
Blood of the Elden Souls

In the year 2121, virtual reality gaming has reached its zenith with the advent of VR pods, extraordinary devices capable of transporting players into fully immersive game worlds. These pods not only provide an unparalleled gaming experience but also extend players' time within the virtual realm, thanks to advanced life support systems. Meet Alex Mercer, a professional gamer renowned for his charismatic streaming and fearless exploration of the latest VR games. With his name etched in the gaming world's annals, Alex is a connoisseur of virtual adventures. He thrives on the adrenaline rush, the mysteries, and the challenges that these digital realms offer. One fateful day, as Alex prepares to dive into the latest VR sensation, he receives an exclusive invitation that changes the course of his life. A mysterious message arrives, granting him a coveted spot in the beta testing of "Blood of the Elden Souls," the most anticipated open-world VR game from Softfrom, the legendary game developer. With only a select hundred players worldwide granted access, Alex steps into this enigmatic realm, where reality blurs with the fantastical. "Blood of the Elden Souls" merges the best elements from Softfrom's previous masterpieces. The game is a paradox—a gruesome beauty where players must navigate unimaginable difficulties and unravel a sprawling lore hidden deep within its virtual world. As Alex delves deeper into "Blood of the Elden Souls," he discovers that the game is far more than a mere form of entertainment. It holds secrets that transcend the boundaries of the virtual realm. The choices he makes within the game begin to affect not only his in-game character but his real-life existence as well. Bound by a sense of duty, curiosity, and the desire to conquer the ultimate gaming challenge, Alex embarks on an ethereal odyssey. He forges alliances with fellow beta testers, confronts the game's grotesque yet alluring landscapes, and unearths fragments of a mysterious prophecy that hints at world-altering consequences.

northernlight · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 3: Trial by Dragon

MercilessAlex emerged from the grand chapel, his footsteps echoing in the solemn silence. His Faithless avatar, clad in simple yet rugged armor, felt strangely familiar as if he had truly become a part of this virtual realm. His fists clenched with anticipation, for he had no weapons—only his raw determination to survive. 

The moonlight bathed the cobblestone courtyard in an eerie, pale glow. Alex's surroundings were hauntingly beautiful, with the chapel's towering spires casting long shadows that stretched like fingers toward the horizon. 

He approached the edge of the courtyard and gazed out over the cityscape. Buildings of dark, gothic architecture loomed, and eerie figures shuffled through the mist-shrouded streets. It was a sight to behold, an atmosphere that drew him deeper into the virtual world. 

And then, as if conjured by the dark magic of this realm, it appeared—a colossal dragon perched atop a towering spire. Its grotesque features defied imagination, with scales that shimmered like black obsidian, crimson eyes that gleamed with malevolence, and twisted horns that framed its fearsome visage. 

Alex's heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the monstrosity before him. This had to be an NPC—a scripted, non-playable character meant to intimidate and challenge players. After all, Softfrom was known for its intricate world-building and imposing creatures. 

With a cautious step forward, Alex addressed the dragon, half-expecting a scripted response. "Hey there, big guy. You're quite the sight, I must say. What's your story?" 

The dragon's response was swift and terrifying. It unleashed a deafening roar that reverberated through the courtyard, causing the ground to tremble beneath Alex's feet. In an instant, the dragon's massive form unfolded, wings stretching wide as it took flight. 

Alex's instincts kicked in, and he attempted to dodge, but his avatar was slow to react. The dragon's maw opened wide, and a torrent of searing black flames engulfed him. 

The world burned around him, and Alex's vision blurred. In the midst of the flames, he saw the words: 


For a moment, confusion washed over him. This was not how he had expected the encounter to play out. The dragon's attack had been swift, merciless, and utterly unexpected.

As the flames consumed his avatar, the sense of defeat weighed heavily on Alex. He hadn't even had a chance to fight back, to employ the skills of his Faithless class. He had underestimated the dangers of the Elden Realm. 

The screen before him faded to black, leaving him in stunned silence. The chilling realization settled in—he was not in a typical game, and the rules were unlike anything he had ever encountered before. 

His journey had ended as quickly as it had begun, and he was left with more questions than answers. What was the purpose of this virtual world, and who—or what—was the dragon called Brunhulder? 

With a sense of determination fueled by his abrupt demise, Alex Mercer resolved to uncover the secrets of "Blood of the Elden Souls." He knew that the path ahead was treacherous, but he was determined to forge ahead, no matter how many times the words "YOU DIED"

appeared before him. The virtual realm had become more than just a game—it had become an enigma that demanded his exploration and mastery.