
Bloody Secrets

She was hiding, hiding from the world. Afraid to hurt anyone. Until one day, everything began to change... change into something worse. In war, to attain victory, they must fight until the end. Everyone doesn't know whose side will win until everyone is killed. A lot of blood will be spilled and countless lives will be taken. Forbidding themselves to love is the best way to avoid experiencing it. Because for them, to love one another means someone has to die in return. Will someone choose to sacrifice a life so that everyone can live? Or will they choose to fight then both live? Are they ready to know the secrets that were hidden from them? If yes, blood will be spilled.

ItsMicheeeee · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 8 - What if?


Thinking of the possibilities that could happen if I am with her... I don't know if I will be able to fathom the images that pop into my head. She is known to be a dangerous lady and no one who is in the right mind would want to stay by her side.

Just by looking at her, how lonely is she?

Is she even okay with the way that she is being treated?

I want to be with her even though it seems impossible.

"For real, dude?" Sean asked in disbelief as he strongly smacked my head. I simply glared at him and continued to drink my soda which he bought on the way here. We are at the rooftop of the Business and Management Building because the girls from the Entertainment Building in this Academy keep on bothering me and Sean.

Well, it's mostly Sean because they do not want to go near me after seeing me always with that girl. Some girls even approached me and asked when will I stop getting near Aviana because they were scared that she might do something to them. I just laughed it off to try and told her that I will never leave that girl's side.

Sean on the other hand has been getting swarmed because he is a famous model and a singer. Everyone knows and adores him but the truth is, he is a Casanova man. He does not want to be in a serious relationship because doesn't want any commitment.

"Are you sure with that damn decision of yours?" He asked with a serious tone in his voice. I just nodded in return. I won't avoid her... never. I know that I'm making the right decision and I hope until the end, I won't regret this.

"You know if you continue to do this, your family will go nuts. They will investigate that girl and when they found out that she is like that they will really… I mean literally make her pay for seducing you." He explained and now sat down beside me.

"Well, she didn't seduce me. I got attracted to her from the beginning." I said but he does have a point. If my family finds out that I'm interested in this kind of girl, they will find a way for me not to be with her.

How uncool right?

It's as if I'm the lady but it's true. This is my world and I know my parents will surely not approve of her, even Ava doesn't like her. Other than that, I already have a fiancé so, it is normal that they might get angry at me after they found out about her.

"Whatever. So, what is your plan?" He then asked.

"I don't know," I replied and finally stood up. As of now, I can't think of anything. I just want to enjoy the moment with her because I don't know what might happen in the future.

"Come on. It's the next subject." I stated as we hurriedly went towards our classroom fast. Once we got there, I saw her staring out the window.

Is she spacing out?

But even though she's spacing out I find her interesting. I mean, I don't know anything about her except about the thing that she is known as the most dangerous girl in this town. I don't know why she is called that.

Has she done something wrong?

Or better yet, did she hurt someone or worse kill?

I want to know more about her. I want to know who her family is.

What do they do?

How did she become like this?

Why is she beautiful?

And why did I fall for her?

So many questions that I can't even answer on my own.

"What are you looking at?" I heard Sean ask which made me come back to reality. I looked stupid staring at her, now everyone is looking at me.

"Nothing." I simply answered and proceed toward my seat.

When I finally sat down, I realized that she was already looking at me. She is staring and is still not averting her eyes which kind of giving me the creeps.

"Let's go home together." She said UNEXPECTEDLY.

Did I hear her right?

Yet, I was unable to make her repeat what she said because she continued to look out the window. Never mind, she might not be serious about that.

Isn't she?


Hours had finally passed and it was about time to go home but she was still sleeping. I waited for a minute until our classmates finally left the room including Sean. Since that he still wanted to go to the club where his girlfriend is… his 49th girlfriend for now.

How does he easily get bored?

I don't even have a girlfriend and he already got 49!

Well, I'm already engaged.

That's worse than his.


I leaned a bit closer to the woman who has been sleeping on her desk. I noticed that her eyelashes are extremely long. Her lips are so red... But right then, she suddenly yawns in front of me which made me step back. I heard her murmur something which brought me back to my senses but I couldn't understand the words that she has said.

"What?" I asked and came closer to her.

"Ready to go home?" She asked without opening her eyes.

"Yeah. Let's go?" I answered. She finally stood up and gets her bag. After that, we headed towards my car at the parking lot and when I faced her, she is yawning once again.

Is she still tired?

What is she even doing every night?

She's always asleep during daylight.

It's already been a month since I'm sticking to her but our relationship isn't progressing at all. The reason is, well I don't want to ask because I don't have the courage to do so.

"Where will I take you?" I asked but she didn't answer and got in the car. When I stepped inside the car she is already sleeping, AGAIN. I carefully closed the door and looked at her.

She is sleeping...

"Hey," I said when she suddenly pushed me to my seat.

What the hell?

"H-hey!" I said but she just smirked at me.

"Close your eyes and don't open them. No matter what." She whispered into my ears.

What does she mean by that?

I don't know but I just closed my eyes and stupidly… waited for something?