
Blossom in the hills

Lilly Jones, a country girl who is invariably into the book world with her elegant pursuits is currently studying college. While studying at the prestigious college she has met a transferee his name is Austin. Austin appeared into her life and propel her life upside down. They fall in love and everything feels so right, at the birthday party, they both got drunk and sleep with each other but one day Lilly Jones found out her lover wasn't as simple as he looked. He was someone from a very outstanding background. She also found out her lover was already engaged to someone else. She also started getting threats to leave him. To add more chaos, she found out she's pregnant with a child, now what will she do?

Micheyy · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs

Chapter - 11

"Don't act like a gentleman when you are the one to do this to me." She yelled.

"Look. I didn't mean..." Austin tried to explain but Lilly cut her off "I don't know what is your problem? Like is there anything wrong with you? Why do you have to keep messing with my mood? Can't you leave me alone?"

Austin didn't utter a single word but kept glaring at her coldly.

"You know what? You two guys are perfect with each other. So please don't ruin my day. Be busy by yourselves." Lilly Jones shouted as she furiously turned around and walked opposite from then.

"Are you jealous?" Austin suddenly spoke up in his deep and husky voice.

Lilly stopped and turned around and glared deathly at Austin.

"What?" Austin slowly approached Lilly bit by bit. Even though he was not happy about what she said earlier but it made him want to irritate her even more. This wild eat was just so entertaining: "I know you can't stand some girl by my side right?" He winked as he inched closer to her.

"Shut up... Keep your imagination to yourself. Okay?" Lilly was fuming with anger. She was as red as a tomato. She yelled at Austin and stormed out of there.

"Lilly..." Claire ran after Lilly leaving her food on the table.

Ada Miller looked at her phone which was completely ruined by Austin. With teary eyes. She also left the cafeteria with rose closely following behind her.

Austin looked at the four girls getting out of the cafeteria one by one and shrugged his shoulders.

"Seems like none of them were hungry... Well, it has nothing to do with me. I'm going to eat mine..." With those words, he get back to his chair and began to shove food in his mouth.

"Nothing to do with you? Everything has something to do with you dude..." Billy Hudson remarked as he looked at the tray of food left there by Claire.

Meanwhile, in the washroom, Lilly Jones was trying to clean her clothes in hurry. She was trying to wash the dirt off her clothes.

"Lilly, you okay?" Claire also rushed into the washroom pushing the door.

"How can I okay? That blockhead made rain of his filthy drinks on me. I want to kill that gink." Lilly vented as soon as she saw her best friend coming in.

"Calm down, calm down. We all saw he did so when he was trying to avoid Ada. Right?" Claire tried to explain what had happened earlier but Lilly didn't want to hear anything.

"Why are you taking his side. He's such a jerk. He had done nothing but mess with me after he came here. First, he took away my seat, and then he would ask his friend to do the same to keep you apart from me, and then this." She angrily took a handful of water from the running tap and tried to wash her collar but in her rage, she splashed the water all over her. She had been drenched in water once again.

Claire couldn't help but burst out into loud laughter as she saw her. "You... you wanted to clean yourself and here you go. You got a quick bath. Hahaha..." She laughed as she hold her stomach.

"Could this day get any worse?" Lilly was almost on the verge of crying. Seeing her in such a situation made the smile on Claire's face fade away.

"Wait here for a while. I'll go get you a jacket. from my locker. Just go to the room and take a rest. You seem too overwhelmed. I don't think you can take classes like this anyway." Claire suggested. Lilly was trying to control her emotions so she keep silent all the time.

Claire Davis ran to her locker and get back with her jacket. It was good that she still had it in her locker because Lilly had gotten herself transparent in her wet shirt. Her innerwear was almost revealed.

"Put this on" Claire handed over the jacket to Lilly.

"I'm not going to the class" Lilly mumbled.

"Your bag is safe with me" Claire smiled at her.

"What if teacher asks about me?" Lilly pouted like a child.

"You know ma'am, Lilly has gotten so bad stomachache. You know the GIRLS THINGS" Claire whispered at the last two words as she winked at her.