

The NADS top squad detective; Abby, Beanie, Vicky, and Paul are faced with another crime, with little or no solid lead the team are left to handle this spinning case. How will they face this killer with emotions that seems to get on their way!? Would it be a victory for them to finally catch the culprit before their final strike or would it be gone over for Abby's career to be a top detective agent? FIND OUT IN THiS EMOTIONAL- PACKED ACTION BOOK!!!! #Romance #Mystery #crime #jealously "drama

Tabidolly_1234 · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs


Worn out, Vicky retired back to her room and was met with the horrifing sight of a pale Abby clutching her knees, weeping on the floor.

"What the f*ck happened!"

She ran towards Abby who lifted her puffy red eyes.

"How long have you been in this state?", Vicky demanded wiping off her tears.

" You're... speaking.. t.. to m... me", Abby said as she struggled with her cracking voice.

"Of course silly! now what happened?", Vicky demanded once more taking off her jacket.

Abby slowly told Vicky everything that occured, then broke down in sobs!

" That Dutch bag! I'm f*cking gonna castrate him! ", Vicky cried out in rage"Don't you dare give your tears to that fool"

"May... be maybe, I'm not good enough, am I ugly? ", Abby strutted blinking back tears.

" Don't give me that sh*t, you're a one of a kind super amazing best pal, a girl like me can have", Vicky stated.

"Now let's get you cleaned up"

Vicky pulled the worn out Abby, aided her with a bath, waited a bit, dried her hair then ordered dinner for them both. She was really worried on how little Abby ate.

"Curse you Paul! you will pay", She thought. Declaring she was satisfied, Abby allowed Vicky tuck her in, landing a peck on her check.

" Thanks ", Abby whispered letting sleep carry her off.

Smiling Vicky cleaned up after a relaxing moment at the shower, she dressed quickly then sat to dry hair stealing peaks at her sleeping friend, just then a bang at the door got a pisser Vicky up.

" What are you doing here?", Vicky whispered harshly to a flushed red Paul.

"Coming to check on Abby", he stated.

" Well, she's asleep assh*le", she spat with hate banging the door at his face, locking it and went to bed.

"Bast*rd", she spat shutting her eyes as she drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


Sadly, Paul stared at the slammed door wishing it never happened, how would he explain this to Abby? would she ever forgive him? gosh he messed up big time! all these thoughts flowed through his head as he made his way to his room. Beanie just finished bathingas he was drenched, he was putting on his clothes when Paul walked in.

" Where had you been? ", Beanie questioned drying his hair.

" Out with Abby", he replied with slight hesitation.

A pint of jealousy hit Beanie but he quickly covered that up with a smile, "least she's happy", he thought.

" I messed up, I'm a jerk!", Paul broke down" I hurt her"

"What the fu*k", Beanie raged out " What did you do? "

"She knows about Drasky", Paul stated shaken up.

" You're back with Drasky! are you nuts, didn't you ditch her", Beanie shouted angered, he wanted to land a punch on Paul's face.

"I didn't, she's hitting on me", he sighed.


" Rise and Shine dream head! ", Vicky exclaimed jumping on a startled Abby.

" It's morning already ", she yawned stretching her limbs.

" Of course, guess what? breakfast in bed! ", Vicky cheered hoping about, leaping off the bed she got the tray deliciously filled with mouth watering fresh bacon, scrambled eggs and yogurt.

" Is it my birthday already? ", Abby grinned.

" Come on! I'm always there for you", Vicky smiled "Eat up! "

"Mmmmm... ", Abby moaned in delight

" You like it? ", Vicky asked smiling at Abby's brightened look.

" What are you plans today? " Abby questioned munching on her bacon handing Vicky the yogurt.

" Well nothing much, explore the town and go shopping ", Vicky replied as she slowly stirred the straw.

" Sounds fun", Abby stated filled up"I'll go clean up"

Getting up, Abby headed towards that bathroom as Vicky calmly sipped the yogurt then got up to check who was at the door, it turned out luckily to be Beanie as Vicky was eager to dish another round of insult for Paul.

"Hey Vicky, how's Abby? "

"Fine for now, can't believe what the jerk did to her", Vicky stated dryly.

" It was Drasky ", Beanie whispered.

" Ooh no", Vicky mubbled "That psychopath".