
Blood Traitors

Her gaze lingered on his freckled face from across the great hall, her eyes tracing across every feature of his face, from the upturned corners of his devious grin to the small silvery scar that ran through his eyebrow. Sighing and aimlessly stirring her porridge, the metal clinking on the ceramic bowl as she allowed her mind to get engulfed by the prior night when those callused hands had been exploring every inch of her body...

Random_Potato_1016 · อื่นๆ
28 Chs


The sun had set completely and Bella and George were still in Professor McGonagall's office, marking what seemed to be, the entire first-grade essays, it was hell.

They had a system, George would attempt to mark a test then he'd pass it to Bella and she'd correct all of his mistakes.

"Wow, this one's your best Weasley, only fifteen mistakes," Bella jeered, a mocking grin on her face.

"Could you stop being a bitch for once, god, I have never hated you more," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry Georgie, did I hurt your feelings," she pouted, running her tongue over her teeth absentmindedly, a simple gesture that pushed George over the edge along with her sarcastic smirk.

Standing up so quickly he almost knocked over his chair he strode over to the girl who looked simply ethereal in the moonlight and grabbed her face.

"I swear to god Malfoy if you don't shut up I'm gonna-" "You're gonna what Weasley," she asked innocently, looking up at him through her lashes.

"I'm leaving," he scoffed, his heart beating too fast for his liking as their faces were mere inches from each other.

"No, you're not," she said, removing his hand from her face, "I'm not doing this by myself."

Her breath suddenly hitched as he took a step closer, "Y'know the other day when you asked if we hooked up?" George smirked, his hips pressed against her as his hand gripped the windowsill behind her.

Bella nodded, an uncomfortable feeling overcoming her, a weird stirring in the pit of her stomach.

"I saw how flustered you got sweetheart, so if you ever want to rethink my offer," he grinned, lowering his lips down to her and whispering, "Let me know."

That earned him a broken nose.