
Bloodborne Dominion

In a world caught in the eternal struggle between chaos and creation, "Bloodborne Dominion" follows the enigmatic figure Ealdred on a relentless journey through battlefields and realms, where his ultimate ambition is to transcend mortality and become a god of unparalleled power. As the moon rises and casts eerie shadows upon the world, Ealdred embarks on a harrowing journey of self-discovery and transformation. Guided by the haunting whispers of forgotten legends, he navigates the treacherous path into his new existence, grappling with the torment of his newfound thirst for the essence of humanity. Yet, his inscrutable fate is intertwined with a greater cosmic design, as he becomes entangled in a web of ancient prophecies and clandestine societies. With every beat of his immortal heart, Ealdred delves deeper into the enigma of his existence, unearthing chilling secrets that shatter his perceptions of reality. As he treads the blurred line between his lingering humanity and burgeoning monstrosity, he must not only confront the darkness that dwells within him but also the encroaching shadows that threaten to plunge the world into eternal chaos. "Bloodborne Dominion" is a symphony of darkness and desire, a narrative masterpiece that beckons readers into a realm where morality wavers, and the boundaries of what it means to be human blur. Prepare to be ensnared by the hypnotic prose, captivated by the intricate world-building, and entranced by Ealdred's haunting journey as he navigates the labyrinthine corridors of his immortal soul. In a realm where shadows dance and blood sings, the destiny of one vampire warrior may hold the key to salvation or annihilation. Embrace the night, for the dominion of bloodborne destiny awaits. There is gonna be romance later on in the story ;D You can expect 2 chapters a day! My discord:https://discord.gg/mA4Twbcp

Raven325 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


Azrael stood by the cave entrance, inhaling and exhaling, when he felt something unusual—a raven's presence had captured his interest.

"Perhaps I can capture it and conduct some experiments on this creature," Azrael mused.

With a determined stride, Azrael ventured into the dense woods, a realm untouched by the constraints of civilization. His heightened senses guided him, each inhale bringing him closer to the elusive presence he sought to uncover. The earthy scent of foliage and the crispness of the air filled his nostrils, intertwining with the mysteries that lingered among the trees.

His steps were calculated, every footfall a careful dance upon the forest floor. The rustling leaves seemed to whisper secrets, urging him forward. Azrael's gaze remained fixed, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he followed the trail left by the enigmatic entity.

Darting behind a verdant bush, Azrael's keen eyes locked onto the object of his pursuit—a raven perched upon a gnarled branch. Its ebony feathers shimmered with an iridescent sheen, capturing the dappled sunlight that filtered through the canopy. The raven's presence was both mesmerizing and enigmatic, a creature of the wild that held secrets untold.

Azrael's breath caught as he observed the raven, his mind racing with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. He watched as the bird tilted its head, as if studying its surroundings with an intelligence that transcended its form.

With a fluid grace, Azrael moved towards the raven, his movements deliberate and calculated. He extended his hand slowly, allowing the bird to become accustomed to his presence. His keen eyes locked onto the raven's every movement, studying its behavior and reactions.

In a swift and decisive motion, Azrael's hand shot out, his fingers closing around one of the raven's wings. The unexpectedness of his action seemed to startle both the creature and himself. The raven let out a startled caw, its ebony feathers rustling in protest against the sudden intrusion.

Azrael's heart raced with a mixture of exhilaration and trepidation as he held the raven gently but firmly. The bird struggled against his grip, its eyes gleaming with a mixture of defiance and fear. He could feel the delicate bones beneath the raven's feathers, a testament to the fragility of the wild creature he now held captive.

Bringing the raven back to his cave, Azrael's mind brimmed with anticipation. Eager to unlock the mysteries of this avian enigma, he embarked on a series of experiments. With a sense of purpose, he sought to establish a connection, a bridge between the human realm and the intricate world of the raven.

His first attempt was a command—a word uttered with a mixture of authority and curiosity. "Fly," he uttered, his voice carrying a semblance of power. To his expectation, the raven remained perched, its obsidian eyes unyielding. Azrael's brow furrowed with a mix of intrigue and contemplation. It seemed the raven's defiance extended even to his newfound abilities.

Undeterred, Azrael shifted his approach. He recalled stories of animal trainers and their methods, where rewards and incentives were key. With a newfound resolve, he extended his hand, offering a morsel of food—an enticing token of cooperation. The raven's gaze flickered between Azrael and the proffered treat, a subtle wariness lingering in its demeanor.

"Come," Azrael coaxed, his voice a gentle whisper. The raven hesitated, its instincts warred against the allure of sustenance. Moments stretched into eternity as man and bird engaged in a silent standoff. And then, with a flutter of wings, the raven hopped closer, its ebony beak gingerly plucking the morsel from Azrael's palm.

A surge of triumph coursed through Azrael as the raven yielded, if only momentarily, to his efforts. It was a spark of progress, a glimmer of the connection he sought. Emboldened, he continued his experiments, crafting a delicate dance of instruction and reward.

Day by day, Azrael observed the raven's responses, adapting his methods, refining his approach. He marveled at the bird's intelligence, its ability to discern patterns and make calculated decisions. Yet, a sense of mystery shrouded the raven's motivations—what drove it, what desires fueled its actions?

In the depths of his cave, Azrael and the raven engaged in a silent dialogue—a dance of wills and curiosity. He offered tokens of sustenance, observed the raven's reactions to different commands, and even attempted to communicate through a symphony of sounds and gestures. But while progress was made, a fundamental divide remained—a reminder that even with power and intent, some enigmas defy easy unraveling.

In his pursuit of understanding and exploration, Azrael turned his attention to his newfound avian companion. With a mix of curiosity and determination, he embarked on a series of unconventional experiments, each designed to delve deeper into the mysteries of his own existence.

Gazing at the raven perched nearby, Azrael contemplated his next move. Eying a loose strand of his own hair, he extended it cautiously toward the bird. The raven's ebony eyes remained fixed, its demeanor unfazed by the offering. Undeterred, Azrael then retrieved a small piece of his skin, extending it with a mixture of intrigue and expectation. Still, the raven's response remained elusive, its enigmatic nature untouched by these gestures.

Azrael's mind raced with possibilities, his determination undiminished. He scanned his own body, seeking potential avenues of interaction. Fingernails and eyelashes followed, each met with the raven's characteristic aloofness.

Then, a spark of inspiration ignited within Azrael's thoughts. His gaze shifted toward his own palm, where the crimson flow of life coursed beneath the surface. The idea took shape, a hypothesis that seemed to hold the promise of revelation.

"What about I give you blood, buddy?" Azrael mused aloud, his voice a blend of curiosity and anticipation. The raven's ebony eyes seemed to gleam with a glint of intrigue, a subtle shift in its stance that hinted at the possibility of a response.

With a steady hand, Azrael pricked his finger, a bead of scarlet forming at the tip. Carefully, he extended his hand toward the raven, allowing a droplet of his blood to fall onto the ground before it. The raven's gaze followed the movement, its obsidian eyes narrowing as if assessing the offering.

Moments hung suspended, a silent connection forged between man and bird. And then, with a fluid grace that mirrored the ebb and flow of time, the raven hopped closer, its beak dipping to delicately sample the crimson offering.

In that fleeting instant, as the raven partook of his blood.

The raven's ebony feathers bristled, and a low, pained croak escaped its beak. Its once-inquisitive eyes now held a glint of distress, its stance faltering with a subtle tremor. Azrael's brows furrowed with concern, regret washing over him as he realized the unintended suffering he had inflicted upon the creature.

Alarmed by the raven's reaction, Azrael extended his hand in a gesture of placation, a silent plea for forgiveness. "I did not intend to cause you harm," he murmured softly, his voice laced with empathy and remorse. His mind raced, grappling with the unexpected turn of events.

Time flowed by, and the raven's tense demeanor eased into calm. It croaked softly, succumbing to slumber. Azrael's touch guided its dreams.

"Rest now, for it may be a while before you awaken," Azrael murmured softly to the slumbering raven.

"Training time," Azrael declared, venturing into the wild to hunt numerous creatures. Through this process, he honed his new body, delved into his essence, and uncovered his extraordinary capabilities. He had already realized his strength and speed, but now he confronted the enigma of his blood's mysterious potential.

This routine persisted for weeks until one chilly morning, a distinct croaking sound reached Azrael's ears. Instantly alert, he awoke and turned his gaze to the raven. To his astonishment, the once-black bird now boasted feathers as white as his own hair, accompanied by piercing blue eyes. Its size had also undergone a remarkable transformation, now rivaling that of an eagle, if not larger.

"What has become of you?" Azrael mused, his thoughts directed at the transformed raven. "A complete metamorphosis! You bear no resemblance to your former self whatsoever!"

Azrael walked to the bird, gently betting it on its head, in return it opened slowly its eyes

"There you are, you were in deep slumber, how do you feel?" Azrael inquired. The raven blinked its blue eyes, then stuttered, "W.. where a a am I II?" Azrael recoiled in astonishment. "You can speak?" he exclaimed, disbelief evident in his voice.

"My c c creator?" the raven tilted its head, implying a questioning demeanor. Azrael concealed his excitement and astonishment. "Yes, I am your creator! Your god!"

The bird promptly rose to its feet, its newly transformed body adjusting with an air of grace. With a fluid motion, it lowered its head in a bow that radiated both reverence and submission. "I am yours to command, my god," it croaked, its voice carrying a blend of loyalty and humility, a melody of servitude to its newfound creator. Azrael's heart swelled with a mixture of triumph and intrigue, a realization dawning upon him that this transformed raven held untapped potential and a connection that transcended the ordinary.

"Good, good! Now, I shall put your abilities to the test. I hunger, hunt something for me!"

"Yes, my master," the raven nodded obediently and in an instant, it spread its wings, soaring out of the cave and disappearing into the distance.

Azrael was left astounded, muttering to himself, "To think I could achieve such feats with this new form... Truly remarkable."

Not soon after the raven returned, in its peak a human child "I I thought that would suit your taste master!", Azrael was again buffled, "I thought he would bring a rabbit or a small fox, but to outright bring me a human, of course a child but still a human" Azreal thought.

Amused by the unexpected turn of events, Azrael burst into laughter. "Hahahaha! Hahahaha!"The raven tilted its head inquisitively, seemingly intrigued by Azrael's laughter.

"You have done well, my creation! I am very pleased with your offering, but what I am even more pleased with is you, my creation!" Azrael's heart swelled with a sense of purpose fulfilled, a bond forged in the crucible of curiosity and discovery. "You have proven your worth, my loyal companion. From this moment forth, you shall bear the name Vortex, a symbol of our intertwined destinies."