
Bloodline of Gods: The Genius at Olympus Academy!

Old Name- Olympus Academy: Road to Godhood What would you do if one day you were suddenly told that the gods weren't just beings from Myth and Legend but an undeniable truth? Would you laugh? Scoff? Or maybe even ignore it altogether. For a young man called Aiden, his choice was simply a mixture of all 3. but when confronted with Divine soldiers that could call forth terrifying flames at just thought, there was no room left for denial. These Divine Soldiers not only informed Aiden of his divine heritage but also invited him to join Olympus Academy, a place known as the training ground of the gods. For most people, such a revelation could leave them questioning reality for several weeks, but for someone bogged down with life like Aiden, it wasn't a crisis but a once in a lifetime opportunity! As Aiden arrived at the academy he discovered not only was h e talented but hsi genius was so monstrous it made even the gods start paying attention. from then on Aiden didn't hold back he blazed forward fearlessly, smashing giants, crushing tians and even duelling against the gods. Follow Aiden as he traverses across mystical realms, fights against monsters and creatures of legend and does something unseen since ancient times, to reach for the domain of the gods and surpass it! ------------------------------

NineSleepyDragons · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs

51. Jealousy

Hearing this, Aiden smiled as he responded.

"Well, I don't mind telling you. It's not like it's some grand secret, after all.

The truth is, when I was falling through the air, I just thought back to the things you taught me during my first time trying archery. As I was falling, I accidentally fell into a strange feeling.

I felt like the world could become my bow, so I went with that feeling and transformed myself into an arrow that could fit the world's bow. I simply followed the basic rules of archery that you taught, and once everything clicked, the rest was history.

As Oliver heard Aiden's deceptively simple explanation, his mouth twitched.

If it was anyone else who said such a thing, he might have jumped up and slapped them across the face for daring to speak such nonsense in front of him.

But if Aiden said it, he would really come to accept it.