

Srijan_official · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Rise & Fall of the Fourth Head

Chapter 2: The Rise of the Fourth Head

The flames from the castle illuminated the night sky, casting long shadows over the battlefield where the Bloodhert and Vire forces clashed. Amidst the chaos and destruction, a lone figure stood tall and unyielding on a hill overlooking the battle. Daniel Bloodhert, son of Robert Bloodhert, watched the scene with eyes that held no sadness, only fierce determination. He had heard the news of his father's fall on the frontlines and knew there was no retrieving his body now. But Daniel had a plan, one that would ensure the survival and future of the Bloodhert legacy.

In his hand, Daniel held a black flag with a red outline, the ancient character for "Blood" emblazoned on it. This flag was a symbol of his family's unyielding spirit and the burdens they bore. He moved purposefully, planting the flag into the ground with a firm and resolute motion. The battlefield seemed to hold its breath as he raised his voice, its power cutting through the din of battle.

"From this moment onwards," he declared, his voice echoing through the night, "I, Daniel Bloodhert, declare myself the fourth head of the Bloodhert family. I vow to wage war against Heaven and Earth. As long as the symbol Blood remains in this flag, The Lord will see a world is drenched in Blood. No soul shall be spared. A invasion like none has ever seen, a massacre that will be etched into history. I, Daniel Bloodhert, son of Robert Bloodhert, in the name of Lucifer Morningstar, promise to unleash carnage upon Heaven and Earth."

The words hung heavy in the air, a chilling proclamation that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it. The remaining Bloodhert soldiers, battered and exhausted, looked to Daniel with a mix of awe and horror. There was no turning back now.

With grim determination, Daniel turned to face his comrades. "There can be no mercy, no retreat, no surrender. Our fate is sealed by our blood."

He drew his sword and, with swift, decisive motions, began to cut down the remaining Bloodhert soldiers. Their eyes widened in shock and betrayal, but none could muster the strength to resist. To Daniel, this was not murder but a necessary sacrifice to ensure the purity of their vengeance and the fulfillment of their family's legacy. Blood stained the ground, mingling with the already copious amounts spilled in the Vire assault. "Not a single step back!"

Geoffrey, the loyal butler who had served the Bloodhert family for decades, watched in silent resignation. He understood the burden of the Bloodhert legacy and the dark path Daniel had chosen. As the last of the Bloodhert soldiers fell, Geoffrey stepped forward, his expression a mask of sorrow and acceptance.

"You have made your choice, Master Daniel," Geoffrey said softly. "May your path, though drenched in blood, bring honor to your name."

Daniel nodded, his face a stoic mask. "Thank you, Geoffrey. Your loyalty is the only light in this darkness."

With the final sacrifices made, Daniel and Geoffrey were the last two standing. The Vire soldiers surged forward, sensing victory within their grasp. But Daniel had one final act to perform. He turned his gaze to the advancing soldiers, a cold smile playing on his lips.

"Come, then," he whispered, almost to himself. "Let us end this."

With a swift, decisive motion, Daniel plunged his sword into his own chest. Blood poured from the wound, mingling with the crimson stains on his armor. The Vire soldiers skidded to a halt, shock and confusion etched on their faces as Daniel crumpled to the ground, the black flag fluttering above him.

The last Bloodhert had fallen, and with him, the legacy of his family seemed to crumble. The Vire soldiers stood in stunned silence, the battlefield eerily quiet except for the crackling of the dying flames. Geoffrey knelt beside Daniel's lifeless body, his heart heavy with sorrow.

"May your sacrifice not be in vain, young master," he whispered, closing Daniel's eyes with a trembling hand.

As the first light of dawn began to break over the horizon, the Vire soldiers began to retreat, their victory hollow and uncelebrated. The battlefield, once filled with the clamor of war, now lay silent, a graveyard for the fallen.

Geoffrey stood, his old bones aching with the weight of loss. He looked to the horizon, a glimmer of hope flickering in his tired eyes. The Bloodherts had a saying, a prophecy whispered through generations: The day all members of Bloodhert perish, the last family head before them will go back in time. Daniel's sacrifice was not in vain. His act had ensured that Robert, the third head of the Bloodhert family, would have a chance to rewrite their history.


The battlefield dissolved into darkness, and in an instant, Robert Bloodhert found himself standing in a familiar place, but one that had not been his home for decades. The walls of the grand Bloodhert castle were pristine, unmarked by the ravages of war. The air was filled with the scent of roses from the garden, a stark contrast to the smell of blood and fire he had grown accustomed to.

Robert looked down at his hands, realizing they were no longer the hands of an old man worn down by years of battle and hardship. They were the strong, steady hands of his younger self. He was back, decades in the past, given a chance to change the fate of his family.

The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning. Daniel's final act, his ultimate sacrifice, had given Robert the opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past and secure the future of the Bloodhert family. A mix of grief and determination welled up within him as he swore silently to himself.

"I will not fail you, Daniel," he murmured. "Your sacrifice will not be in vain."

Robert stood tall, his heart filled with resolve. He would rewrite the history of the Bloodhert family, ensuring their legacy endured. The world would come to know the true power of the Bloodherts, and this time, they would rise to even greater heights.

As Robert stepped forward, ready to embrace his new destiny, the dawn of a new era began for the Bloodhert family. His head suddenly filled with echos of his son's dying vow, he muttered "So this is your last choice. Your father will make sure to fulfill it!"