next day, Lilly Jones makes sure that her as well as Claire's seat remain safe. She hurried to the classroom while dragging Claire all the way to the hall.

"You didn't even let me finish my makeup. Yah... Why are you being so cruel?" Claire complained trying to keep up the pace.

"Who do you need to impress? You don't need any makeup anyway" Lilly said as she opened the door of her classroom.

There was not a single living being in the room. They were the first ones to reach there. Lilly sighed heavily as she went to her seat.

"Am I so beautiful that I don't need makeup?" Claire asked excitedly as she sat next to Lilly.

A part of Claire's heart was happy to sit next to Lilly but a part of her heart wanted to sit at the back just like yesterday.

Claire blushed hard as she thought of yesterday. He was so... Handsome.

"No, I mean you look dumb even with your makeup" Lilly commented.

"Then.." Claire was about to thank her when she realised what she'd said. Her eyes frowned together as she got up and twisted Lilly's finger a bit "Say it again and I'll just pull your fingers out."

"I'm kidding... I'm just kidding. Haha. Let me go... " Lilly was in pain yet she couldn't control her laughter.

While they were messing around other students began to come in.

The last one to come was Austin and Billy. Billy got a big smile on his face as soon as he saw Claire. He had been trying to get to the class earlier but because of Austin they were the last to reach the class.

Claire also smiled back at him. Her eyes have been looking for Billy as she got here. Since the dorms for boys and girls were in different buildings they won't see each other often.

Austin raised his brows as he walked to the back of the seat and sat lazily on his seat.

Billy also has to get to the back since there were no other seats available.

As the teacher came in the class went silent. Everyone was so focused on studying that Austin began to feel sleepy. He looked around once before landing his head on the desk. In no time, he had fallen asleep.

The science teacher was a strict one. He looked once at Austin and the next moment his pen was flying to Austin. It hit so hard on the head.

"Ahh" Austin woke up and looked around when he spotted an angry professor looking back at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Get up" he growled at Austin.

Austin was just awakened from sleep so he was still half- conscious about what was going on.

"Me?" He asked in his husky voice as his long, slim finger pointed himself.

"Yes you mister . Will you please explain why you were sleeping in my class?" Professor asked.

"Oh .. that ... I felt sleepy that's why" Austin spoke half asleep. Everyone in the room burst out into laughter with his answer.

He dared to sleep in the most strict class.

"Get up from your seat and get out" The professor growled.

"Why?" Austin raised one of his brows demanding an explanation.

"This is my class and I don't need lazy students here. You are disturbing the whole class"

"But.... I was sleeping soundly. I bet I didn't make a single sound" Austin spoke up again.

"Ohh, so you came here to sleep huh? Do you even know what's going on with the study?"

"Nop" Austin refused without any guilt.

"Then why are you even here? Get out of the class" the professor was raging like fire.

"If I go... Don't expect to see me in this class again" Austin said in a cold tone.

The professor was well aware of his wealth and power. But since he had already said so, he had to save his face somehow.

"Get out" he growled once again.

Austin smiled and walked out of the class silently.

As soon as the class rang, Lilly ran to the library. She had two books to return today. She asked Claire to go to the next class so there won't be any danger on her seat while she goes to the library. She was in a hurry so she was taking out books on the way. She was so focused on her bag that she didn't care about the way.

In front of her, Austin was coming towards her while rubbing his eyes. He had gone to the library for a nap after being driven out of the class. He had been sleeping here the whole time when he was given punishment. He was still sleepy but he decided to go to the next class anyway.

As Lilly took out the book she turned ahead and bang... She just banged into Austin who was coming from another side while her two books flew in the air..

"Arhh my head..." Lilly held her head as she thought that she landed her head on the wall. Wait, there were no walls in the middle of the hall... She thought as she looked at the person in front of him. And gradually her face began to twitch.