
Blood Traitors

Her gaze lingered on his freckled face from across the great hall, her eyes tracing across every feature of his face, from the upturned corners of his devious grin to the small silvery scar that ran through his eyebrow. Sighing and aimlessly stirring her porridge, the metal clinking on the ceramic bowl as she allowed her mind to get engulfed by the prior night when those callused hands had been exploring every inch of her body...

Random_Potato_1016 · อื่นๆ
28 Chs

~Fights and More Fights~

Buttoning up her blouse, Bella paced around her dorm, going over everything she would need for the school day.

She clipped her hair out of her face and pulled a sweater over her head, sighing deeply before stepping in front of the mirror.

Today she was going to be completely calm and it was going to be breezy.

No more fights, she was going to be completely zen, no one would be catching these hands today.

Plastering a sugary sweet smile on her face she leaned forward, dragging lipgloss over her lips before smacking them together.


Bella let out a high-pitched scream that banshees would envy.

The moment she stepped out of Ravenclaw Tower, green slime cascaded down on her, coating her in a sticky cocoon.

Two very satisfied-looking redheads stood in the corner cackling uncontrollably.

Whipping out her wand Bella strode towards them and seized George by the collar, holding her wand up to his neck.

"I am going to kill you, Weasley," she said through gritted teeth, "Literally kill you."

George, seeming unfazed by her threat chuckled, "I'm sorry love but it's hard to take you seriously when you're covered in Bubotuber pus," he grinned.

"BUBOTUBER PUS!" she shrieked, feeling the sudden need to vomit, "OH NOW I'M REALLY GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!"

"That is my queue to go," Fred said, patting George who was currently suspended in the air on the back, "See you 'round Malfoy."

Hanging a foot from the floor George was doing some kind of dance or rather thrashing from side to side under Bella's command.

"Have a nice day George, I'm going to get this shit off of me and I'll deal with you later," she smirked, revenge was sweet.

And there she left George, still spasming in the air, trying to cry out, not knowing she had cast the Silencio charm on him.

Pfft, amateur.