
Blood Traitors

Her gaze lingered on his freckled face from across the great hall, her eyes tracing across every feature of his face, from the upturned corners of his devious grin to the small silvery scar that ran through his eyebrow. Sighing and aimlessly stirring her porridge, the metal clinking on the ceramic bowl as she allowed her mind to get engulfed by the prior night when those callused hands had been exploring every inch of her body...

Random_Potato_1016 · อื่นๆ
28 Chs


Bella felt bile rise in her throat as George entered the classroom, looking as unbothered and cheery as always.

She clawed her nails into her desk and looked pointedly down at her book, trying to look as unfazed as he did but those vile words he uttered were still strangling her mind, not daring to think about anything else.

He acted as if he truly cared about her and then admitted he was only using her for her body, only ceasing fire because of pure attraction and lust, nothing else.

She had knocked down her barriers for once and now she had to painfully rebuild them, every brick she placed back up crushing her slowly.

Before she knew it tears were flowing thick and fast, coating her porcelain skin in a salty stream.

Shoving her things in her bag she hurried out, shielding her face from the judging onlookers.

Ignoring Professor Flitwick's shouts of concern she turned into an empty corridor, her body shaking dangerously.

She had never felt so used in her life.

She had never felt so disgusting.

He did this to her and yet she couldn't hate him because that was their agreement, no matter what she wanted deep down.

She had run out of a lesson for the third time this week.

George knew it was because of him, he had crushed her tough exterior and stabbed her in the back.

Who was he kidding, he never used her for her body. He was attracted to her because of her wit, her fiery personality, her unwavering sarcasm and her fierce determination, the fact that she was drop-dead gorgeous was just an added benefit.

He hated seeing her look so frail when in reality she was the strongest person he knew, capable of vanquishing her enemies with one terrifying stare.

She was right, he had begged for her affection and he took advantage of how willingly she had given it and he would do it again in a heartbeat.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" George asked, sticking his hand in the air and awaiting Professor Flitwick's response.

"Yes but quickly," Flitwick squeaked and without hesitation, George strode out of the classroom breaking into a jog down the corridor he saw her turn into.