
A Lightning To Remember

It was nine o'clock in the evening and Elric finally was on his way to his bed with a tired face and a crooked back after a long busy day at the office.

Keeiekk~ The sound of his Katri, a simple bed made from a bamboo tree, creaked with his obvious weight added. He was feeling full after having a hearty dinner cooked by his grandma. He yawned while rubbing his eyes and slowly relaxed his body while he laid on his back, not forgetting to pat the small but soft while pillow. "What a busy week it..." Elric said while stretching his arms and legs. "All the work! Do this, do that, print this, print that! No overtime pay, no time to play Dota. this life sucks." Elric mumbled to himself regarding his work as a graphic artist. He had been working for two years in a small printing shop since it was conveniently close to his home. "Now your talking!" Suddenly, the nagging sound of his grandma came out from the kitchen side after overhearing Elric's mumbling complaints. Washing the dishes, his grandma started to roll, "You were too adamant that you wanted to become an artist. Look at you now! You are indeed an artist, to be specific, an underpaid graphic artist! Hah! Pathetic!" Elric rolled his eyes as he tucked himself tighter with the pillow, facing the small window; his grandma still on the zone: "Why can't you be just like our neighbor's children? They are now successful seamen, others are fine engineers! Some of your friends are now nurses abroad! Teachers! For God's sake Elric, with all the hundreds of careers, why even bother being a graphic artist?" Elric rolled his eyes again as he heard his grandma starting to recall all his bad decisions in his life and reminding him how naive he was in his dreams. His dark brown hair perfectly complimented his light brown eyes. He has a pale brown complexion and a little overweight from lack of proper exercise and diet. "You should have just gone to become a teacher or a seaman! They are both stable jobs and really pays well. Finding a partner in the future should not be a problem too! But what do you want again? An Artist! What will you feed yourself? Paintbrush? Can't you just-" Elric knew that once she hears him complaining about his job, his grandmother would initiate her ultimate nagging rampage rolling for the next thousand years and he had prepared himself to open the other end of his ears for the incoming insult flood. Unexpectedly, Elric is not mad. After all, his grandma is the only family he has left after losing his mother and father in an unfortunate accident during a storm since he was a kid. Considering that they live in the Philippines where more tropical cyclones enter than anywhere else in the world. Especially during the typhoon season in July through October. They lived a humble life, quite some distance from the crowded areas of the town. "Yeah..yeah yeah..." Elric senselessly replied. The sound of the clanging plates and other kitchen utensils can be heard accompanying his grandma's endless speech. Elric decided to distract himself from the noisy nagger by browsing his mobile phone, swiping entertaining posts on Facebook and sometimes, watching dota videos and travel vlogs. "Elric." His grandma now standing at the open door, she crossed her arms and a serious look on her face appeared as she leaned on the door side. "Don't think that I am saying this because I wanted your help with the expenses. I am already old and I can take care of myself. You have been working in that printing shop for years but still failed to have enough savings. What are you gonna feed yourself in the future when I am gone? That stupid designs and Dota?" Being a classic Filipina grandma, the only thing in her mind is the security of Elric's future despite their poor living. In the morning, she sells vegetables and fruits in the market and brings home just enough for the two of them. The rest of the expenses like electric bills and such are being taken care of by Elric. She sighed deeply while looking at Elric who seems to be still busy swiping his phone. Grandma knew Elric is listening and continued. "Elric, you are still twenty-seven young. It is not too late to consider a career change and just live an abundant life! Find a good woman in the future and be happy!" Elric did not reply. He remained silent and unmoving for a long time. Thinking deeper about his grandma's words. Elric and his grandma lived in a small nipa hut but with thin metal roofing. They have a small farm just behind their small house and a small vegetable garden right outside their door. The closest neighbor they have is about a hundred meters away making their home feeling very isolated, especially during the night time. There is a few kilometers wide forest nearby and Elric seldom goes there because of his grandma's constant warning regarding the stories of hidden evil creatures such as Manananggal, Kapre, White Lady, evil spirits, Sigbin and so on. "You better get a night of good sleep now and-" "Yeah yeah, Lola I get you. I am gonna sleep now." "I am not done talking yet!" "But you told me to sleep!" "Sleep when I am done talking!" "Zzzzzzzzz" Whapak!~ A sound of a crispy hand smacked at Elric's bottom that echoed across the house. "Ouch! Lola I was sleeping!" "I know you since you were a child El, do you think you can fool me? Don't you dare sleep when you have just finished eating! Do you want to die early from Orom?" "It's not like I would really sleep right away. Can't you see I am watching some videos?" Elric complained, showing his smartphone currently playing some dota videos. Grandma rolled her eyes in whatever and added, "By the way, did you finished brushing your teeth? "Lola I am already 27 years old, you taught me to brush my teeth since I was a fetus, so of course, I already did!" "No wonder you have plenty of rotten tooth!" "I love you, Lola." With these words, Elric's grandma finally stopped talking. Slowly her irritated look dissapeared and was replaced with a warm smile while looking at Elric's back. "You dummy." She said with a smile on her face. Elric knew pretty much how to calm her down with sudden compliments. A good counter-attack from her endless talk. Grandma took all the responsibility of taking care of Elric ever since he was a child. It all started when he lost his mother when he was only five months old and his father followed ten years after on another tragic accident in the sea. Grandma promised herself to take care of Elric herself with all the love she can give. From elementary, high school and finally graduating in college three years ago, she has always been there him. "Goodnight Elric." Said grandma as she finally left towards her room to sleep. It was about 11:20 at midnight when Elric noticed the eerie quietness, Elric took a glimpse of the quite sala from his open door and scanned his surroundings. "It's already October but why does it feel like summer?" Elric complained from the sudden increase in temperature. Elric raised his one arm and reached for the fan's switch. Taktaktaktak~ The sound of his fan's speed switcher can be heard from his room as he turned it on and switched it up to its maximum speed. It's old design and rusty specs making the clacking noise. The atmosphere was extraordinarily hot. No sound from crickets nor any dogs barking from the distance. It was a night too still and Elric wasn't able to sleep at all. mysteriously he felt cold inside while hot outside. And an unsettling feeling kept him from falling asleep. "This is probably insomnia" he muttered as he looked at the dark ceiling. He decided to let the fresh air in, but as he stood up and about to open the windows... FLASH! KrakaaaBoooM!~ A bright flash of lightning illuminated the whole scene before Elric for a moment. His brown eyes quickly dilated from the sudden light while a loud rumbling sound of thunder came after. It was so strong to the point that grandma almost had a heart attack from the shock. She quickly stood up from her bed with an anxious look on her face. Elric on the other side remained rooted on the spot when the lightning came. Amidst that momentary light, something else caught Elric's eyes that were gazing at the midnight sky at that time. With his detail sensitive eyes, Elric could not believe what he saw. Even if it was a glimpse, he really knew what he saw. From that bright flash of light, a huge flying Dragon could be seen crossing the sky. As if hit by the lightning, its body suddenly stiffened and fell from the sky. It was a type that seemed to replicate that of an Eastern Dragon. It has a long and flexible looking body with small sidearms and a sharp tail at the end. Its whole body was covered in a mixture of red and green scales. Its length could easily reach about twenty meters with the signature deer-like horns planted on its head. The other details were too blurred for Elric as it was a sudden sight. "A Dragon!" Elric was immediately convinced. He rubbed his eyes multiple times and still saw the now-glowing body of the Dragon dropping from the sky towards the pitch dark forest. That extra-ordinary lightning has actually hit a Dragon that was seemingly flying silently in the midnight sky! It was struck down and immediately dived in a seemingly unconscious state heading towards the dense forest not far from Elric's house. Elric has seen too many movies that showed what a dragon should look like and he was pretty much convinced with the look of that creature in the light. Was it dead? Elric raked his mind and immediately made a decision. Without any second thought, Elric changed to his usual white t-shirt and jumped right from the window which is just a few feet tall from the ground, this way he could save a little more time than going through the door. Quickly he ran, not forgetting to avoid stepping on the vegetables outside and headed towards the direction of the forest where the falling dragon was heading. Heavy rain suddenly poured out of nowhere and the sound of barking dogs can be heard from the distance. The wind seems to be gearing up for an unexpected storm and the atmosphere became very heavy. The darkness of the night adding to the cold and scary feeling Elric experienced as he kept on moving. While running, Elric's skin hair stood up like tiny needles as if he was surrounded by unseen ghosts. "Elric! Where are you going! Come back! It's raining and you might get hit by the lightning!" Grandma's voice suddenly tugged him to slow down until he came to a full stop. Elric turned to face her while waving his hand with an excited expression. "Lola! You will never believe what I saw!" "What!?" "I saw a dragon!" "What did you say!?" "I said, I saw, a DRAGON!" Elric added, this time in an even louder voice. Intense excitement and anticipation can be seen in his eyes. His feet did not stop jogging in eagerness as well. "See!? This is why you should stop playing Dota! Come back here right now or I will whip your geeky ass!" "Grandma I will be back! I promise!" Elric insisted. Convicted in his heart that what he saw was a real dragon. His blood boiled in excitement and the fear of the midnight atmosphere could not stop him from this unexpected discovery! Just what lies ahead before him is full of anticipation! "Elric! Come back here! You crazy boy! Hooooy!" His Grandma shouted in demand but Elric chooses to disregard her for now. Turning around, Elric rushed towards the creepy dark forest with his heart beating wildly and eyes wide open to adjust to the dim night light. "This darkness is nothing compared to the bright future of my discovery! Am I gonna be the first person to present real Dragon evidence? Or will I tame it? Will I get a power that will allow me to fly high to the sky? Will I become a Dragon King and rule the world? Who knows! Hahaha! This is very exciting!" Elric thought wildly as a wide grin crept in his mouth. His imagination started running with conclusions and he could not help but think of those movies where the main character tames a dragon or any mythical beasts and goes on an epic adventure. How exciting is that!? "I will be right back Lola! This will be quick." Elric shouted back while he continued running. His back slowly fading in the cover of the forest's shadow. "Come back! I said! It is raining and you might get sick! Elric! Come back! Now! You are so dead young man!~" The sound of his angry grandmother slowly faded as they are slowly replaced by the hurried steps and the passing wind. Quickly, Elric's view went farther away from his grandma who was adamantly calling him. Little did he knew, his life is about to change. It was lightning he will forever remember.





Certainly, I can help rephrase and correct the grammar in your text to make it clearer. Here's the revised version:

"It was nine o'clock in the evening, and Elric was finally on his way to bed, his face tired and his back crooked after a long, busy day at the office.


The sound of his Katri, a simple bed made from bamboo, creaked under his weight as he settled onto it. He felt full after a hearty dinner prepared by his grandmother.

Yawning, he rubbed his eyes and slowly relaxed his body as he lay on his back, making sure to pat the small but soft pillow.

"What a busy week," Elric mumbled, stretching his arms and legs. "All the work! Do this, do that, print this, print that! No overtime pay, no time to play Dota. This life sucks."

Elric muttered to himself about his job as a graphic artist. He had been working for two years in a small printing shop conveniently close to his home.

"Now you're talking!"

Suddenly, his grandmother's nagging voice emerged from the kitchen after overhearing Elric's complaints while washing the dishes.

"You were so insistent on becoming an artist. Look at you now! You're indeed an artist, specifically, an underpaid graphic artist! Pathetic!"

Rolling his eyes, Elric hugged the pillow tighter, facing the small window while his grandmother continued.

"Why can't you be more like our neighbors' children? They're successful seamen, engineers, nurses abroad, teachers! With hundreds of careers to choose from, why bother being a graphic artist?"

Elric rolled his eyes again as his grandmother began recounting all his life's bad decisions and reminding him how naive he was about his dreams.

His dark brown hair complemented his light brown eyes. He had a pale complexion and was a bit overweight due to a lack of proper exercise and diet.

"You should have become a teacher or a seaman! Those are stable jobs that pay well. Finding a partner in the future wouldn't be a problem either. But what do you want? To be an artist? What will you feed yourself with, a paintbrush? Can't you just—"

Elric knew that once she started complaining about his job, his grandmother would embark on a never-ending nagging rampage, and he was prepared to endure it.

Unexpectedly, Elric wasn't angry. After all, his grandmother was the only family he had left since losing his parents in a tragic accident during a storm when he was a child, living in the Philippines, a region often plagued by tropical cyclones.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Elric senselessly replied. The clanging of plates and kitchen utensils accompanied his grandmother's endless speech.

To distract himself from the incessant nagging, Elric turned to his mobile phone, swiping through entertaining Facebook posts and occasionally watching Dota videos and travel vlogs.

"Elric," his grandmother called from the open door, her arms crossed, a serious expression on her face as she leaned against the door frame.

"Don't think I'm saying this because I need your help with expenses. I'm old, and I can take care of myself. You've been working at that printing shop for years, yet you haven't saved enough. What will you feed yourself when I'm gone? Your designs and Dota?"

Being a typical Filipina grandmother, her primary concern was Elric's future security, despite their modest living. She sold vegetables and fruits in the market in the morning, just enough to sustain the two of them. Elric covered other expenses, such as electricity bills.

She sighed deeply while looking at Elric, who was still engrossed in his phone. Grandma knew he was listening and continued.

"Elric, you're only twenty-seven. It's not too late to consider a career change and live a comfortable life! Find a good woman in the future and be happy!"

Elric didn't reply; he remained silent for a while, pondering his grandmother's words.

Elric and his grandmother lived in a small nipa hut with a thin metal roof. They had a small farm behind their house and a small vegetable garden outside their door. Their closest neighbor lived about a hundred meters away, making their home feel isolated, especially at night.

There was a forest a few kilometers away, but Elric seldom ventured there due to his grandmother's constant warnings about hidden evil creatures like Manananggal, Kapre, White Lady, evil spirits, Sigbin, and more.

"You'd better get a good night's sleep now and—"

"Yeah, yeah, Lola, I hear you. I'm going to sleep now."

"I'm not finished talking yet!"

"But you told me to sleep!"

"Sleep after I'm done talking!"



A crisp hand smacked Elric's bottom, echoing through the house.

"Ouch! Lola, I was sleeping!"

"I've known you since you were a child, El. Do you think you can fool me? Don't you dare sleep right after eating! Do you want to get sick?"

"It's not like I was going to sleep immediately. Can't you see I'm watching videos?" Elric complained, showing his smartphone, currently playing Dota videos.

Grandma rolled her eyes and added, "By the way, did you finish brushing your teeth?"

"Lola, I'm twenty-seven years old. You taught me to brush my teeth when I was a fetus, so of course, I already did!"

"No wonder you have so many rotten teeth!"

"I love you, Lola."

With these words, Elric's grandma finally stopped talking. Her irritated expression faded, replaced by a warm smile as she looked at Elric's back.

"You dummy," she said with a smile. Elric knew that offering sudden compliments was a good way to calm her down in the face of her incessant talking.

Grandma had taken on the responsibility of caring for Elric since he was a child, starting when he lost his mother at five months old and his father ten years later in another tragic sea accident.

She had promised to care for him with all the love she could give. From elementary school through high school and finally graduating from college three years ago, she had always been there for him.

"Goodnight, Elric," Grandma said as she left for her room to sleep.

It was about 11:20 at midnight when Elric noticed the eerie silence. He glanced from his open door into the quiet living room, scanning his surroundings.

"It's already October, but why does it feel like summer?" Elric complained about the sudden increase in temperature. He raised his arm to reach the fan's switch.


The sound of the fan's speed switcher echoed from his room as he turned it on to its maximum speed. Its old design and rusty specs made clacking noises.

The atmosphere was unusually hot, with no sounds from crickets or barking dogs in the distance.

It was an unusually still night, and Elric couldn't sleep. He felt strangely cold inside despite the heat outside, an unsettling feeling keeping him awake.

"This is probably insomnia," he muttered, looking at the dark ceiling. He decided to let in some fresh air but stopped as he stood up to open the windows.



A bright flash of lightning illuminated the scene briefly, and Elric's brown eyes widened. A loud rumbling thunder followed.

The lightning was so strong that it almost gave his grandmother a heart attack. She quickly got up from her bed, looking anxious.

Elric, however, remained rooted to the spot. During that momentary light, something had caught his eye as he gazed at the midnight sky.

With his keen eyes, Elric couldn't believe what he saw, even if it was just a glimpse.

From the bright flash of light, a huge flying dragon appeared to be crossing the sky.

As if struck by the lightning, its body suddenly stiffened and fell from the sky. It resembled an Eastern Dragon, with a long, flexible body, small sidearms, and a sharp tail at the end. Its body was covered in a mixture of red and green scales, easily reaching a length of about twenty meters, adorned with deer-like horns on its head.

"A dragon!" Elric was convinced. He rubbed his eyes multiple times but still saw the glowing body of the dragon plummeting from the sky toward the dense forest.

The extraordinary lightning had struck down a dragon that had been silently flying in the midnight sky.

Elric had seen many movies depicting dragons, and he was convinced that what he saw was real. Was it dead?

Elric pondered for a moment and then made a decision.

Without a second thought, he changed into his usual white t-shirt and jumped out of the window, which was only a few feet from the ground. This way, he could save a little more time than going through the door.

He ran quickly, avoiding stepping on the vegetables outside, heading in the direction where the dragon had fallen.

Suddenly, heavy rain poured down, and the sound of barking dogs echoed in the distance. The wind seemed to signal an impending storm, making the atmosphere even heavier. The darkness of the night added to the eerie and unsettling feeling that Elric experienced as he continued moving forward.

While running, Elric's skin prickled as if he were surrounded by unseen spirits.

"Elric! Where are you going? Come back! It's raining, and you might get struck by lightning!" his grandmother's voice called, pulling him to a stop. Elric turned to face her, waving his hand with an excited expression.

"Lola! You won't believe what I saw!"


"I saw a dragon!"

"What did you say!?"

"I said, I saw a dragon!" Elric repeated, even louder this time, excitement and anticipation shining in his eyes, his feet eager to continue running.

"See?! This is why you should stop playing Dota! Come back here now, or I'll spank your geeky butt!"

"Grandma, I'll be back! I promise!" Elric insisted, convinced in his heart that what he saw was a real dragon. His excitement overrode the fear of the eerie midnight atmosphere. What lay ahead was full of anticipation.

"Elric, come back here! You're crazy, boy! Hooooy!" his grandmother shouted, but Elric chose to ignore her for now.

Turning around, he rushed toward the dark forest with his heart pounding wildly and eyes wide open, adjusting to the dim light of the night.

"This darkness is nothing compared to the bright future of my discovery! Will I be the first person to provide real evidence of dragons? Can I tame it? Will I gain the power to fly high in the sky? Will I become a Dragon King and rule the world? Who knows! Hahaha! This is so exciting!" Elric thought wildly, a wide grin on his face.

His imagination ran wild with possibilities, and he couldn't help but think of movies where the main character tames a dragon or mythical creatures and embarks on epic adventures.

How thrilling!

"I'll be right back, Lola! It'll be quick," Elric shouted as he continued running, his figure fading into the shadows of the forest.

"Come back! I said! It's raining, and you might get sick! Elric, come back now! You're in big trouble, young man!" his grandmother's voice gradually faded, replaced by the sound of hurried footsteps and the rustling wind.

Little did Elric know that his life was about to change.

That lightning would be etched in his memory forever.

Hi guys! It's me the author and I hope you enjoyed my first chapter. Please pardon my grammar and spelling as English is not my strength at all. Although I will work on improving them from time to time. Doing rewriting as long as I can to fix something that I missed.

The next few chapters are shorter ones since I did not have enough time to write more during the early days of this novel. But anyway, you have plenty to read so don't mind the short chapters. xD

I am planning to post 1 to 2 chapters a day depending on my free time. If you are a fan of action, adventure, fantasy, and ready to be introduced to Philippine myths, then you are in for a ride!

There are also times that you might just spill a tear or two. So brace thy balls.

The whole story is actually ready from beginning to the end and I hope you guys are still with me until I finish this novel. It is quite a long one.

Probably, this is the first book of the three.

I won't promise you a good story. Rather, I can promise you a great one ;')

Note: Orom is a Visayan term for that suffocating nightmare. It is believed to trigger when you sleep when you are too full. Lola is a Filipino word for Grandma

Please don't forget to support me with your votes, comment, sharing this novel to people whom you think will love it, and lastly, prayers are accepted too!

Cheers and have a great day!

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