
Blossom in the hills

Lilly Jones, a country girl who is invariably into the book world with her elegant pursuits is currently studying college. While studying at the prestigious college she has met a transferee his name is Austin. Austin appeared into her life and propel her life upside down. They fall in love and everything feels so right, at the birthday party, they both got drunk and sleep with each other but one day Lilly Jones found out her lover wasn't as simple as he looked. He was someone from a very outstanding background. She also found out her lover was already engaged to someone else. She also started getting threats to leave him. To add more chaos, she found out she's pregnant with a child, now what will she do?

Micheyy · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs

Chapter - 5

"So? Do you regret fighting with him over a stupid seat??" Ada snapped Lilly as she took a seat just next to her.

"Regret for what Ms. Miller? Can you explain further?" Lilly Jones spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Being so cocky..." Ada was still calm. "Look what have you let go of your hands" Ada tilted her head and looked at Austin's direction.

"He's just so handsome to let go" Rose, one of Ada's minions speak as she drool over Austin.

"So why don't you give him a shot? I'm sure he'll like you" Lilly winked at Rose.

Rose immediately got happy"really? You think so?" She was so happy to hear such comments from Lilly. She couldn't help but imagine herself being Austin's girlfriend and girls envying her.

"Rose" Ada gritted her teeth as she saw her own friend was trying to compete her.

"Uhh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I mean he's so handsome and only you deserve to be by his side" Rose unwillingly commented. It was evident that she can't go against Ada no matter how much she liked Austin.

"I know that..." Ada grinned as she looked at Lilly " No one here deserves him except for me"

"Deserve? Who even wants to be around him?" Lilly scoffed.

He's just a jerk and show off and annoying... Whatever, I don't want to do anything with him .. - Lilly thought to herself.

"Everyone except for you. Because you don't have a taste or class... " Ada snapped as she got up from her table and walked away towards Austin's.

Lilly gritted her teeth in anger "Why does everyone has to mess with me today?"

"Don't be angry Lilly. You know her, she'll do anything to annoy you. Don't mind her" Claire quickly came to the rescue.

Lilly nodded and get back to her snacks.

Ada was so happy that her only enemy was not competing in this thankfully.

'Now, it's just matter of time that he'll be mine' Ada thought as she approached Austin's table.

She was very attracted to him on the first glance. She had grown up in quite a wealthy family so all her needs were fulfilled even before she open her lips. She was the kind of person who will take all the shiny things on her bag. It she likes something, if her eyes lands on something good even it is someone else's, she will take it either this way or that.

As for Austin, how can she slip it out of her hands while he had attracted so many hearts in his first day because of his good looks.Ada was even sure if she was to date Austin, her popularity will boost up in one go. They'll be the most popular gram couple and Lilly? She can't even compare to her shoes...

As she thought of this she couldn't help but put a smug smile on her face.

"Hii Austin, I'm Ada - Ada Miller" Ada stretched out her hands towards Austin "You must've seen me in the classes before. We have many common classes, you know?"

Austin's eyes followed the hand and his eyes stopped at her face. Ada, she had makeup on her face. Though it was perfectly done it reminded Austin of the girls back at his hometown. She was just like city girls with face full of makeover. He simply didn't like it, so he sat there steadily.

"Nop, I haven't" Austin replied in a cold tone.

Ada was left in an awkward place but she quickly gathered herself and smiled.

"Uhh ... Yeah there are so many students, Plus you are a newbie here. It's possible that you didn't notice me at all .. hehe" Ada felt anger inside her for Austin being so arrogant and cocky. But again he was so hot, he has the right to be so... Ada thought - let me be your girlfriend once and I'll show you...

Everyone around the table were giggling. They enjoyed how the school bully was ignored by the new hot student right in front of everyone.

"I guess we should be friends??" Ada suggested to hide her embarrassment.

"And why should we???" Austin was still indifferent towards Ada.

"Because I'm the most popular girl in this campus and with your looks, I'm pretty sure that you'll be one in no time. So why don't you join us?" Ada offered. Rose, Mary and the whole school was awaited for his answer breathlessly.

"No, not interested" Austin got up his seat and walked out. He was the person who don't like so much attention. Since he became the center of attraction here ... He felt somehow upset because he decided to have a simple life here.

Everyone gasped at the answer because Ada was rejected for the second time and everyone thought it was hilarious.

Billy also got up and followed behind Austin once he got up. After they were gone, people began to whisper and make fun of Ada Miller.