
Bloodlust: The demon's way

Life is sometimes cruel. One day you sleep in a bed, and the next day you sleep under a bridge. Such a fate befell Abel Rivian, but it is right to say: "where there is misfortune, there is hope." But who knew that hope for the future is not an angel, but a demoness?!

Reveraner · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Abel Rivian

Life is sometimes unfair. All people know this, but few can accept it. They close themselves off, trying to increase their confidence in nefarious ways.

To give you an example, it's bullying or worse, physical abuse.

What are we talking about here? Of course there are a lot of such people, but there are plenty of good ones, too. But Abel, unfortunately, did not get any.

The skinny guy was sitting under the bridge, sheltering from the rain. He was shivering with cold, which was no surprise.

You couldn't tell if he was alive or dead. He was bruised, with large wounds and scars. His body was so thin that his bones were visible.

It was winter, December. It had been five days since the boy had been kicked out of the house. The reason?

"Useless, huh...?"

Exactly. His father kicked him out of the house on the pretext that he was "useless," but the real reason was that a lot of money was spent on him because he was sick.

The coronavirus knocked many people out, and millions died because of it. Even though Abel is not dead, he will probably die soon.



He was cold and hot at the same time. His body felt like it was on fire. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

Abel got up, or tried to get up. But soon he fell to the ground, straight into the snow. The cold feeling on his face didn't help much. He rolled over helplessly onto his back.

"What a shitty life..." Abel took a long breath, trying to catch his breath. But soon he felt a choking sensation.


Footsteps in the snow echoed not far from him, but Abel didn't even pay attention.


Abel closed his eyes and sighed helplessly. He only hoped he would be reborn into a better family in his next life.

Before his eyes closed, he saw a silhouette. Whether he imagined it or not, the silhouette had wings, but a human body. There were curved horns on its head.

By then, however, Abel's heart had stopped.




Unknown voices awakened Abel, and he opened his eyes. It was blurry at first, but then his eyes were fully focused.

The first thing he saw was the ceiling. A classic awakening, you might say. But...

"Is it just me or is there a huge spider on the ceiling?"

Abel looked up at the ceiling with a nervous look. Even though he didn't have arachnophobia, something told him he would definitely have one after this.

"There's no way there's a spider with red and black coloring and blades instead of legs sitting on the ceiling."

Sighing heavily, Abel tried to wipe his eyes, but all he heard in response was the ringing sound of chains. When he looked around, he saw that his hand was shackled.

And looking even better, Abel noticed that such a fate had befallen his feet as well.

"I see... It turns out that people have delusional dreams after death."

Abel laughed lightly. Who would have thought he had such a sick imagination? Especially since the spider was starting to come down on him.

"Wait a minute, the spider is coming down?!"

Abel turned his head sharply in the direction of the spider, and saw that it had begun to descend, baring its sharp teeth.

"Oh, fuck..." Abel cursed and felt like he had aged about forty years. He started twitching and trying to get out. Even if this was a dream, it wasn't very pleasant to be in such company!

But no matter how many times he tried, the chains remained in place. And that was beginning to worry me.

The spider, unfortunately, is not from the world of anime. Usually the villains there wait for the protagonist to use his power, but in this case Abel would be eaten up faster than he could do anything.

The spider descended to the ground and began to advance leisurely toward Abel. His bladed feet scratched the stone floor, making an unpleasant sound.

It made Abel twitch even harder, even to the point where his wrist began to bleed. But he didn't care.

"Hell, if I'd had a good meal before I died, I might have been able to pull through. But my strength isn't even strong enough to take candy from a kid!"

Abel inwardly cried, but tried to keep a cool mind. It's unclear why, but he wasn't worried at all. Maybe the boy had simply accepted his fate.

Meanwhile, the spider climbed onto Abel's body and looked into his eyes. Eight eyes looked directly at him.

The spark, the storm, the madness...

"Ha-ha... F**K!!!"

Abel felt a shiver run through his body. The boy's eyes rolled back and he lost consciousness.

The spider looked at him puzzled, but then jumped away from Abel's body. All because of the black aura around his body.

The black aura appeared suddenly, but it managed to wound the spider's body. One of its legs-blades was severed completely.

Meanwhile, Abel's body seemed to gain mass. He had gone from a frail boy to a boy of eighteen with a well-developed musculature.

The spider gave him a puzzled look, but then his eyes glittered with anger. The poor spider just wanted to meet him, and his limb was eaten away!

With anger, the spider leaped into the air, and swung at Abel. He was still standing with his eyes without a pupil. Only the whites were visible.

The spider's speed was slow at first, but in the air it began to descend with amazing speed!


The spider swung its bladed legs and struck Abel's chest, leaving a deep wound. By the way, the wound began to "boil," as if it were burning.

The spider sank to the ground and stepped away from Abel. He grinned humanly, but then he noticed something wrong! The legs he had struck with were gone! It was as if they had been chopped off with a sharp blade!

But the truth is that when Abel was struck, there was black smoke on Abel's chest that swallowed up the spider's legs!

While the spider was perplexed, Abel rushed forward. When the distance between him and the spider was five meters, he swung his arm and a ball of dark energy emerged from his hand, which he sent at the spider.

Naturally, the spider did not stand still. He dodged, but then felt something devour his back.

When she turned around, she noticed that Abel had jumped on her back and was pointing black smoke at her!

"KEEEEEEEEEE-" As the spider began to squeal, his body was completely covered in dark smoke.

Abel's eyes closed and he fell to the ground. By then he looked like a handsome boy of eighteen with long black hair and red eyes.

There was nothing left of the skinny boy, and Abel looked great.


Dear readers, thank you for reading the first chapter of my novella. I have only recently started doing this, so your advice is something I will gladly take.

The text was originally written in Russian and translated through a translator. Therefore, if there is a Russian speaker among you, or a capable editor, then write to me in discord. (Aleksandreev#8807)

Unfortunately, I can not pay for such help, but I will be glad for any help.