
The creature in the basin

"Did I just die? Where am I?" Surgit was at a loss and couldn't understand what was going on. Was it a dream? Or was it reality? All he could remember were the fearful red eyes of the man who had buried his axe on his head.

He walked towards the barriers to have a clearer idea on where he was. As he stood in front of it, his mind was struck with puzzlement. All he could see in front him was a sea of fog. What looked like rock pillars pierced the fog everywhere and looking down; it felt like it was a real floating island. What was this place? Why is he there? Was he still in Yharnam? Or is this afterlife?

He decided to walk towards the house; maybe he'd find someone to answer his questions. As he approached the house, He saw a woman lying down opposite a wall next to the front door. She didn't move at all.

"A corpse!" thought Surgit. He approached it to look at it more carefully. "The only person to provide me with information about this place is a dead woman, great!" He thought sarcastically. The woman was in fact a doll, a real life replica of a human being.

She looked like a sleeping beauty. It had ashen hair and wore an elegant crimson dress. Her open surcoat revealed half its bosom and the bodice was tightly laced with golden laces. He could see that the doll was made with great care and attention to detail. It looked almost like a sleeping woman, only her skin was pale and there seemed to be no veins in the body. Surgit stood up after inspecting the doll and looked at his left.

He saw a basin next to the back door of the wooden house. It was a small ivory fountain. The water in it looked black. No one had touched it in a long time. While he was approaching it to have a closer look, he saw movement in the water, as if it was boiling.

From underneath it appeared a small white creature, with a mouth and tiny teeth for its face. Surgit jumped back, that nightmarish creature again. "Is this thing real? I must be hallucinating. It was just a dream." The creature made a sound, as if it was a murmur, indistinct and faint.

Surgit felt drawn towards it and he approached. The creature's only movement was to extend its hands towards him. It seemed like it couldn't leave the basin. It didn't talk, or at least Surgit didn't understand what it was mumbling.

Although it didn't have eyes, it could feel Surgit and follow his movement. He tried talking to it to no avail. He extended his hand to touch it and he felt the cold tiny hands against his skin that sent shivers down his spine. The creature seemed harmless and at last it made a movement. It pointed with its hands towards the house, as if inviting him to go inside.

As he reached the front door, a man's voice could be heard: "Come in" said the voice.