

Senjar Ashcroft, a young soldier eager to prove himself, finds himself the sole survivor of a brutal battle against demons. Left for dead, he escapes by plunging into the raging River Moor. The river's current carries him far from the battlefield, his wounds stinging, and his future uncertain. Cast adrift, Senjar must not only heal his body but also forge a new path in a world consumed by war and magic. Will he succumb to the harsh realities around him, or will he rise from the ashes, forever marked by the River Moor's touch?

PlotTwistingPanda · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Dance with Death

Part 1

I never got to sleep in peace, as fear had engulfed my mind. I can still hear the screams of soldiers, and that was not enough.

I also witnessed the brutal deaths of the adventurers at the hands of goblins. I could feel the regret. I was losing myself in despair.

But that was my choice: TO LIVE.

This was not the time to lose myself.

The only thing I knew is that I am in the old forest. I have no map from where I can get directions.

The only possibility of getting out of this forest is to look for other adventurer's parties.

Part 2

My stomach rumbled like a starving beast, but there wasn't a single berry in sight. The Old Forest was taunting me with its thick canopy, blocking out even the midday sun.

Every rustle of leaves, every whisper of wind sent shivers down my spine.

I pushed on, my hope dwindling with each passing hour. The air grew thick with a humid, fetid smell, and the unsettling whispers seemed to intensify.

Then, a sound pierced the oppressive silence—a guttural roar followed by a bone-chilling hiss. I froze, my hand instinctively reaching for a sword. Curiosity, however, was warred with caution.

I crept closer, following the sounds, the whispers momentarily forgotten.

Through a tear in the leaves, I witnessed a sight that sent a jolt of adrenaline through me. In a clearing bathed in an unnatural green light, two monstrous figures were locked in a brutal struggle.

One was a towering High Orc, easily thrice the height of a man, its tusks gleaming like bone sabers. Its armor, a crude mix of iron and leather, was dented and stained, a testament to countless battles.

Its opponent was a creature of nightmares – a Giant Serpent, its scales shimmering emerald green in the strange light. Its body, thicker than the trunk of an ancient oak, coiled and twisted around the Orc, crushing it in its muscular grip.

The air hung heavy with the smell of sulfur and rotting flesh.

I watched, mesmerized by the raw violence. The Orc roared in defiance, a primal sound that shook the very ground. It swung a massive warhammer, the head studded with jagged obsidian shards, but the blow glanced off the serpent's thick hide.

The snake hissed back, its forked tongue flickering like a demonic flame, and squeezed tighter. The Orc's face contorted in pain, its roars turning into desperate gasps.

Suddenly, the Orc did something unexpected. It slammed its fist into the ground, and the earth rumbled with a deep tremor. The serpent, caught off guard, loosened its grip slightly. The Orc seized the opportunity, roaring in fury, and swung its warhammer with renewed strength. This time, the blow connected with the snake's head, sending a spray of green blood flying. The serpent shrieked in pain, thrashing wildly.The serpent was killed by the high orc.It was then the Orc's eyes, glowing red with fury, met mine. My blood ran cold. I wanted to run, to scream, but my body wouldn't obey. The monstrous creature roared again, a sound that promised a slow, agonizing death. Panic jolted me back to life. My hand instinctively reached for the sword at my side. The Orc charged, its warhammer raised high. In a desperate act, I threw my hand up, channeling the remnants of my magic into a burst of wind. A blinding explosion of air erupted around me, hoping to momentarily blind the beast. It didn't work. The Orc, barely flinching, emerged from the swirling wind and swung its hammer. I leaped aside, feeling the wind of the blow ruffle my hair. The explosion did something, though. It seemed to have irritated the Orc, who roared in frustration.My mind raced. Fire magic, my strongest element, wouldn't do much against that thick hide. Thinking fast, I channeled another wind blast, this time focusing it at the Orc's feet. The force of the wind sent the beast stumbling slightly, buying me precious seconds.The fight continued in a blur. The Orc was faster and stronger, its every blow forcing me back. I dodged, I parried, I used every trick in my limited bag to stay alive. The wind blasts, though ineffective against the Orc, helped me create openings to escape its crushing blows. But it was a losing battle. Each blow I barely dodged left me bruised and battered.Finally, the inevitable happened. The Orc landed a massive blow on my chest, sending me flying through the air. I crashed against a tree, the impact knocking the wind out of me. My vision swam, filled with dancing stars. As darkness threatened to claim me, I saw the Orc raise its warhammer for the final blow.I closed my eyes, accepting my fate. Then, darkness. Pure, unadulterated darkness. Except, it wasn't cold. It was hot. Like being shoved into a roaring furnace. But for some reason, I didn't feel the burning sensation. I opened my eyes, expecting to see the Orc's triumphant grin, but instead, I saw a world of fire. Crimson flames danced all around me, yet I felt strangely calm.