

Srijan_official · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Siege of Bloodhert Castle

Chapter 1: The Siege of Bloodhert Castle

The night sky over Bloodhert Castle was alight with the glow of torches and the roar of flames. The once majestic stronghold, with its high stone walls and imposing towers, now trembled under the relentless assault of the Vire family's forces. The clashing of swords, the shouts of soldiers, and the crackling of burning wood filled the air, a symphony of chaos and destruction.

Inside the castle, the air was thick with tension. The Bloodhert family, one of the four esteemed Duke families of the Empire, had been reduced to a mere Count family in the Kingdom of Varvua. This fall from grace was a result of the actions of the second head of the family, Robert's father, whose betrayal had led to their exile and disgrace. Now, the Vire family sought to eliminate the Bloodherts once and for all, seizing their lands and erasing their legacy.

Robert Bloodhert, the third head of the family, stood in his study, staring out the window at the unfolding carnage. His tall, broad-shouldered frame was silhouetted against the flickering light of the torches outside. His once vibrant green eyes were now hard and cold, reflecting the years of hardship and struggle. He wore a simple yet elegant tunic, the red and black colors of his family crest barely visible in the dim light.

The door to the study creaked open, and Robert's trusted butler, an elderly man named Geoffrey, entered. Geoffrey had served the Bloodhert family for decades, his loyalty unwavering even in their darkest hours. His weathered face bore the lines of age and experience, and his eyes, though tired, held a spark of determination.

"Master Robert," Geoffrey began, his voice steady despite the turmoil outside, "the Vire forces have breached the outer walls. Our soldiers are fighting valiantly, but they are vastly outnumbered."

Robert turned to face Geoffrey, his expression a mixture of anger and resignation. "Damn them," he muttered, clenching his fists. "What news do you bring?"

Geoffrey stepped forward, holding a parchment. "A message from the Vire family," he said, handing it to Robert. "They demand our immediate surrender. If we comply, they promise to spare the lives of our people."

Robert snatched the parchment and scanned its contents, his eyes narrowing with each word. "Spare the lives of our people?" he scoffed. "They mean to enslave them, to strip them of their dignity and freedom."

Geoffrey nodded solemnly. "I fear you are right, Master Robert. The Vire family has never been known for their mercy."

Robert crumpled the parchment and threw it into the fireplace, watching as the flames consumed it. "I will not surrender," he declared. "We will fight to the last man, to the last breath."

Geoffrey bowed his head in respect. "As you wish, my lord. But I must warn you, the odds are against us. We must prepare for the worst."

Robert's jaw tightened. "I am well aware of the odds, Geoffrey. But I cannot, will not, let the Bloodhert name be extinguished."

As the two men stood in silence, the sounds of battle grew louder, the screams of the wounded and dying echoing through the castle walls. Robert's mind raced with thoughts of his ancestors, the proud dukes who had once commanded respect and fear throughout the Empire. How had it come to this? How had the mighty Bloodhert family been reduced to fighting for their very survival?

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching the study. The door burst open, and a young soldier, his armor dented and bloodstained, staggered inside.

"My lord," the soldier gasped, struggling to catch his breath. "The Vire forces have broken through the inner gates. They are advancing towards the keep."

Robert's eyes hardened. "Gather all remaining forces," he commanded. "We make our stand here."

The soldier nodded and hurried out of the room, his footsteps echoing down the corridor. Geoffrey moved to stand beside Robert, his old but steady hand resting on the younger man's shoulder.

"Master Robert," Geoffrey said softly, "whatever happens, know that you have led this family with honor and courage. Your father's actions may have cast a shadow over our name, but you have fought to restore our dignity."

Robert placed his hand over Geoffrey's, a rare moment of vulnerability passing between them. "Thank you, Geoffrey. Your loyalty means more to me than you can know."

As the sounds of battle drew nearer, Robert steeled himself for the fight to come. He donned his armor, the weight of the metal both a burden and a reminder of his duty. He strapped on his sword, the blade gleaming in the firelight, and turned to face Geoffrey one last time.

"Stay here," Robert ordered. "If the worst should happen, ensure the safety of the women and children. They are the future of our family."

Geoffrey bowed deeply. "As you command, my lord."

With a final nod, Robert left the study and made his way to the great hall, where the remaining Bloodhert soldiers were gathering. Their faces were grim, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. Robert could see the loyalty and bravery in their expressions, and it filled him with a fierce pride.

"Men," Robert began, his voice strong and commanding, "the Vire family thinks they can crush us, that they can erase our name from history. But they are wrong. We are Bloodherts, and we will not go quietly into the night. We will fight with every ounce of strength, with every beat of our hearts. For our ancestors, for our families, for our honor!"

A cheer rose from the soldiers, their spirits lifted by Robert's words. They knew the odds were against them, but they were ready to fight, to die if necessary, for their family and their legacy.

The doors to the great hall burst open, and the Vire soldiers poured in, their weapons gleaming in the torchlight. Robert raised his sword, the battle cry of his ancestors echoing in his ears.

"For Bloodhert!" he shouted, charging into the fray.

The clash of steel against steel filled the hall, the cries of the wounded and dying creating a macabre symphony. Robert fought with the ferocity of a man possessed, his sword cutting through the ranks of the enemy. His movements were precise and deadly, each strike a testament to his training and skill.

But even as he fought, Robert knew the battle was lost. The Vire forces were too numerous, their assault too relentless. One by one, his soldiers fell, their blood staining the stone floor.

As the battle reached its climax, Robert found himself surrounded by Vire soldiers, their weapons poised to strike. He stood tall, his eyes blazing with defiance.

"Tch! I just wanted peace," he muttered, a bitter smile on his lips.

With a final, defiant roar, Robert charged at the enemy, his sword raised high. The Vire soldiers closed in, their blades flashing in the torchlight. And as the darkness claimed him, Robert's thoughts turned to his family, to the legacy he had fought so hard to protect.

The sounds of battle faded, replaced by the eerie silence of the aftermath. Bloodhert Castle, once a symbol of power and prestige, now lay in ruins, its halls echoing with the ghosts of the past. The legacy of the Bloodhert family had been dealt a devastating blow, but the spirit of their defiance would live on, a flickering flame in the darkness.

And so, the first chapter of the Bloodhert saga came to a close, marked by blood and fire, but also by the unyielding resolve of a family that refused to be forgotten.