
Chapter 15: Perspective

That night, Tavin paced back and forth through an alleyway in town in frustration. He still didn’t want to go back home; somehow, he felt like everything would slip by him if he did, and he’d never leave Varenwald.

He cursed himself. He had been tired and frustrated, yes, but he could have at least been nicer. And he was too embarrassed to go back and see if Valina still wanted to go out walking. And though she had helped him mold the flame into new shapes, he hated that he couldn’t do it himself.

He had been so used to doing everything on his own, having others take such a huge and active role in making sure he was growing so fast somehow bothered him. He had never pictured it like this; in all of his previous imaginings, he was the one training all by himself, in secret, until the day came when he could show everyone just what he was worth.