
Blood x Sword

After his household goes down in a sea of flames, young Johan barely makes it out alive. Without nothing to lose, he takes up the sword and, after awakening his inner technique, sets off to gain power, skill and bounty if possible, but most importantly, have fun.

CaseStorn · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs


*9:00 A.M*

Caring father and breadwinner of the family, Jason Brown was watching a game of Football in the T.V when his equally loving wife, Miranda Brown, served food on plates. It was 9 in the morning, hour the Brown household all have their breakfast, and what a breakfast it was; French toast with corn syrup and strawberries and banana slices on top, an A+ in both presentation and taste.

"Johan! breakfast's ready!" Shouted Jason, calling his son to the table. It was the usual to have Jason call for Johan every day, being that their house has 2 floors, and large ones, at that. They lived in a pretty nice house in a pretty nice neighbourhood that stood out because it was the only house in the whole neighborhood that was completely made out of wood, which was pretty strange, but nobody batted an eye given that the house itself was quite old, also the fact that the Browns were quite reserved and never spoke more to their neighbours than needed.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap

Johan went down the stairs at a pretty fast pace, given that he could smell the meal even from upstairs and he knew he was in for a treat, so excitement was natural. 

"Teacher Anderson told me you did great on your last math exam, so... i was thinking, that gaming console that's all the rage right now? the X... Play... can't remember right now, but we'll go to the supermarket and get it for you, what say you?"

"Ah!, for real? Thank you, dad, i knew all that studying was gonna pay off sooner or later, i knew i wasn't wasting my time, haha!"

"I knew my Johan could do it, both your father and i knew. You've always been fairly gifted in school, after all."

"I guess you could say i am... hey, something smells... funny"

A sudden explosion blasted through the roof and down to the first floor, raining all the wood, and furniture on Jason, who didn't even know what hit him before he was buried, killing him instantly due to the weight and speed of all that came from upstairs, next thing, another detonation occurs in the entrance door, but... Johan saw it, at the same time the blast happened, a bullet pierced Miranda right in between the eyebrows; they wanted to cover what happened in the moment with the detonation and smoke, but Johan, observant as he was, saw it.

Running for his life, and the main entrance blocked, Johan did the most optimal action he could think of, and he ran upstairs for the window in his room, opened it quickly and jumped, he softened his fall like he saw athletes do in parkour, and ran for his life, ran like it was the last time he would ever do it in his life, after all, everything that he held dear in his home was already gone and all in such a short time, he could not process it yet, but his survival instincts were strong, so he ran.

First novel and chapter i've ever written in my life, hope it came out decent

CaseStorncreators' thoughts