
Blood of the Elden Souls

In the year 2121, virtual reality gaming has reached its zenith with the advent of VR pods, extraordinary devices capable of transporting players into fully immersive game worlds. These pods not only provide an unparalleled gaming experience but also extend players' time within the virtual realm, thanks to advanced life support systems. Meet Alex Mercer, a professional gamer renowned for his charismatic streaming and fearless exploration of the latest VR games. With his name etched in the gaming world's annals, Alex is a connoisseur of virtual adventures. He thrives on the adrenaline rush, the mysteries, and the challenges that these digital realms offer. One fateful day, as Alex prepares to dive into the latest VR sensation, he receives an exclusive invitation that changes the course of his life. A mysterious message arrives, granting him a coveted spot in the beta testing of "Blood of the Elden Souls," the most anticipated open-world VR game from Softfrom, the legendary game developer. With only a select hundred players worldwide granted access, Alex steps into this enigmatic realm, where reality blurs with the fantastical. "Blood of the Elden Souls" merges the best elements from Softfrom's previous masterpieces. The game is a paradox—a gruesome beauty where players must navigate unimaginable difficulties and unravel a sprawling lore hidden deep within its virtual world. As Alex delves deeper into "Blood of the Elden Souls," he discovers that the game is far more than a mere form of entertainment. It holds secrets that transcend the boundaries of the virtual realm. The choices he makes within the game begin to affect not only his in-game character but his real-life existence as well. Bound by a sense of duty, curiosity, and the desire to conquer the ultimate gaming challenge, Alex embarks on an ethereal odyssey. He forges alliances with fellow beta testers, confronts the game's grotesque yet alluring landscapes, and unearths fragments of a mysterious prophecy that hints at world-altering consequences.

northernlight · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 5: A Wise Retreat

With each swing of the scythe, the battle raged on between Alex Mercer, the Faithless, and the colossal dragon, Brunhulder. The moonlight cast eerie shadows as their dance of combat unfolded on the narrow platform beneath the spire. However, despite Alex's newfound determination and his trust in his scythe, the dragon's might prove insurmountable. 

With a ferocious swipe of its tail, Brunhulder sent Alex hurtling through the air. The scythe slipped from his grasp as he tumbled through the virtual abyss once more. The world dissolved around him, and the ominous words returned: 


Alex reappeared on the stone platform where he had first spawned, his body still tingling from the intense combat. It was clear now that the dragon wasn't meant to be his first formidable adversary. He needed more experience, better gear, and a deeper understanding of the Elden Realm before he could take on such a formidable foe. 

With a sigh of frustration and a tinge of humility, Alex decided to retreat. He had the scythe now, a weapon of potential, but he needed a different approach. 

Cautiously, he sneaked past the dragon once more, his heart pounding with every step. The creature's attention remained fixed on the distant horizon, unaware of the intruder who had dared to challenge it. 

As he distanced himself from the dragon, Alex couldn't help but marvel at the world around him. The virtual realm was breathtaking in its dark beauty—the gothic architecture, the eerie moonlight, and the hauntingly familiar yet otherworldly atmosphere. It was a place where fantasy and reality coexisted, a realm unlike anything he had ever experienced. 

But as he walked, he began to realize the sheer scale of this world. The city seemed to stretch on endlessly, and every corner held the promise of danger and discovery. The path ahead was daunting, and Alex knew that his journey would be long and treacherous. 

After what felt like hours of wandering, he stumbled upon a small clearing—a camping site that seemed to have been abandoned. Tattered tents, rusted pots, and scattered remnants of a forgotten campfire hinted at past travelers who had ventured into this virtual wilderness. 

As he approached the camping site, a message appeared before him: 

Camping Site Found 

It was a revelation. Alex realized that he could now use this site as a respawn point. It was a small victory, but it meant that he wouldn't have to retrace his steps from the chapel every time he met an untimely end. 

With a sense of relief, he made the camping site his new spawn point. The decision gave him a modicum of security in this unpredictable world, a place where danger lurked around every corner. 

As the moon continued its silent vigil overhead, Alex Mercer, the Faithless, contemplated his next move. He knew that the Elden Realm held countless secrets and challenges, and he was determined to uncover them all. With a new weapon, a growing understanding of the virtual realm, and a camping site to call his own, he was ready to continue his journey into the unknown.